Did you know that common Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is suffered by up to 85% of adolescents and young adults? That is an extremely high portion of the population which is affected by this skin disorder.
The cause of Acne is not fully known, but there are several factors which contribute to the development of this inflammatory skin disorder. Your genes play a role in this, meaning if your parents or grandparents suffered this skin condition, you will be prone to getting Acne yourself.
Most notably, there is a link to a change in hormonal activity, such as menstrual cycles and puberty. In the past the over production of sebum was considered to be the main cause of Acne. Sebum is an oily secretion of fats and the remains of fat producing cells, caused by hyperactive sebaceous glands in the skin.
However, it appears as though the narrowing of follicle channel, where the hair is rooted in the skin, is also a major factor causing common Acne. There are several other factors which can contribute, such as Stress, accumulation of dead skin cells, an allergic reaction to bacteria in the pores, scratching and the usage of anabolic steroids.
What has not been confirmed in any way, is the contribution a fatty diet, including chocolate, potato chips and French fries, may have on Acne. Generally, sufferers should experiment with their diet to ascertain what food stuffs affect the severity of their Acne.
What could have an influence on Acne is a diet high on refined sugar products. Acne is rare in societies which have not been influenced by our western way of life. These people have a low glycernic level in their diets. However, if the reduction of high glycernic foods, such has soft drinks, sweets and white bread, has a significant effect on alleviating Acne disorders has yet to be proved. Keeping a low consumption of these kinds of foods will influence your general health for the better.
Another misconception concerning Acne is personal hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt, so a poor personal hygiene is not a factor. To make this clearer, Acne causes blockages to occur deep within the follicle or hair channel and as such cannot be washed away. In fact, anything more than a gentle cleansing can cause new lesions by damaging or over drying skin.
On a lighter note, if you have heard that celibacy or masturbation can cause Acne and sexual intercourse can cure it, I have good news for you. There is absolutely no scientific evidence at all that this is true.
Birth Control Cause Acne
In many medical conditions, finding the cause can often lead to the cure. When the condition happens to be acne, that prospect can become rather muddied. The cause of acne doesn't lie with any single culprit in every case. The reasons for the appearance of this condition generally vary from person to person.
The process behind acne is relatively well understood, but the reasons for the actual breakouts can vary. Acne typically occurs when the skin's sebaceous glands overact, producing too much oil. This oil can mix with dead skin cells and cause a clogging of the pores around hair follicles. When this happens, pimples can form. Whether they're blackheads or whiteheads, there is little doubt they will not be welcomed appearances.
So, what exactly cause the glands to overact?
Very often, the answer lies in hormones, but this not always the case. It is common, especially in puberty, for male hormones (even in girls) to over simulate the glands. When other factors are present, acne can form.
While hormones tend to be one of the contributing factors in teen-related, pregnancy-related and even adult acne, there are other potential factors that can be the cause of acne. These include:
Stress: Sometimes this can be linked with breakouts, but it's not always the case. This may or may not be the cause of acne in some individuals.
Heredity: This particular cause of acne isn't very common, but in some cases, especially pronounced ones, there does appear to be a potential link.
Medications: Some prescription drugs have been known to be the cause of acne in patients. Most of these medications will have acne listed as a potential side effect.
The actual cause of acne might vary from one person to the next. Pinpointing the cause and removing it entirely can be difficult. There are some things that are often linked to acne that don't actually cause it. The mythical causes of acne include:
Chocolate, greasy foods and other dietary inclusions: Food does not cause acne. It's that simple. An improper diet, however, can lead to the body not being in the best shape possible with might exacerbate the situations. For example, when infection goes along with acne, fighting it off can be difficult if a diet consists of nothing but French fries.
Dirt: Contrary to popular belief, lack of hygiene isn't the cause of acne. While it might just make it worse, dirt alone does not create the initial issues. Cleaning the face gently two times a day is still advised, but over cleansing is not.
Touching the skin: While this is not likely to be the cause of acne, it can make the condition worse. Most people who suffer from breakouts, and even those who don't, are advised to keep their hands off their faces.
Makeup: This will not generally cause acne. If non-comedogenic makeup is used or water based, it is highly unlikely a problem will result from its use.
The cause of acne tends to not be one particular thing in all people. While acne happens when oil and dead skin cells mix to block hair follicles, the reality is what makes that happen varies from person to person.
Both Michael Holdcroft & Riley Hendersen are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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