Basically, there are two types of cholesterol: the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and the High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL). The former refers to the bad type of cholesterol that is known to clog the person's blood vessels, thus, increasing the risk for a heart attack or a heart disease. Studies show that a diet that is high in saturated fat is a main dietary cause of a raised LDL cholesterol level. The latter, on the other hand, is the good type of cholesterol that helps clear LDL cholesterol out of the blood stream, thus, reducing the risk for any heart illness. Researches have shown that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables along with average levels of omega-3 from fish oil greatly helps raise HDL cholesterol levels.
Although diet is the major reason for having high cholesterol levels, experts agree that factors such as genetics, lack of exercise or regular physical activity, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle such as excessive drinking and smoking, hormones, and varying high and low cholesterol levels can trigger the sudden increase of cholesterol levels in the body.
Indeed, cholesterol is a growing problem in the health of many people in the world. Experts say that people over 20 years of age should be more concerned about their cholesterol levels; thus, they should start doing everything they can to lower LDL cholesterol. Although it is quite hard to stick to the needed requirements and regiments to combat the growing problem, experts say that it can be controlled with the proper diet to lower cholesterol.
Studies show that a good diet to lower cholesterol can reduce a person's risk for heart diseases while getting rid of bad fats because this diet to emphasizes on eating heart-healthy foods. But, aside from using the proper and proven low cholesterol diets available today, the most important thing is that knowing and taking in the right foods and effective cholesterol formulas to assist in lowering cholesterol levels.
Experts say that a diet to lower cholesterol includes good foods like grains-especially whole grain products and cereals-fish rich in omega3 such as salmon and tune, a variety of fruits and leafy vegetables, nuts, juices, and the like. Here are other effective means of lowering cholesterol level through diet:
1. Make sure that you visit your attending physician first before trying out any low cholesterol diets so he/she could administer the proper examinations and access your general health status.
2. You can lower your cholesterol levels by replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat in meat, chicken, and whole milk products.
3. Refrain from eating refined carbohydrates contained by bakery products, pastas, and sugary or sugar-added foods.
4. When eating out, makes sure that you ask the waiter to make serving substitutions like steamed or boiled food preparations. If possible, also pick lean meat, fish, or skinless chicken that is broiled, baked, grilled, steamed, or poached instead of being fried and ask for lots of vegetable side dishes and fresh fruit desserts.
5. Cutting down on eggs, margarine, or butter out of your daily diet.
6. Use natural-based oils such as vegetable, corn, and olive oils when cooking instead of the usual cooking oil.
7. Load up on a lot of garlic when you're preparing dishes because it contains substances that help lower HDL cholesterol.
8. Take in high quality daily vitamin mineral supplements like Vitamin E to improve blood circulation, and Vitamin C and vitamin B3 to lower your high cholesterol levels.
Diet To Lower Cholesterol
Cholesterol is produced in our liver. This is waxy, fatty substances that aids in strengthening cell walls, forming nerve sheaths, and producing hormones. However, excessive production of cholesterol is harmful to our body and eventually it is apparently fatal in most of the cases, because it heightens the risk of heart diseases and strokes. A healthy diet is known to reduce the risk of raising high blood cholesterol. So, you should always take a great care of your regular diet.
If you have a high cholesterol level, you should go through strict healthy diet to lower cholesterol along with medication. Research shows that a controlled diet increases the possibility to lower cholesterol level to a great extent. But it is not mandatory that if you follow a strict diet to lower cholesterol level in blood, it means that you are compromising with your taste. Rather the situation can be entirely different. You may experience an exciting healthy diet to lower cholesterol. Let us find how:
Eat breakfast rich in fiber
Prepare your breakfast by adding fruits, oatmeal as well as whole grain muffins. To make an effective preparation, you may count blindly on oat bran and rice bran, truly. Oat is especially effective because it contains soluble fiber. It particularly reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL), that is, the 'bad' cholesterol.
Soluble fiber is also available in kidney beans, apples, psyllium, pears, prunes, barely and brussels sprouts. It is always recommended that you should switch to wholegrain breads, muffins, waffles, pancakes, and bagels.
Soluble fiber works following a complex mechanism of reducing absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. The mechanism is based on the binding of bile and dietary cholesterol in the body so that it can be excreted from the system. Hence if you can add soluble fiber in your diet, it will definitely switch your regular diet to a healthy diet to lower cholesterol level in your body. If you can add 5-10gm of soluble fiber in your diet, it will certainly reduce LDL cholesterol to 5%. If you take a minimum of one and half cup of cooked oatmeal, it will give you 4.5gms of fiber. So positively it will enhance your body system by lowering your cholesterol level.
Add walnuts and almonds to your diet
Walnuts contain high polyunsaturated fatty acid that aid in reducing blood cholesterol significantly. It also enhances blood circulation in the body by making the blood vessels more elastic. Almonds also play the same role and it shows result even within 4 weeks span.
If one-fifth amount of calories in the diet to lower cholesterol comes from walnut, it will certainly lower the cholesterol level in the blood more than 12 percent altogether.
Nuts are really useful and healthy for diet because only a handful of them truly suffice for optimum supplement of calories in our body. Instead of having diet full of saturated fats such as meats, cheese or croutons, it is always advisable to replace them with almonds or walnuts.
Have Fish with Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Research reveals that Eskimos have a lower degree of heart problems than any other individuals living at the same continent. It is shown in research data that Eskimos consume less saturated fat in their diets and depend on more omega-3 fatty acid based diet. This is usually found in fish whale as well as in seal meat. Apart from that, you can add salmon, mackerel, sardines, lake trout and albacore tuna in order to make an ideal diet to lower cholesterol.
Omega-3 fatty acid is well-recognized for its ability to lower triglyceride consumption in our system. It also helps protecting heart by reducing blood pressure and risk of blood clots.
Well, it is not that you can switch your diet to that of Eskimos, but certainly you can do something to feed you up with omega-3 fatty acid, so that you can take a real good care of your heart and health. You can easily find omega-3 fatty acid in walnuts, soybean oil and canola oil.
Both Jan Richards & Dr John Anne are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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