The primary advantage to a freelance work at home Internet business, as opposed to affiliation with any other person or firm is that you are your own boss. The additional advantage is that you can generally keep your costs way done. Speed is another important ingredient in freelance work. You can start your business quickly, and start making money quickly.
The first thing to do in order to start your freelance Internet business is to decide on what business you will offer. You need to know your skills, your experience, your strengths and your interests. If you consider skills, experience and strength but ignore what interests you, you have lost the point of working for yourself. You will leave drudgery behind only to head into more drudgery. You need to ask yourself what are you passionate about? What makes you happy?
These are the things that should be part of your work from home Internet business. Of course, it has to make marketing sense too. If you love scuba diving but your market area is the desert you might want to consider another business, market exclusively on the Internet to expand your market, or move. Fortunately you can operate many internet businesses and not worry where you live because the whole world is your domain.
The personal questions you need to ask yourself before you decide on the right work from home Internet business, or even if you're a good candidate for a work at home Internet business, are the following:
* Am I self-motivated?
* Am I self-disciplined?
* Am I organized or can I learn organization skills?
* Can I maintain focus for an extended period of time even in the face of distractions and adversity?
* Do I have confidence in myself and my skills in the business area I have chosen?
* Will I be miserable working alone, without the camaraderie and affirmation of my work colleagues and supervisors?
* Is my skill or product marketable?
* How will my life and my family's life be affected by my having a work from home Internet business?
* Am I financially ready for this - able to live for six months to a year before showing a profit?
If you've answered these questions in a positive way, a freelance work from home Internet business is probably for you. The most prominent freelance work from home Internet business ventures are jobs for: writers; editors; copywriters; designers; virtual call center reps offering inbound or outbound sales, customer service or technical support services; and computer professionals such as programmers, designers and Webmasters. Hundreds of other freelance work from home Internet business types exist, however, in dozens of varying industries. If you want to work from home at your very own Internet business an opportunity awaits you somewhere.
Animation On The Web
The Web Stitch is a member of the Cross Stitch family. All stitches in the cross stitch family will, at some point, cross within the stitch. The Web Stitch is no exception. This needlepoint stitch, although time-consuming, is easy to work. The Web Stitch is closely woven, making it virtually snag proof. Because of this, it makes an excellent background and filling stitch. It is imperative that this stitch be worked on double canvas (Penelope canvas) only. The reason for this is explained in the details of the stitch.
The Web Stitch consists of diagonal stitches and tying stitches. The diagonal stitch is worked first. The tying stitch is then worked, crossing over the diagonal stitch, thus securing the diagonal stitch in place. The first diagonal stitch will cover only one canvas intersection. This diagonal stitch will not need a tying stitch. The second diagonal stitch will cover two canvas intersections. The tying stitch will cross this diagonal stitch at a right angle and be worked into the ?double threads?. This is why it is important that this stitch be worked on double (Penelope) canvas. As the rows are worked the diagonal stitch will become progressively longer. In most cases, long stitches create a problem with snagging. The Web Stitch, however, uses the tying stitches to prevent this from happening. The tying stitches will be worked at each canvas intersection, thus creating the tightly woven look.
Because of the ?trammed? nature of this stitch, there is no limit to the length of the diagonal stitch. There are, however, a few negative aspects to the Web Stitch. The Web Stitch has no padding and, therefore, does not wear well over time. If the area you are filling with this stitch is not a square or rectangle shape, it will be necessary to carefully count the threads of the diagonal stitches to be sure that they work out evenly.
For a more interesting look, try using different color yarns/threads for the tying stitches. Do not be afraid to experiment with this stitch. The results may surprise you!
Detailed instructions and printable diagrams of the Web Stitch may be found at the Stitchopedia Web Stitch page.
Both Larry Bregman & Carolyn Mcneil are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Larry Bregman has sinced written about articles on various topics from Advertising Guide, Arts and Home Based Business. Larry Bregman is an online entrepreneur who can show you several very good home business opportunities that can generate extra income.Visit my website at. Larry Bregman's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Larry Bregman to your Favourites.
Carolyn Mcneil has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts. Carolyn McNeil, creator of ?an encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches...Stitchopedia is an instructional site with step-by-step instructions and diagra. Carolyn Mcneil's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Carolyn Mcneil to your Favourites.
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