Based on my own personal experiences of abuse, I know what it’s like to be a victim of abuse. I felt at one point I couldn’t go on. I felt alone and that there was no other way out but to end it all. I had no fight left and gave up. Luckily I did succeed in trying to take my own life. I now was more determined to fight back. How dare he do this to me and get away with it. It was frightening to think of leaving all alone but not as frightening as being abused. I had no self esteem. I felt inadequate and ugly. I was numb. I knew I had to get away before he destroyed any chance I had of living a normal life and a chance of happiness. I made the decision to stand and not be knocked down anymore.
If you are an abused victim, be strong and fight back. There are help hot lines, shelters for battered woman, and help from your local law enforcement agency. Call family or friends. Tell them about your abuser. There are websites to visit to help you understand your feelings and regain your confidence. You don’t have to do this alone.
?Plan ahead before you make your move. Have friends or family have personal belongings waiting for you after you leave your abuser.
?Have maps, phone numbers, and or directions in tack to safe homes before leaving. You may want to leave that information with someone whom you trust and retrieve it after leaving.
?Don’t leave while your abuser is there—wait until he is gone.
?Don’t give him any indication that you plan to leave. Play along to keep him calm.
?Have a law officer to go with you or come to the home incase he should return while you are leaving.
?If you have to leave your belongings behind in order to be safe, do it. It can all be replaced but your life can’t.
?If you have no family or friends to stay with, find a safe home.
?Don’t give out your location or phone number to anyone unless you are certain that they can be trusted.
?Always have some one with you when you go out.
?Get help from counseling—don’t try to face this alone.
I got my life back now but for years I still had nightmares of the abuse. Eventually the nightmares disappeared. All the years of my life wasted because I let it happen to me. The longer you stay in an abusive situation, the harder it becomes to leave and the more pulled down you become. I have accomplished so much now that I am no longer in an abusive situation. I have my self esteem and confidence back. I feel as though I can conquer the world. It’s a good feeling.
Different Forms Of Abuse
Skin allergy can be caused when it is exposed to substances such as latex, perfume, hair dye, dust, flower pollen, make-ups, powders and certain soap. Allergy due to latex is the most common these days, as it is being used in a number of products. The other common cause for skin allergy is poison ivy, which is a form of a plant usually found in most parks and gardens.
Eczema & Hives
Some allergies are genetic in nature and may not be curable. Skin allergy due to eczema is one such decease. It results in the skin being dry and itchy. Hives is another form of skin allergy. This is usually caused due to allergens in food or other external factors, such as, contact with cats, plants or poison oak.
Most skin allergies are incurable. Once you have an allergy, then it stays with you for the rest of your life. But it can certainly be treated. But the best way to treat allergy is to avoid coming in contact with the factors that trigger an allergic attack. So it is very important to keep your surroundings clean. It is also advisable to keep your food habits in check. Keep away from the obvious cause of skin allergies such as pollen or dust or animals. Nutrients also help in treating skin allergies. So it is important that you intake adequate amounts of Vitamins and minerals essential for the skin.
Skin allergy can be kept away by taking simple measures. Changing bed sheets, reducing humidity, allergy proof bed covers and keeping away stuffed toys may seem insignificant, but it can protect you from an allergic attack. There may be various types of skin allergies but the good news is that there are different ways to treat them.
Other effective treatments for allergies
Another common treatment for allergies is using a set of medications called antihistamines, which prevent the formation of histamines that are the main cause of allergy. The best example of such antihistamine is Benadryl that will reduce your allergies effectively. The other common over-the-counter drugs that are required for treating allergies include decongestants, bronchilators [for treating asthma related allergies], and allergy shots. The allergy shots are given in the form of vaccines but you should make sure about the amount of medication is needed to produce the desired effect in controlling allergic reactions.
Both Phyllis Benton & Jason Uvios are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Phyllis Benton has sinced written about articles on various topics from Addictions, Fitness and Education. Phyllis Benton, Living Nightmares of Abuse. Autobiography. An inspirational and emotional story of abuse. Survivor of emotional, sexual, and physical abuse.Book will be available when released through publishamerica and other on line book stores. IS. Phyllis Benton's top article generates over 880 views. Bookmark Phyllis Benton to your Favourites.
Jason Uvios has sinced written about articles on various topics from Air Purifier Cleaners, Acne Treatment and Food Enzymes. Jason Uvios writes on the topic of "Get To Know The Different Forms Of Skin Allergies" visit it: skin allergies,. Jason Uvios's top article generates over 165000 views. Bookmark Jason Uvios to your Favourites.
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