First of all, are you the type who is cut out to work from home? Do you have the self discipline to set yourself a regular work schedule and stick to it? It is easy to allow yourself to be distracted and start changing your schedule. There are times when you will be tempted to do something else today and make up for the backlog tomorrow. You can do it once. You may be able to do it a few times. But sooner or later, the backlog becomes a regular part of your life and replaces your schedule. Don't let this happen to you. Your schedule must govern you and your work.
Secondly, are you the kind of person who can work alone? To work from home means to work in solitude. No office gossip and politics to spice up you work day. No colleagues to take a break with over a cup of coffee. No one at the next workstation to help you out when you get stuck. Are you prepared for this? It's not as bad as it sounds. With no distractions, you will be able to focus better and, hopefully, perform to your best. Being alone with your thoughts allows you to be more creative. Being able to set your own schedule means you can work at times that suit you best. You can do more in less time, thereby freeing you to be as sociable as you want once your work is done.
And then there is the risk factor. If you work from home, you are not part of an office. If things go wrong, and they will, there is no organization to fall back on. You are on your own and will have to find your own solutions and ways to repair the damage. On the other hand, when things go right, the rewards are all your own. Another thing about working from home is that you can't hand over unfinished work at the end of your shift or distribute excess work amongst your team. You are the only shift and you are the team. The buck stops with you. It's difficult to leave the pressures of office behind and relax at home when home is the office. And yet, when you finish your assignment to your satisfaction, the feeling of accomplishment you get on your single handed achievement is immense.
So before you decide to work from home, think about these and the myriad other problems and benefits that wait you. Weigh not just the pros and cons but also be objective about your self, are you suited for this lifestyle? If your findings are positive, then take the plunge.
Can You Work From Home
Since our childhood we have been programmed by our parents, teachers, lecturers and peers that one should study hard and get a job. So, for most of us the concept of working from home has never crossed our minds. Like most people we would leave school and get a job or go to university and get a ?so called? better job. From then on we get trapped in the daily rat-race.
Very few people venture out on their own and start their own business. With the advances of the Internet and the availability of various online business opportunities it has never been easier to start your own business and work form home.
Here are some very good reasons to work from home;
1. Be your own boss!
2. You decide when to work, no more 9 to 5 grind!
3. No more long commutes to work, you decide when and what you want to work on for the day.
4. Take holidays whenever you want to.
5. Have more time to yourself and spend more quality time with your family
6. Enjoy life more by doing the things you love, such as your hobbies, and even turning your hobby into an income generating business.
7. Give your own pay rise. You do not have to slave for your boss to get a lousy pay rise.
8. You can turn your passion into profits by working from home. Build your business around what you know and what you are passionate about. Since you will be doing something you love, you will do it well and that will make you succeed in your business.
9. The pleasure of owning your business and not having to depend on others is a great feeling. As your business grows, so will your confidence. This will change your mindset and find you other opportunities to grow even rapidly and become more successful.
10. Once you are successful, you can help others to succeed as well. The more you add value to other peoples lives the more successful you become.
Did you always wanted to learn something but never had the time to learn it because of your 9 to 5 job. Well, now is the time to do it. Since you decide what you do and when you do it when you work from home, you can schedule your time to learn new things.
There are so may opportunities out there to work from home, especially on the Internet, So all you have to do is to find a passion, focus your attention and just do it. When was the last time you used your computer to make money for your self? Of course, I'm sure you have made other people a lot of money using the computer by doing your job. Well, now is the time to turn the table, and take advantage of the tools that you have at your fingertips, i.e. your computer and the Internet.
The Internet is full of websites giving information about opportunities to make money online such as eBooks, Affiliate Marketing, eBay and Trading, to name a few.
Did you know that people even pay for giving your opinion on various products, services and issues? Yes, there are sites on the Internet, which will pay for taking online surveys. Making money on the Internet does not get easier than that.
Stop living pay-cheque to pay-cheque, escape the rat-race and go on to live your dreams. Don't let your fear hold you back or let anyone get in the way.
Both Greg Shuey & Kenny Brown are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Greg Shuey has sinced written about articles on various topics from Disneyland Vacation, Dental Practice and Surveys. Greg Shuey wants to teach others how to work from home. He has spent many hours researching and compiling. Greg Shuey's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Greg Shuey to your Favourites.
Kenny Brown has sinced written about articles on various topics from Work From Home, Surveys. Kenny Brown is an Internet Entrepreneur who works from home. He mainly earn his income from taking paid surveys online. If you're looking to earn a full-time income from taking surveys online, visit. Kenny Brown's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Kenny Brown to your Favourites.
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