With so much concern being shown regarding the Bird Flu situation we are all asking if modern medicine can save us from what could become a human pandemic.
Unfortunately it would appear that this is most unlikely, as the World Health Organization has explained that although modern day medicine has improved tremendously over the last decades a pandemic, such as bird flu, presently could result in 2 million to 7.4 million deaths globally.
It was expressed on their website, that hugh demands would be made on local hospitals for many millions of outpatient visits and possibly 1.5 to 5.2 million hospital admissions in the high income countries alone which account for 15% of the worlds population.
It has been recorded that the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 to 1919 killed an estimated total of 40 million people from around the world and we are ever present of what possible tragedies can happen as highlighted by the 2002 to 2003 SARS scare which killed an astonishing 10% of those infected and was only barely prevented from becoming a global pandemic.
Unfortunately with the world becoming a smaller and more easily travelled place the possibilities of a world pandemic such as bird flu is becoming more than a possibility to occur in the coming years.
Unfortunately today the world has progressed to a situation that is ready to foster a global outbreak, such as a bird flu pandemic, and is quickly becoming virtually defenceless against such a tragedy becoming a real life situation.
The world seems to be ill prepared for such a tragedy, as bird flu, with no vaccines apparently available and no distribution network system in place for such an event.
It would appear that it would be in each person's own interest to prepare individually to prevent their own weakness to catching such a virus, as bird flu, and an obvious solution would be to investigate natural anti-viral foods, nutritional supplements and herbs that may offer a powerful medicine to overcome these ever looming threats.
Bird Flu In India
Bird flu comes from South Asia and threatens to spread all over the world. Nowadays there is hardly a person who is not aware of expansion of the deadly disease, but still most of us do nothing in terms of protection, as we hope the virus won't reach us. Even if the danger is overestimated, at least your conscience will be clear, as you've done the due diligence. It is not so difficult to take some preventive measures, because if the disaster occurs it will be too late.
What to Start With?
As the incubation period of this disease is equal to 3-5 days, you will have not much time to think over your auctions, and that is in case you KNOW you have been infected. So, it is necessary to think of possible ways of bird flu survival beforehand.
The vaccine against bird flu has not been developed yet, for it needs some time to study the virus mutation in human body. But there are some prototypes which contain substances that may defend you from the disease. So, first of all, it is necessary to find an opportunity to take vaccine.
The second step to increase your survival rate is to buy enough quantity of Tamiflu. That is an antiviral drug that fights H5N1 strain effectively. If you are infected, you will have to take a double dose, and for prophylaxis a single dose a day is enough. Therefore you should get enough quantity of Tamiflu, for, in case of pandemic, it will be impossible to find this medicine at any price.
Finally, it is obvious you should not travel to the countries where bird flu is raging.
What Should I Do to survive if it Reaches Me?
In order to foresee the approaching of the disease it is necessary to keep informed. As soon as you learn from mass media that bird flu is drawing near, you should supply yourself with food and water that will be necessary for the next 3-4 months. It is also recommended to leave the city for a country house, because in case of anarchy connected with the pandemic you will feel safer out of town.
Another thing you should do for bird flu survival is washing your hands thoroughly and wearing masks if contact with infected people is unavoidable. As any other influenza virus, bird flu gets the human organism through dirty hands contacting with mouth, eyes and nose.
If you have any children you should keep them indoors and prepare them for home schooling. In the event of any member of your family still has been infected, you need to prepare a quarantine room. It should be a remote room, supplied with all the necessary: water, food, medicine and entertainment.
You should always remember that we may wish for the best, but we must be prepared for the worst. Nowadays lots of books, newspaper and magazine articles devoted to bird flu survival are available. Besides that, you can look for the information on bird flu survival on the Internet.
Both Terryt & Dane Stanton are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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