With all the corporate downsizing going on in the world and the shipping of jobs overseas to countries where labor is cheaper, it is quite possible that one can find himself or herself without a job. It's a very tough situation to be in. You might be in this boat and have heard that there are employment opportunities on the internet where you can work online and get paid for it and all from the comfort of your home. Well, it is possible but it is not a get rich quick scheme. If you keep your expectations in check and make informed decisions you too can enjoy this new way of working through online employment opportunities.
More that likely, if you find work through an online employment opportunity, you are going to be what is called a freelancer. There are really very few online employment opportunities where companies hire you as their employee and pay you a bi-weekly wage. Usually, something like the latter occurs when an employee has already worked on the company premises for quite some time and the company knows and trusts him or her. We are not saying that these types of jobs don't exist (where you start working from home right away) but that they are rare. So, you are more than likely going to find yourself as a self-employed person.
Now you have to decide what it is you are going to do. This requires taking an inventory of your skills. What is your education in? You will find that online employment opportunities work best for jobs that work well in an internet domain. In other words, the best online employment opportunities are those where you can send the product of your work electronically. So usually you will see web designers, web programmers, computer programmers, writers, photographers, artists, translators, and transcribers working from the internet because the products of all these professions can be sent electronically.
Not only can the products from these professions be sent electronically but they are traditionally freelance professions too. Companies these days typically don't hire fulltime translators specializing in one language. It would not be cost-effective. So, for example, the translation company will call a freelance translator they have in their database when they receive an order to do a translation for the language that translator is qualified for. If you cannot identify yourself with any skills that fit well for online work then you need to either get the training required or not pursue online employment opportunities.
So once you have made the decision of what services to provide, you then need to find the people hiring. When you are first starting out with online employment, you will need to build a portfolio of your works. A portfolio is not just a resume although it can include one. It is more of a catalog of your best works. For example, web designers will take screenshots of some of their page design and put them in their portfolio.
Now that you have your portfolio, you will want to know where to start looking for work. A good place to start is the online freelancer job sites like Elance.com, Getafreelancer.com, and Scriptlance.com. There are many of these sites. You can also check Craiglist.org, Talkfreelance.com, and Digital Point Forums for those seeking the services of a freelancer.
Online employment can be very rewarding but at the same time it can be very stressful. For starters, you are going to have to be constantly seeking out new work. Just make sure you take care of yourself physically and take a break once in awhile.
Copyright (c) 2008 Thomas Husnik
Available On The Internet
(1) The value of a given blog increases reciprocally with the increasing number of visitors at that particular Blog, all over the world.
(2) The Multipurpose Internet Service Providers (MISPs) generate money for themselves, by three primary methods as described as the following :
(i) By selling various updated Software for various purposes, mostly on line. The need or appropriately updated software become indispensable with the increasing number of the users of the Internet/computers, perpetually, all over the world.
(ii) By trading various provisions, mostly On line.
(iii)By hosting advertisements. More the Web-pages, more the opportunities for the MISPs to generate revenue by hosting advertisements. This very fact is the reason the MISPs entice bloggers with the promises of certain fixed share in the revenue generated by the advertisements on IInternet, in order to generate more and more Web pages. Such promises can be fulfilled only if the MISPs facilitate perpetual Internet traffic at respective Blogs, technically. The number of visitors at a given Web-page, at a given time, is calculated by a system called CPM, i.e. clicks per minute. But the MISPs, practically, do not bother for the benefits of the advertisers/Bloggers, since the opportunities to host advertisements occur incessantly for the MISPs/search engines. Such tendency adversely affects the interests of Bloggers as well as the advertisers, since zero visitor at the given blogs means zero information about the products, for which advertisements are made on Internet, and zero revenue for the respective Bloggers and advertisers, thereby zero availability of purposeful/informative/educative Blogs on the Internet. Such eventuality will inevitably jeopardise the powerful system of the Internet. Even the Giant MISPs will be at loosing end, eventually.
(3) The concerned Bloggers and Internet advertisers should check, periodically, with the appropriate authorities, all over the world, on the following points.
(i) How many Blogs are hosted at a given time, at a given Web-site?
(ii) How many pages are occupied by each respective Blog at a given Web-site, at a given time?
(iii)How many Bloggers are there around the world? And, how many Bloggers are aliens to and have never visited, the country where the concerned MISP is based?
(iv) How many varieties of advertisements appear, consecutively, at a given Web-page?
(v) How many CPM occur at a given Web-page, at a given time?
(vi) How much revenue is generated under each of the above-mentioned circumstances? And, how much money is disbursed amongst the Bloggers, all over the world, as their due shares outof the entire revenue generated by the advertisements?
(vii)Do the respective Tax/Revenue authorities keep vigil on the aforesaid points, all over the world?
And, any form of corruption should be exposed and defeated.
That will perpetually generate level playing ground for all the concerned parties in the world of the Internet.
Both Thomas Husnik & Ben Needles are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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