A call accounting system is a collection of software modules that monitors and records incoming and outbound telephone calls in an enterprise. It determines the source and destination of each call, keeps track of its date, time and duration, and calculates its cost. The system then stores this data and uses it to generate the desired reports. Here are some of its many potential benefits, which can save up to 30% or more on monthly telecom expenses.
* Catch billing errors. The system calculates the cost of the calls, so any discrepancy with billed amounts can be quickly determined and resolved.
* Improve security. Because the system tracks each outgoing and incoming call, any suspicious calls can be tracked down and corrective action taken.
* Increase productivity. When employees know that their calls are monitored they tend to keep their personal calls to a minimum and thus devote more time to business-related activities.
* Improve utilization. Because the system can track the routing of calls, it can help management decide what trunk lines are properly utilized, where extra phones should be added and where they can be removed.
* Emergency notification. Call accounting software can be programmed to page one or more persons whenever a 911 call is made, thus alerting them to an emergency.
* Cost reduction. Overuse of directory assistance can quickly increase the size of a phone bill. So can unauthorized use of toll-free numbers by family and friends of employees. Appropriate action, such as issuing phone books to those who need them and informing employees that toll-free numbers are not free to the company can do a great deal to reduce these costs.
A reliable call accounting system can contribute greatly to an executive's peace of mind and enhance a company's bottom line.
More information about call accounting systems can be found at www.telsoft-solutions.com.
Accounting For Software Costs
If you're looking for a way to use your accounting software to improve your bottom line, one of the first things you should do is make sure that you're using the job cost module that your software offers. The special reports that this module can create provide you with a view of your organization that helps make informed decisions in real time.
Most reports that a typical financial software package generates deal with revenues and costs on a "high level" view. Although these reports are great for summarizing and seeing the big picture, they do not provide the project or job-level detail that companies need to make improvements. Job cost modules allow users to see which projects are the most profitable and which projects are not being profitable. Analyzing each project in depth allows the company to improve their overall financial stability.
So, how does this software work? At the most basic level, accounting software with job cost tracking will track the to-date cost of a job or project by tracking the man-hours spent on the job. These time loggers are somewhat similar to a time clock that would be used for an hourly employee, although the data is not necessarily treated in the same manner as payroll data.
The software will then take the time tracking data and calculate things like cost-per-hour for the project. This data can then be compared to the revenue-generated-per-hour on the project to provide a means to compare and judge the to-date success or failure of the job.
As a result, each job is able to be viewed in terms of its profitability. This makes decisions much easier and allows the company to identify areas that improvements can be made to improve the overall profitability of the organization. This helps reduce the need for time-consuming analysis of each job, which usually is only completed after a project is finished, and allows decision makers to make more informed decisions during the job instead of realizing too late that changes need to be made.
If you are in the market for new software and are looking at accounting software reviews, pay attention to the job cost feature. Many reviews focus on the number of features and the overall "flashiness" of the package, which generally is not helpful information. Instead, look for things like:
* The level of detail the software provides (on a job-cost basis)
* The software's ability to track job costs in real time
* User ability to manipulate and change job cost data after it is collected.
You will find that job cost reporting is not as widely used and talked about as things like payroll tracking, but it can be equally or even more valuable. Do your research to ensure that you get the features that will enable you to maximize your software's ability to help improve operations and your bottom line.
To conclude, job cost tracking is one of the best ways to analyze the profitability of an organization and make adjustments. Finding and properly using accounting software with this functionality is one of the easiest ways to make a significant impact on your company's profits.
Both -- -- & David Kraft are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
-- -- has sinced written about articles on various topics from . Author, Peter Verhoeff, writes articles on the business benefits of call accounting and call detail record technology. More information can be found athttp://www.telsof. -- --'s top article . Bookmark -- -- to your Favourites.
David Kraft has sinced written about articles on various topics from Tax Software, Home Management and Blackberry Review. David Kraft is a freelance author that writes articles for business owners aimed at helping them improve their operations. Learn from accounting software reviews. David Kraft's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark David Kraft to your Favourites.
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