It's harder to meet women than it used to be. When the world was a much smaller place, you knew most of the people, at least by sight, in your environment. You could work out where to go to meet that special person, because there just weren't that many places to go. And as long as you could make a rudimentary attempt on the dance floor, you were assured of at least a chance to meet and greet a woman you fancied as you moved her around the dance floor.
Nowadays it is a very different world. People are largely strangers. You rarely meet people outside your work or family situation- oh and maybe old friends. And much more time is spent on the internet than interacting face to face. A lot of people get by without ever learning ‘social skills'. This means it's really difficult to know what is polite and acceptable behaviour and what may be taken as harassment.
So is it any wonder people find it hard to meet and form close relationships anymore? But just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. Or even that hard, once you know what you're doing.
I run a site especially for shy guys, and in ‘My Secrets for Shy Guy Success' I talk about going where the women are, as a basic rule. It really isn't as hard as it sounds. Go to a park where women run or walk their dog, join an adult education class in something women would be interested in. No, I'm not suggesting you do flower arranging! But what about an art class, or craft that is suitable for both sexes like lead-lighting or ceramics. You could do a local history course, or join a theatre-group. You don't have to be on stage, for this second one- just volunteer to paint or move props, or hand out fliers.
If you want certain qualities in a woman, like kindness, social conscience, creativity, then let that guide you to a place where she might be. She might be a writer, so join a local writer's group, or book club. She may be humanitarian- so join a local community project. She might love animals, volunteer at the local dog's home. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, as well as meet women.
If you like movies, join a film club. If there isn't one in your area, start one. Put a sign up in some shop windows and see who comes along. Organizing something like that makes you the centre of the action. No woman can miss you. And if she has any questions, you're going to be the one she'll ask.
My only warning is, don't do anything you find really boring. Your lack of interest will come across very fast and possibly lose you a suitable woman, before you have a chance to get to know her.
And if you haven't already realized this, one place you are not going to meet a lot of women is at male-oriented sporting venues. We just aren't all that interested in watching sports the way you are. And for every woman who is interested in sports, there are a lot of guys already there, ready to snap her up.
Cara Reynolds has sinced written about articles on various topics from Recreation and Sports, Dating and Romance. is Cara's website she created just for shy guys. Get her free 'Secrets for Shy Guy Success' there now!. Cara Reynolds's top article generates over 720 views. Bookmark Cara Reynolds to your Favourites.
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