For those who suffer from moderate to severe acne, the daily tribulations of the condition are bad enough. Unfortunately, sometimes it can get worse. Once the condition remedies itself over time, scars may leave a lasting impression behind. And, no matter how hard a person tries, these scars sometimes are completely unavoidable.
But, is there anything an acne sufferer can do to avoid scars or at least deal with them once they've presented themselves?
The answer is sometimes yes. Unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing that can be done to remove scars once they've been created. And, in some cases, scars may present themselves no matter what a person tries to do to avoid them.
With that said, the best way to handle acne scars is to avoid them in the first place. Since the condition of acne has no 100 percent guaranteed cure that will work for all people all of the time, this one can be difficult to manage though. Avoiding acne means finding a remedy that will work. Those that are available include prescription medications, over the counter drugs, a solid face cleansing routine and just, simply time. Anyone one of these might work for some people and not a single one will work for others.
If everything possible has been done to avoid breakouts and scars and they still happen, there are some alternatives available to treat them after the fact. Remember, too, that scars may be red and very noticeable today, but in time they will fade and oftentimes become virtually unnoticeable.
For those scars that don't fade away enough, there are these options:
* Laser treatments. These generally are left up to licensed and trained dermatologists. In this procedure, the top layer of the skin is removed. This will reveal unscarred, smoother skin. It can take a while to heal from and won't be effective on all types of scars.
* Dermabrasion: Another way to remove the top layer of skin, this involves the implementation of a rotating instrument to do the job. This procedure involves a fairly long heal time - it can take up to three weeks for the effects to minimize.
* Surgery. There are some plastic surgical procedures that can minimize or "erase" the scars left behind by acne. The extent of success will depend on the type of scars involved and the severity of the case.
* Chemical peels. Perhaps the most commonly offered treatment; this can be done in a salon and doesn't always require a trained medical professional. However, it's advised that the person handling the peel be trained to do so. This procedure also involves the removal of the top layer of skin, but instead of an instrument being used, chemicals are.
Acne can be a very difficult condition to treat and for those who suffer from its worst effects, the memory can last a lifetime. Thanks to some treatment advancements, however, there are ways to deal with the scars the condition may leave behind.
Acne Scars On Face
The development of acne and the scars left by it even after the condition ceases are both equally awkward. The worst part of acne is that if occurs on the face which is the most visible part of the body. These can be a major cause of embarrassment and depression especially if one values one's appearance and looks. One might just get tired of hiding one's acned or acne-scarred face. Trying out some common acne cure solutions may help check the inflammatory condition and also provide some cosmetic cure from the characteristic acne scars.
For scarring, cystic acne an aggressive conventional treatment using the drug Isotretinoin is recommended. This is, however, not to be used in case of pregnant women. Administration of antibiotics is usually recommended by physicians to cure acne. However, these are to be used in accompaniment with probiotics. The probiotics work towards restoring the useful bacteria which may be destroyed by the antibiotics while getting rid of the harmful bacteria. Topical medicines like Azelic acid or Benzoyl peroxide can be applied to heal up acne externally and eliminate marks.
Alternatively, the natural solutions- safe, non-irritating options promise to at least diminish (if not completely remove) the scars blackheads etc. associated with acne. Formulations containing herbal extracts- creams, lotions, face-packs etc. are available which usually aim at controlling excessive oiliness and making the complexion smooth while getting rid of blemishes and marks (scars). Natural exfoliating masks may be used which will remove the blockages of the pores in the skin and control oiliness and acne. These also help tighten up the skin and remove the acne marks. The household remedies like dabbing of lemon juice or juice of some other suitable fruit like cucumber tomato, avocado, apricot etc. with the help of cotton wool pads or as a mask on the affected area of the face will lighten out acne scars. This however, needs to be done regularly for some weeks. These will have the effects of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing of the skin while removing scars in the process.
The scars may be deep and quite stubborn too. In such case dermatological procedures are to be chosen. Laser resurfacing has come up in recent times which can help provide quick reduction in the number of acne spots. This is no 'acne cure' though. However, its effects last up to 3 months. This is safe and does not require long term antibiotic therapy. Small scars can be treated with dermabrasion involving abrasion of the top layers of the skin. Collagen injections may also be used for this purpose. For removing deep scars punch grafts or chemical peels are the best options.
Both Ron Henson & Jason Uvios are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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