I decided to write this article and give highlights to what the pros say in regards to the best body building program to build muscle fast. For me, If i could wave a magic wand and have the body that I wanted - this would be the ideal way to go - unfortunately, building muscle fast is not an overnight thing - however; there are fast muscle building tips and secrets that could have you and I looking great in a short period of time.
Weslet McDermo wrote in a recent article that "you have to know what body type you are before you can begin to draw up any diet or weight training regime."
He further states that "Bodybuilding without knowing your body type is like swimming without any limbs, your just going to sink like stone."
This is why there are so many people that cancel their gym membership or quit their workout plans. They work, but see no substantial results all because they were not able to identify and create a workout specific to their body type.
I also took a glimpse at John Basedow's book "Fitness Made Simple". There are some great tips to building muscle fast. John claims that anyone can have a killer body in just 8 weeks.
Wow! in 2 months and I'll have a killer body....probably not! Although, there are some people who can stick to plans and achieve their desired look. I do agree that the workout plan must be a mixture of a balanced nutrition, regular workouts that combine cardio exercises with strength training.
Build Up Muscle Fast
Want to have a better looking body? Want to burn more calories even when you're not exercising? Want to reshape your body the easy way?
Well, one of the best things that you can do is add more muscle to your body. Whether you want to definite your muscles or you want to really bulk up, there are some things that you can easily do to build muscle fast.
Contrary to popular belief, building muscle is not that hard. Here are a few great tips to help you build muscle fast so you can reshape your body and even burn more calories when you're not exercising.
Great Tip #1 - Eat a LOT
When you exercise you're actually damaging the muscles used, so it's important to eat a lot to give them the nutrients they need to rebuild themselves (especially if your goal is to gain muscle size).
If you want to build muscle fast, then you need to FEED your muscles. You need to give them plenty of food so they can repair and regrow stronger and bigger than before. If you eat good foods then you'll build muscle without gaining much fat.
Great Tip #2 - Do lots of Reps
You need lots of volume to build muscle fast. There's no need to go overboard though. About 10 reps per muscle group should be plenty -- you don't want your workouts to last too long.
Great Tip #3 - Eat more protein
If you want to build muscle fast, you really need to increase your protein intake to make sure your body has enough. If the muscles are going to repair themselves, they need to have plenty of protein.
While you need plenty of protein it's important to get the right amount. Not too much, not too little. About 1 gram per pound of bodyweight is ideal. So if you weigh 150lbs then 150 grams of protein is the right amount.
Great Tip #4 - Decrease Cardio
IF you do too much cardio, it's possible you'll hamper your muscle building results. So when you're focusing on putting on quality muscle, lay off the cardio a bit.
Both Todd & Caleb Lee are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Todd has sinced written about articles on various topics from Build Muscle, Real Estate and Hair Care. Todd Peterson is a health and fitness writer for Building Muscle Fast dot Com.. Todd's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Todd to your Favourites.
Caleb Lee has sinced written about articles on various topics from Aerobics, Health and Balanced Diet. Go to the author's website for more on Build muscle definition and. Caleb Lee's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Caleb Lee to your Favourites.
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