Some clients who come to me to quit smoking with hypnotherapy admit that the reason they have continued to smoke all these years is because they are terrified they will put on weight once they stop smoking. Does quitting smoking cause you to gain weight? Not necessarily. When you quit smoking you are letting go of a habit you do not want. So it can also be an incentive to adopt some new healthy habits in the process. If you make a conscious choice to eat low fat healthy food and to get regular exercise after you stop smoking, you can avoid what most people think is an inevitable side effect.
It is true that in some rare cases smoking can cause a slight increase in metabolism, and if this is the case quitting smoking will cause metabolism to decrease a little to its normal rate. My client 'Brenda' insisted that this was the case with her. She told me that each time she had quit smoking in the past she had put on weight despite eating the same type of foods in the same portion sizes and keeping her regular exercise routine. So terrified was she of not being able to fit into her favourite jeans, that she took up smoking again before she was able to experience any health benefits. But this time around 'Brenda' was smart; she was determined not to succumb to that old temptation to go back to smoking. As she said: 'I'd rather be a few kilos heavier and live to see my grandchildren grow up.'
So are a couple of pounds on the scale a good reason to continue killing yourself? I don't think so. What's the point of being able to fit into skinny jeans if you have to carry a respirator everywhere? The real reason why most people put on weight after they stop smoking is because they have simply replaced one addiction (smoking) with another (overeating). If you are overeating, you may need to address the reasons why you reach for food in times of stress or loneliness. Perhaps previously, cigarettes served to play the role of your 'special friend' during these times. Whatever the case, you can get through it without having to turn to outside vices.
Also, when you consider that food tastes better when you don't smoke, this can cause some people to say yes once too often to tasty treats that they may have forgone in the past. Many smokers light up after a meal to avoid craving desserts. 'Danielle' came to see me for this reason. She had been a smoker for 20 years and during that time she had literally forgotten how to taste some foods. When she quit she found it very difficult to manage her weight. But after a few sessions we addressed the root cause of her overeating, which was related to her stress and negative belief systems. She is now a slim, healthy, active non-smoker.
If you think about it, you are literally killing yourself each time you light up. Do you really want to be responsible for your own premature death? If you consider that after one year of becoming a non-smoker your risk of coronary heart disease decreases to half that of a smoker, it makes sense to quit. Many people are programmed to believe that stopping smoking automatically leads to weight gain. Don't underestimate the power of your own subconscious beliefs!
Your subconscious mind brings into your awareness all of the 'evidence' that proves your beliefs to be true, to the exclusion of all evidence to the contrary. Therefore, if you believe that you will get fat when you quit smoking, you will automatically manifest this as your reality by choosing the wrong foods, eating when you're not hungry and lying on the couch instead of exercising. At the end of the day, whether you smoke or you don't smoke, weight management is about energy in versus energy out.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Quitting smoking does not have to lead to weight gain. In fact, many people use the decision to quit as an incentive to increase their overall life expectancy by making some additional positive lifestyle changes. When you make the choice to become a non-smoker, you are affirming that you respect life and you respect your body. Here's to self respect.
After I Quit Smoking
Smokers or not, Chantix has caught everybody's attention. This anti-smoking drug from Pfizer has taken the world by storm. So what is it about Chantix that has made it so popular? Is it the smoking ban announced lately in several parts of the world or is it that people are keenly interested in giving up smoking?
Well, the truth is people are trying harder than ever to give up smoking and Chantix has shown great results thereby giving people hope to quit smoking.
About Chantix
Chantix is a prescription medication for smoking cessation. It helps people to quit smoking easily and painlessly. It takes out the pleasure of smoking and makes smoking nasty and unpleasant. It also reduces withdrawal symptoms and nicotine cravings. All in all, Chantix leaves no stone unturned in helping smokers to give up their ugly habit.
Who can take Chantix ? Basic eligibility to take Chantix?
Every person who genuinely wants to quit smoking can take Chantix, however, there are some conditions when Chantix is contraindicated and they are as follows:
Below the age of 18 and after 65
Allergy to varenicline and other ingredients of Chantix
Pregnancy or lactation period
Kidney problems
Treatments for asthma, diabetes, blood thinners
If you do not have any of the above conditions, you can take Chantix after consulting a doctor.
Comes in the strength of
Chantix comes in two dosage strengths, 0.5mg, and 1mg tablets. In order to distinguish them easily they are coloured differently and the lower dose comes in white coloured tablets while the higher dosage comes in blue.
Doctors prescribe low dosage at the start of the treatment and gradually increase the dosage after your body adjusts to the medicine.
Ingredients of Chantix
The main ingredient of Chantix is varenicline. Non-medicinal ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose, anhydrous dibasic calcium phosphate, croscarmellose sodium, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. The film-coating contains hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol and triacetin. The 1.0mg tablet also contains FD&C Blue #2/Indigo Carmine Aluminum Lake as a colouring agent.
Side effects of Chantix
Most of us take prescription medications for some or the other health disorder. So, we are somewhat aware of the side effects that these prescription medications cause. Chantix is no exception and some of the side effects of Chantix are as follows:
Nausea (the most common Chantix side effect)
Sleeping disorder and unusual dreams
Gas and stomach problems
Loss of taste
If you experience these or any other side effects of Chantix, inform your doctor immediately.
Availability of Chantix
Chantix is available in all leading medical stores. It is also available online. It has become very easy to obtain Chantix over the net. All you have to do is fill in a medical form on a particular website and give all your medical details. This form is sent to a registered doctor who decides if you should be prescribes Chantix or not. This is a cost-effective and timesaving method to buy Chantix.
It is so easy to get Chantix now that no excuses are left for you to delay smoking cessation. Make the decision to quit smoking now and buy Chantix online.
Why Chantix out of other smoking cessation medicines?
There are many reasons, which make Chantix a better treatment option as compared to other smoking cessation medications. Some of them are as follows:
Chantix does not contain nicotine like nicotine replacement therapies in the market. This makes Chantix better than nicotine gums, lozenges, inhalers, etc.
Unlike Zyban, Chantix does not work without any possible explanation
Zyban was initially prescribed for the treatment of depression but Chantix was always meant to help people quit smoking
Chantix has lesser side effects as compared to Zyban
Chantix outperformed Zyban in clinical trials and also won hands down as compared to cold turkey method of smoking
All this reasons make us believe that Chantix is the best we can have now for smoking cessation. So let us try our level best to quit smoking with Chantix.
Both Sonia Devine & Champ Neol. are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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