It's easy to think that if we go through all the steps when looking for a new job such as searching for ads, sending resumes with cover letters, and landing an interview, then we're home free. Unfortunately, it's rarely that simple. It happens often that all of these are flawless, and the applicant is a very good candidate for the job, but the interview flops. What happens? Probably something as simple as ignoring one important step: understanding the body language of the interviewer and using body language to reinforce your excellent resume.
It's not uncommon for a person to say one thing while sending an entirely different message with his body language. If you pay close enough attention, you can tell when a person is not telling the truth. There are tell-tale signs in his movements, gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions.
Taking the time to understand the dynamics of body language may be the best weapon in your arsenal for getting the job you want. You need to know that some companies hire body language experts to help them make the best possible selections. Most interviewers have some training in body language, so it's in your best interest to have at least a cursory understanding of it.
Facial Expressions
Is the interviewer smiling? He may be signaling that he is friendly—even that he is supportive of your application. On the other hand, be wary if the person is smiling too much—while he is talking, for example. He may be hiding something. Maybe he already knows that another candidate has been selected and he is just going through the motions with you. Smiling from time to time is a good sign, though. It's an indication that the person is being himself and is probably not hiding anything.
The most important clues will be in the eyes. A shifty-eyed person is not to be trusted. Does the interviewer make eye contact with you? That's a good sign that he is receptive to you. Even so, making eye contact and holding it are two different things. If the interviewer holds eye contact too long, he may be trying to put you on the defensive.
When two people are talking, and one keeps looking away, it's a sure sign of lack of interest in what the other one is saying. Ear- or chin-scratching and playing with an ear also indicate either a lack of interest or disbelief. It would be a good time to begin to take action and try to make yourself seem more believable.
Crossed arms send a not-so-subtle signal. It indicates defense, but it also sets up a symbolic barrier. Has the interview turned combative? It might be a good time to lighten up a bit.
The face is also a good barometer of the mind. A blank face indicates either hostility or that the person is thinking about something else—perhaps what he wants to say next.
Using Body Language to Get the Job
Practice reading body language in the people around you until it becomes natural. But don't go overboard. If you are so preoccupied with this part of the interview, you may not do well on the other parts. Even so, don't fold your arms; control your smiling so that you are using it only in those instances where it increases confidence in you; look into the interviewer's eyes, but do not hold the contact too long. Don't look away from the interviewer.
In the long run, being scrupulously honest makes it easier for you to put forth the best body language because you won't need to hide anything. Have a reality session with yourself before you go into the interview. Go in confident and real and use what you know about body language to read your interviewer.
Body Language During Interview
There is so much that can be told about a cat's mood by observing his body language. A happy cat will have his ears held high and a tall, straight tail. Ears that are slightly swiveled to the side, or a tail held high but bent over at the tip towards his back show that the cat is very happy. A tail that is carried horizontally means that the cat is feeling average; a drooping tail means that he is unhappy or unwell. A bottle-brush looking tail means that a cat is ready for battle or is very frightened.
A mother cat will usually allow her young kittens to play with her tail, but when she gets tired of this it will thrash wildly, and teach them to leave it alone. Therefore, the thrashing tail indicates that a cat is about to lose his temper, while a slowly wagging tail means alertness.
Fear or anxiousness is also displayed by lip-licking and possibly purring. Rapid blinking can show anxiety, a sign that a cat has friendly intentions and does not pose a threat to another cat. Half-closed eyes or slow blinking display contentment, and many owners believe that blinking at their cat , if the blink is returned, is the feline equivalent of giving and receiving a kiss. Large pupils indicate interest, while smaller ones mean that the cat is not so alert.
The whiskers drawn forward displays a sign of pleasurable anticipation. When a cat is about to be fed, or when he catches a prey animal, then they will be almost wrapped around the body. Whiskers are drawn back tightly against the face to emphasize the snarl when two cats confront one another. And in the cat world yawning is not a rude behavior, but rather a sign of reassurance.
You may be infuriated when your cat refuses to use his cat flap, and instead, calls for you to open the door. However, this too is a valuable survival technique. A cat will not enter or leave a room unless he can see his way clear, and that no larger predators are lying in wait for him. For this reason, he prefers his owner to open doors wide so he has a clear view of what lies ahead. He will wait a moment or two, checking out the territory, before going through the open door.
Cat flaps do not allow for this because as soon as a cat begins to go through the flap, he is committed. He cannot turn around and get back in because he will be trapped by the flap. This, and the fact that flaps have to be opened by pushing the head against them, accounts for the reluctance of most cats to use them. And if it is raining at the front door, chances are your cat will ask to be let out the back door, thinking that it might not be raining at the other side of the house!
Both Carl Yorke & Tristan Andrews are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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