The January 2007 study showed that almost one third of the populace consider social networking sites as the deciding factor for buying particular brands. Whether they are looking to order online or just checking out the specifications of an item, they will go and look at popularity trends from these sites.
A survey on different products conducted by Amazon showed an amazing number of respondents. Majority of the 2223 viewers voted that not only did they checked-out the site's camera cell phone ratings, but also browsed through various mobile devices featured and their listed prices.
Camera cell phone ratings are conducted differently by various sites. One form comes from product review websites wherein a few mobile specialists write articles based on the technological merits of a model. Although these appraisals are made through careful analysis and comparative studies, it is improbable that they can cope with the speed of new products continuously emerging in the market.
Survey sites and online stores, like Amazon, also have their own camera cell phone ratings. The members or site visitors are asked to rate and give their comments on a mobile device they have used. These studies are more focused on an individual's preference for a particular brand, rather than on the merits of its features. The more widely used an item, the higher is its ranking. Thus, the outcome of these surveys is based more often than not on a mobile device's popularity. The technical aspects are not usually considered.
A more useful and actual camera cell phone rating should come from a study that weighs consumer sales volume with appraisals from telecommunications specialists. Rankings that show both popularity and technological aspects would be more accurate. These evaluations should also be done independently to be assured of impartiality to certain brands. The site cannot be affiliated with any mobile phone manufacturer. Having any association with any cell phone distributor only shows that their reviews are motivated by being able to sell the product or getting something in return. For more consumer information on camera cell phones go to
But most of the camera cell phone ratings sites, like most product ratings sites period, are supported by advertising and need to build their audiences if they are to attract enough sponsors to make them profitable. That is why the consumer-based review site is so prevalent.
Therefore, if you are looking for a more straight-forward and honest online camera cell phone ratings, then your best bet would be those published by the technological specialists who are doing it independent of any mobile manufacturer. They can provide you with a thorough and comparative study of different brands. Sometimes they show a graphic chart comparing the features included in each model. Unfortunately, most of their contributors have community standing and are paid for their opinions. You may have to register and pay for subscribing to their site or viewing their studies.
Cell Phone For Sales
Even with the increased use of email and the Internet, people are still doing business by phone. In many businesses, phone sales are simply the best way to get in the door, introduce a product, or classify a new prospect. While we have all been told to ‘smile and dial' or ‘dial for dollars', the following tips add some meat to those bones and will help you increase your productivity and boost your conversion rate.
Who Are You Calling?
Many businesses buy lists of people to call thinking that just ‘getting out there' is the best way to generate business. However, for most established businesses – and indeed, many start-ups – the best way to get new business is to ask your current clients/contacts for referrals. After all, they already know your work.
Good people know good people. Call clients already served, check in on them, remind them of the types of services you have to offer (the pitch), and gently ask them to “keep us in mind if someone you know could use the level of service we have to offer”. And of course, let them know “if there is anything we can do for you in the future, please give us a call”.
Value Your Product or Service
Selling by phone is tough. Remember, for most service businesses you are getting in the door with your call, not sealing the deal. However, we often feel such pressure to prove ourselves we begin hawking discounts and specials and promises just to earn the right to offer a bid. Use these methods sparingly, if at all. Be confident that if the prospect will “just give you the time to evaluate/analyze/review/etc, you are confident they will be pleased with what you can do for them.” Don't sell your product short.
Yes, make it as easy on the prospect as possible to meet or provide a quote. However, you have something of value and “people value what they pay for, and pay for what they value”. Leading with discounts cheapens your product and can come across as desperate. Stand firm. Value your product. Which leads us to…
Know Your Pitch
This may seem trite, but know what you are going to say before you make the call. What is your goal for the call? Are you putting a bug in their ear so you are top of mind should a potential referral come across the caller's path? Are you promoting a particular service or new product? Are you just checking in? Are you calling to follow up on an estimate?
Knowing your goal will help you get in and get out. Knowing your pitch will help you sound confident and prepared.
Many sales people write a mini-script with just the main points for each type of call they make just so they can remind themselves to stay on task and ask the critical questions. Who wants to make an hour of calls and find they accomplished nothing but an hour of chit chat?
The Power Hour
Choose a time and a place in which you can make your calls without distraction. Set a timer for a set amount of time, not to exceed 50 minutes. Make your calls. Turn off the computer screen. Let incoming calls go to voicemail. Wait for a snack. Simply make calls.
When the timer goes off. Stop.
You may have more than one Power Hour a day. With some businesses it works well to try prospects in the morning and in the evening. Try not to plan for more than four power hours in a day. Keep yourself fresh, focused, and motivated to come back and hit it again the next day by breaking when the timer goes off, no matter what. You deserve it.
The End of the Call is Just the Beginning
Follow up your calls with a note of thanks, especially if they referred someone to you. If you offered them an incentive, include it with the note or letter and send it out immediately.
If you choose to pre-print a thank you card, you should, at the very least, hand sign the note. Adding a personal, hand-written note to a typed letter is also a nice touch.
If you made any other promises of service, resources, networking, etc., KEEP YOUR PROMISE. Nothing says good business like following through. Integrity breeds integrity. Let it start with you!
Both David J Scott & Lara Vander Ploeg are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
David J Scott has sinced written about articles on various topics from Mobile Phone Reviews. When looking for the best camera cell phone it is a good idea to check out. David J Scott's top article generates over 1300 views. Bookmark David J Scott to your Favourites.
Lara Vander Ploeg has sinced written about articles on various topics from Mobile Phone Reviews, Real Estate. Life Coach and Author, Lara Vander Ploeg, has a passion for seeing her clients realize and live into the fullest expression of themselves, in all areas of their lives. Did you find these tips helpful? If so, dare to take it to the next level: Hire a coach. Lara Vander Ploeg's top article generates over 720 views. Bookmark Lara Vander Ploeg to your Favourites.
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