Birds are one of the most favored pets in the world. The bird lovers irrespective of the bird species they choose, the place they keep them, would no doubt like to choose a sturdy and comfortable cage for their pets. There are plenty of bird cages available in the market in various sizes and shapes the selection of a suitable cage for your pet is a challenge. One has to be aware about the uses and abuses of the house of their pets to make a wise decision.
Needless to say birds like more space to move around and as such one should not strictly confine to the size prescribed for the pet. It is always advisable to go for the largest size available in the market to see that your pet has always the luxury of freedom of maximum space.
While considering the shape of the birdcage one needs to remember that most commonly found cylindrical cages are not the best suited for these small flying creatures. Lengthy cages facilitate horizontal flying often preferred by the small birds and as such is more important than the height. Birds seldom fly up and down. Large birds like parrots need to be provided with cages taller in size to suit their habit of climbing up as a routine exercise. The large birds always deserve spacious and bigger cages. Although the cage manufacturers are aware about the danger of incorrect wire spacing of cages, and take adequate care in this aspect one has to ensure that they are uniformly and adequately spaced so as to avoid any danger to the birds by getting caught their heads, wings or beaks inside the wire or bar.
Some of the larger birds like parrots would be best housed in cages with horizontal bars enabling it to climb up with help of their beaks. No such specification need be considered for smaller birds like doves, finches and canaries.
Though price of the cage is always a factor to consider when buying a cage one should not go for the bird cages made of cheaper materials as it may turn to be hazardous for the pets. One has to ensure that the cages need be made of non toxic materials like stainless steel, or powder coated iron that are harmless for these species. Cages that are made of galvanized wires containing zinc have to be avoided. The design of the cage should be such that it allows easy cleaning and maintenance. Certain peculiar shaped cages though gives a different look causes problems for easy regular cleaning of the cages that is of paramount importance to keep the birds healthy and hygienic.
The spacing of the bars or the material used for the cage is not the only factors that matter. The doors, latches and similar parts of the cage should have a fine finish not to endanger these lovely pets.
In short, choosing a right birdcage takes time and it is worthy spending some time and thinking that would lead to a healthy life, security and comfort of your dear pet birds.
Building A Bird Cage
Pets have a great effect on humans, this has been studied and researched for many years, with no real scientific presumptions it can be relatively safe to say that many people feel that having a pet improves their quality of life. For bird lovers the choice in pets is clear, having a bird in the house is something that many people love, and naturally, birds can add a lot of style to house as well.
Giving your bird its own living space is one of the essentials of bird ownership. However, with the different models, sizes, and colors of bird cages available in pet shops nowadays, you might have a hard time choosing the best home for your bird.
Nevertheless, do not fear for here are some guidelines that would help make your search for that perfect cage much easier. Follow them and chances are you will never go wrong!
Large birds, on the other hand, should be kept in cages with bars that are positioned horizontally rather than vertically to provide a venue for climbing and exercise.
Be particular with shape and style of cages.
This is a very important consideration since there are studies which state that round bird cages are detrimental to the psychological health of most birds. Angled ones, therefore, are much preferable.
More often than not, these cages may be hung or placed on a stand. They also come in all shapes and sizes to house your pet bird comfortably and with style.
The craftsmanship and quality of the bird cage should also be carefully assessed.
Examine the quality of the bird cage before making a purchase. Here are some questions to answer:
Does the cage look solid and well-built?
Does it have any sharp edge or loose part?
Is it made of stainless steel that will never chip, is easy to clean, and is non-toxic?
Make sure that the cage will perform its main function and that is to protect your pet bird. Ensure that the bird cage will not be dangerous to its well-being and health.
There you go. With careful planning and right decision, you will be able to purchase the best bird cage for your bird. A safe, fun, sturdy, comfortable, and secured home.
Decide on the placement and location of your bird cage.
You must determine where you will place your bird cage and shop for it based on what will be appropriate for the spot that you have chosen. The spot should be away from drafts and windows, but must be placed in a lively part of the house to encourage interaction between pet and human beings.
Both Scott Miller & Daniel Roshard are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Daniel Roshard has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Security, Lawn Mower and Home Improvement. For bird lovers the understanding of the need for the best natural and safe environment for your bird is truly important. There is a wide selection of Bird Cages on. Daniel Roshard's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Daniel Roshard to your Favourites.
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