Many companies offer corporate discounts for products and services, from hotel rooms, to flights, vacations, car rentals, and more. As cell phones become more and more of a necessity in todays busy world, phone providers and resellers are taking note, and many now offer corporate discounts for cell phone plans, provided that the corporations meet certain criteria. If you and your employees use cellphones for business related purposes on a daily basis, it makes sense to do your research in order to discover if a corporate cellphone plan is right for you.
While the word corporate conjures up images of large scale operations, even if your company is small, you may still be able to qualify for a discount. The criteria varies, but many carriers and resellers offer discounts for companies with at least ten employees. In general, however, most require a significant amount of employees, and many larger corporations are even assigned their own individual service representatives. The discount amount also varies, so it makes sense to shop around. The average savings is approximately 15 to 20 percent per month per plan participant. This number depends on adherence to the allotted minutes in the plan, which may be difficult to track on your own, particularly if you have a lot of employees. Many larger corporations, the same ones that are typically assigned their own individual service representative, also use some type of cellphone account managing and tracking software. Ask your provider or reseller if they recommend this for your company.
Once you've chosen a plan for your company, be sure that you and your employees manage it correctly. Be sure that everyone understands that cell phone bills are not to be treated as an expensed travel item, and if possible, try to choose a carrier that offers the option of choosing more than one plan, since when it comes to cellphone usage, one size does not fit all. In other words, workers who never leave their local calling area don't need nationwide calling plans, and workers who are always on the road should not have regional only plan. Also make sure that you are not buying too many or too few minutes since this can lead to what the cell phone industry calls breakage, customer mistakes that account for approximately 50 percent of most carriers yearly revenues.
Corporate discounts on cellphone service can save you, your corporation, and your employees money, and provide a more economical way for your business to remain connected at all times.
Discounts On Cell Phones
As an Entrepreneur and a person that has a home business I know how important it is to have the right products and the best products at a available to me. I try to be consistent in where I buy my products, but hey, when a new website comes along and it really pulls at my interest I usually will switch over to the new-found site. High prices don't always mean high quality at other sites online, and this is the type of thing you take notice at with these stores that aren't classified as discount, but by looking at their prices you would think they were at a discount. Cheap prices also dont necassarily mean low quality! One of the main things I absolutely could not live with out is my PDA. It has my life stored on it, every friend, every business contact, every piece of information I ever need is on that thing!
Like I said above, cheap prices don't necessarily mean cheap quality, especially if they are the same brand you would buy for double the original price than at the cheaper store. Hey, I'm all about saving money. If I can go to store A and buy a BlackBerry Curve 8320 Smartphone Titanium for $99 or go to store B and buy a BlackBerry Curve 8320 Smartphone Titanium for $400, which one do you really think I'm going to pick!!! Plus on a lot of these discount cell phone sites you can get major discounts by doing things you were already going to do anyway, like sign up for a new service plan or better yet they have huge rebates, like $100 off a phone. Its pretty incredible when you think about it!
And just because these cell stores are cheaper does not mean they wont have the same brands as everyone else does! The less expensive site also offers the same cellphones and acessories as the big whig stores such as:
Bluetooth - Blackberry, AT&T, LG Vu, Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, Sony, T-mobile, Kyocera
Camera Phones - Blackberry, Motorola, AT&T, Pantech, LG Voyager, Sony Ericson, Palm Centro
If I continue to go on, I will be here forever. Seriously these sites offer anything you will ever need. So what other categories do these sites offer? Well Ill just give you a little teaser and then you can go check it out yourself! You can look forward to things like flip phones, video, web enabled and wi-fi! I mean really, have you heard a part I have made yet that wouldn't make you want to shop at these cheaper stores? I don't really think there is a negative aspect to these stores, at all, whatsoever. Go check them out yourself. Pick a product or an item you bought from one of the big whig stores and compare it to the less pricier one. I'm sure you will see, exactly what I see!
Both Jerry Glynn & Kristi Ambrose are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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