In today's world of consumerism, almost every individual has a credit card. In present times, most credit cards give more than the buying power to their customers. The credit card companies are using various strategies to encourage more and more use of credit in shops. More shopping earns more money for the credit card company. One of the methods to encourage a customer for elaborate usage of is reward cards.
Credit card companies are increasingly offering its members a variety of reward programs. Not only this, they are also offering ways and means to earn points as rewards for using the reward credit card. Reward credit cards offer either cash incentives for the purchases through the card or rebates for various transactions. Another way the credit card companies' use to reward their users is the rewards program. Rewards program used by these companies allows its users to use them and earn points. The total points collected can then be redeemed against various purchases or discounts. One of the reasons that the credit card companies use these programs is to encourage users to repay the amount within specified time period. At other times, credit card companies use these programs to recognize the loyalty and consistent payments of the card holders.
If you use a credit card, pick the reward credit card that best suits your requirements. The choice of the best credit card will be dependent on the reward programs that benefit you the most. Though it's a common practice for credit card companies these days to offer reward programs, you must be careful enough to select the right card. Today, most credit card companies offer reward programs such as hotel stays, car rentals, special savings on retail and entertainment purchases, cash back on purchases, rebates, and frequent flyer programs.
Various reward credit cards are designed to suit the requirements of people from all walks of life. For example some cards are specifically designed for frequent flyers. Offered in the form of frequent flyer miles, these allow the user to earn airline mileage with every purchase that he or she makes using the frequent flyer card. The frequent flyer credit card helps card holders save a lot of money. Some other categories of specific groups include rewards programs such as collection of points as Disney Rewards. Some specific reward cards are designed to include items such as gas and travel.
Credit card companies are well aware of what users want from them. As a result, there are cards that give reward points to offset the carbon dioxide emission from your vehicles. There are reward programs available for home improvements and rebates. The reward points collected through these programs can then be used towards paying the mortgage principal. In other words, these reward points work towards the future investments of the card holders. Therefore, get the credit card that works best for you.
Best Credit Cards To Use
Citibank is among the leaders when it comes to issuing credit cards. With years of experience in the industry, this company regularly offers consumers a wide variety of options to choose from. Following are three Citibank selections that you're likely to come across the next time you hunt for a credit card. Read through the summaries to see if one of them is right for you.
Citi Diamond Preferred Card
A popular choice among consumers, this card offers a low regular interest rate and has no annual fee. Applicants also receive up to 12 months of 0% APR, during which time balance transfers and purchases will not accrue interest. If you have good credit or better, you'll be approved for this card.
In addition to low fees and interest rates, the Citi Diamond Preferred Card offers some additional services. Cardholders will receive fraud protection services, as well as travel and auto rental insurance coverage. Online account access is also included, making it easy to keep track of statements and set up payments.
Citi Platinum Select Card
If you're on the lookout for a low interest rate and platinum benefits, this might be the right choice. The Citi Platinum Select Card offers a regular interest rate that can be as low as 8.49%. This low rate is granted according to your credit history and application. In some cases, the APR may be 12.49% or 16.49%, depending on your background. Overall, however, this card offers lower rates compared to others in similar categories.
As far as platinum characteristics, cardholders will receive a variety of services, including protection from fraud and insurance for car rentals. Among other benefits, you'll be able to receive up to $1,000,000 in travel accident insurance, as well as other benefits. This card comes with an initial 0% APR for up to 12 months. It has no annual fees included.
Citi mtvU Platinum Select Visa Card for College Students
In spite of its rather long, complicated name, this card offers solid benefits for college students. To start with, consumers will earn 5 reward points, called ThankYou Points, for each dollar they spend at certain places, including restaurants and bookstores. Regular purchases will earn 1 ThankYou Point. These can then be applied toward gift cards, MTV events, and airline tickets.
This card also offers a number of unique ways to earn points. For paying on time, you'll be rewarded with 25 ThankYou Points. You can also earn between 250 and 2,000 points twice a year for maintaining a high GPA.
Besides the rewards program, this card has no annual fee and comes with an initial 0% APR on purchases, balance transfers, and cash advances. For those going to school with good credit, this may be a smart option.
When looking for a credit card, it is important to evaluate the various offers that you'll find. If you're interested in a Citibank credit card, consider starting your search by reviewing these three cards. You may find that one of these, or a different Citibank option, works well for your situation.
Both Arthor Pens & Stephanie Andrews are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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