Almost all diet plans (effective ones!) are based on limited amount of carbohydrates, high caloric products and fats. When going on a diet plan, you can relish good food options such as roughages, green leafy vegetables and good stuffs with less calories.
Experts believe that one should follow a diet designed to lose at least 1-2 pounds in a week. Weight loss is easier at this rate. It is also healthy and provides long lasting results. You must plan accordingly and allot proper number of weeks for dieting the 1-2 pounds losing rule each week.
Under such a plan, if you want to lose about 10 pounds, you would require at least five weeks of dieting in order to guarantee healthy weight loss.
Things to eat
You should focus on eating a balanced diet. Here is the exact amount of food groups you should focus on:
Food Groups, Amounts, Serving, Days:
- Lean protein, 35-45%, 1 serving daily
- Complex Carbohydrates, 25-35%, 1 serving daily
- Fat, 15-25%, 1 serving daily
- Vegetables & Fruits, 2-3 servings daily
- Saturated fats, few servingsweekly
- Trans Fatty acids, few servings weekly
Experts feel that you should not reduce your diet all of a sudden. You can start by reducing your daily in take to 250 calories. You can slowly start working towards reducing your daily in take by as much as 450 calories. They will work towards accomplishing your goal.
Another trick is to go for the cabbage soup diet. This diet plan has been used by dieters for a long time now. There are several versions to this diet. However, the simplest one is the one that include eating a cabbage soup when you are hungry. The soup will fill you up and also help you to stay on a low calorie diet for a long time. When on a cabbage soup diet you are not supported to take oily and fatty food stuffs. Cabbage soup diet consists of very low calories. Hence, this diet is supposed to be one of the most effective diets for weight loss.
You can also go for slim fast diet. This diet will help in controlling hunger for more than about four hours. The diet is well balanced and very nutritional. It is also rich in calcium and proteins. Experts feel that this diet plan is planned especially for in a way that the dieter takes it for about six times in a day. You can add good amount of fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese. Slim fast diet also includes fresh vegetables, meals and nuts. The diet also provides you good taste and flavor. It is the best diet for losing weight, especially for teenagers.
All the diet plans mentioned above would help you lose weight. It would be wise to consult a health care practitioner prior to going on a diet for weight loss.
A Diet For Weight Loss
Most dogs will begin to be less active and will self-exercise less as they age. Some breeds are naturally more likely to gain weight and be couch dogs rather than active pets, so it is important to help them eat only the food they need, not all that they want. Some dogs are naturally able to regulate their food whereas other dogs simply eat until they can't hold another bite. Understanding how your dog eats and how much they eat can help you determine how to best help them manage their weight or how to effectively help them lose weight.
To get your dog started on a lifestyle change and diet that is needed to help an already overweight dog start to get in shape consider the following:
? Cut out all snacks, treats and food items other than the actual dog food. This means no high carb or sugary treats, no extra little scraps from the table or even any dog cookies. High quality treats can be reintroduced to the diet on a very limited amount once the weight has been lost.
? Unless there is a reason why your dog must be on wet food switch to a high quality premium dry food only, but not necessarily a weight loss formula. Most dogs will lose weight even on regular kibble provided all the other aspects of the plan are followed. Ask your vet for recommendations for foods that would be beneficial to your particular dog. Switch the food slowly and gradually to avoid digestive problems. Don't worry if the dog refuses to eat the dry, especially if it is a picky eater, it will eat when it gets hungry. If the dog does not eat for two days and you are exercising the dog as outlined contact your vet before proceeding with the food selection.
? Increase exercise - and this involves your participation. Most dogs, especially those that are overweight, simply do not exercise themselves. Putting them outside in the yard for an extra hour doesn't count since they will likely take a leisurely stroll around the yard, find a comfortable spot and rest. You must make them keep moving. Take them on a leash for a walk around the block at least twice a day. Once they can do one block, increase to two and keep increasing the distance and the pace of the exercise. Start slow and gradually increase to avoid stressing both the dog and yourself!
? Increase play times. Try throwing a ball or a stick for the dog, or playing a game of tag or chase. Start slow, even just rolling the ball to get the dog involved. Lots of praise and attention during the game will help keep them motivated and engaged.
? Plan a regular ?play date? for your dog with another dog if he or she is an only dog in your house. Running and playing with another dog is great exercise and gives you a chance to supervise and relax.
? Cut down on the dog food by a quarter to start. If you are normally feeding 1 cup twice a day feed ? of a cup twice a day. Never cut out a meal, simply cut down on each meal. It is recommended to feed two smaller meals rather than just one meal to keep blood sugar better regulated for the dog.
? Check your yard and house for hidden food items. Many dogs have learned to get into the garbage, get into cupboards and raid the treat boxes or even get into candy dishes left on the coffee table. Remove all sources of food from where the dog can access.
Keep on the plan for two weeks, decreasing each mean by one quarter and doubling a reasonable level of exercise. You should notice a slight weight loss in this period. You can either weigh the dog by using a standard bath scale or, for large breeds, simply use a measuring tape around the widest part of the their body. If you have followed the plan and are decreasing food, increasing exercise and cutting out all treats and do not notice even a slight decrease in weight after two weeks see your veterinarian immediately to rule out any medical problems.
Both Bertil Hjert & Kelly Marshall are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Bertil Hjert has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Health and Acid Reflux. For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about Diet and Weight Loss please visit GET WELL and FIT and. Bertil Hjert's top article generates over 246000 views. Bookmark Bertil Hjert to your Favourites.
Kelly Marshall has sinced written about articles on various topics from Pets, Lose Weight and Bodybuilding Supplements. Kelly Marshall is an author at Oh My Dog Supplies, an pet supply store featuring dog steps and. Kelly Marshall's top article generates over 301000 views. Bookmark Kelly Marshall to your Favourites.
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