Those 35mm slides that you've been holding on to can now be digitally formatted with 35mm slide scanning. Most 35mm slides are in boxes stacked on shelves and closet floors. The owners don't want to part with the slides, even though they haven't brought them out to view in years. The slides hold memories and, in the case of businesses, important information. Improved techniques for 35mm slide scanning can help you preserve your photographs and illustrations on PC's and DVD's. You'll be able to view them easily on any PC or television.
One of the best features of 35mm slide scanning is that now you'll be able to print the slide images, email the images to friends or business associates, and include the images on digital videos or digital slide shows. Once your 35mm slides are converted to a digital format, you can download the images to your computer and organize, adjust, and transfer the images for any purpose. 35mm slide scanning allows you to quickly access your photographs, charts, and graphics for viewing or reference.
You can do your own 35mm slide scanning at your home or business. If you need certain slides to be scanned together, sort through the slides first and put them into groups. Some business presentations require slides to be scanned in a prescribed order. Keep in mind that you might have to work with different slide orientations (portrait or landscape), slide mount thickness, and film types when you group slides, and this could slow down your scanning process. While you are sorting through your slides, get rid of slides that you no longer need, are duplicates, or were never a good image to begin with. You don't need to continue to keep slides that are of no value to you.
For good 35mm slide scanning, the slides need to be as clean as possible. Keeping slides clean is a never-ending process because they are dust magnets. It is also easy to scratch 35mm slides, and this can be a problem when you scan them. If your slides have a minimal amount of dust and scratches on them, your scanner may be able to take care of this. Many scanners have an infrared light used during 35mm slide scanning that passes through the film, but not the debris on the slide. The scanner software captures the dust and scratches and compensates for these by filling in the blank areas with colors that match the surrounding image. Fingerprints and oily films should be removed by a professional 35mm slide scanning service.
Do-it-yourself 35mm slide scanning can end up being an expensive and time-consuming project. You can encounter multiple problems, even with higher-end scanning equipment. If you are inexperienced at 35mm slide scanning or have hundreds of slides to scan, consider using a professional photography service. These services are equipped to handle every scanning problem imaginable, and their work is guaranteed. You can expect high quality digital images with high resolution, brighter colors, and no dust or scratch marks.
35mm Slide To Digital
To be successful with 35mm slide scanning, you must be sure to use the right tools and equipment and follow certain techniques that will ensure quality scans. Although 35mm slide scanning is fairly simple, it does require a bit more than just placing a slide on a scanners glass and pushing the scan button. There are certain things that you can do to help ensure the good quality that is possible from 35mm slide scanning.
First of all, for successful 35mm slide scanning, you need a scanner that is different from the typical at home scanner that is popular today. The scanner you need for 35mm slide scanning has to have a built in slide scanning ability, so make sure that when you are shopping for a new scanner, you get one that has this feature. A scanner for paper documents wont usually offer this feature, and with many of the special scanners, you can produce great quality scans from scanning several of your slides all at the same time.
There are many different file formats when you use 35mm slide scanning on computers. These file formats are TIFF, JPEG, and BMP files. The best files for 35mm slide scanning are the TIFFs, because they can easily be saved and edited without loss of quality.
Another setting that you will have to consider when using your computer for 35mm slide scanning is the output type. The output type that is usually the default type is Millions of Colors, which is obviously best for photos with lots of color. The output type Grayscale is for black and white photos. For 35mm slide scanning, it is recommended that you keep the output at Millions of Colors because computer software does a good job taking the color out. Keeping the output at Millions of Colors ensures top picture quality.
In 35mm slide scanning, you will want to maintain a high resolution setting so that youll be able to enlarge a picture if you wanted to, while still keeping the high quality. A good thing to remember is that for every time you double the size of the picture, you have to double your resolution settings, too. The recommended resolution setting for a 4X6 photo is 300 dpi. A photo that is twice that size will have twice the resolution.
When doing 35mm slide scanning, file sizes can get very large very quickly, with all of the saving and editing photos. Make sure you pay attention to the file sizes and the space that is available on the saving device. Make sure to plan ahead when working on 35mm slide scanning, and be sure to back up your work in case your computer crashes and you lose files.
Both Esteban & Phoenix Delray are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Esteban has sinced written about articles on various topics from Photography, Affiliate Programs and Games. BritePix offers you digital slide scanning using the latest imaging technology available in the market.. Esteban's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Esteban to your Favourites.
Phoenix Delray has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Styles, Cars and Hair Styles. For more information on 35mm slide scanning, please visit our website.. Phoenix Delray's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Phoenix Delray to your Favourites.
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