Recently, my sister asked me to briefly tell her what the da Vinci Code is all about. Why is there so much uproar about the Da Vinci Code. I was ashamed to tell her that I did not know. She went on to ask who exactly is this Da Vinci for which I could not answer as well. You see, I am the supposedly itelligent, smart, knowledgeable sister that she idolized and guess what, her idol did not even know a thing about the Da Vinci Code or Leonardo Da Vinci. So, I started my quest for Leonardo Da Vinci! This quest is so very important because my two little girls will soon ask me the same qusetion and at that time, I will be prepared.
So, we really cannot ignore Loenardo da Vinci for the 3 reasons outlined below:
1. You Wish you were a genius like Leonardo Da Vinci.
You may not be a genius yet but you surely can unlock the "da Vincian" genius inside you.
You can cultivate the following habits that Leonardo Da Vinci exhibited.
(i) An insatiably curious approach to life.
(ii) A commitment to test knowledge through experience.
(iii) A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
(iv) A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things and phenomena.
Before you start trying to unlock the Da Vincian genius inside you, get to know about Leonardo Da Vinci first. A good place to start is at
2. So many books are written about Leonardo da Vinci.
Some books are controversial and others not. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is a worldwide bestseller. This book is a controversial one. The Da Vinci Code movie has generated a lot of debates and sentiments worlwide.
The adaptation of Dan Browns best-selling novel, the story of a Vatican cover-up involving Christ and his supposed offspring, has recorded a $224 million global opening.
The film is offensive towards a holy figure dear to all religions, Deputy Secretary General of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) Liaquat Baloch told Reuters. The MMA is the main Islamist political alliance in Pakistan.
There are many facts vs fiction debates going on all over the world about the Da Vinci Code.
Just search the news and the Da Vinci Code is all over. Look for books in or ebay or anywhere else and you will find the Da Vinci Code as a top seller on any day. Plus, do a search for "da Vinc" and you will find yourself inudated with thousands of choices. So, whichever way you look, you cannot ignore Leonardo da Vinci. Get started at Visit this too:
3. Leonardo Da Vinci is too important to humanity to ignore.
Why? You may ask. Well, isn't it obvious. I can't even tell you where to begin. There is plenty of information out there for you to feed on. I can only recommend that you start at:
Shana Shane has sinced written about articles on various topics from Increase Adsense Revenue, belly fat and Womens Health. Shana is obssessed about Da Vinci. She shares her obssession with you at:http://da---vinci.blogspot.comhttp://leonardo--da--vinci.blogspot.comhttp://da-vinci-code-movie.blogspot.com Shana Shane's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Shana Shane to your Favourites.
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