The cosmetic markets have constantly been booming for over a decade now with numerous beauty products. Many such products contain chemicals that sometime are not good for your skin health. One popular skin disorder that a lot of people are concern about is acne. There are lots of causes of acne and different people have acne due to different causes and this fact has also been the reason of many myths that are associated with acne
If you are not aware of your particular skin type and the medications that are good for your skin type and the myths about acne than you are in danger of causing more damage to your skin instead of getting rid of acne. Since most people cannot differentiate between what is truth and what's just another acne myth when they begin treating their acne, so they end up wasting a lot of their time and money on products and medications that either don't work at all or are not good for their particular skin type. An idea that is widely believed to be a myth is the effect of stress on acne and skin disorder.
Can acne actually occur due to stress? There are plenty of evidences that suggest that stress can most surely cause acne or make an existing skin condition worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
A study was conducted at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Though it was a small study, with a sample size of only 22 students suffering from acne, the professors conducted the study conclusively proved that the exam stress worsened acne in these students.
Our body starts to generate a great quantity of male hormones at puberty. This excess production of male hormones can also occur at other times in life except puberty; for example, when woman starts or stops taking birth control pills.
This overproduction of male hormones causes the sebaceous glands of our bodies to shift into overdrive and begin producing excess sebum. The sebum then clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. Male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin overproducing sebum. Whenever we are exceedingly stressed or too emotional, our bodies respond by causing the adrenal glands to create a matter known as Cortisol, which travels straight into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum in turn clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body have the tendency to cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. There is a possibility that your acne is only an outward sign of an internal problem. Reduction in stress shall naturally reduce excess sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reduction in sebum production will help to lessen an acne breakout. Therefore, if you can reduce and control you stress level, you will be able to see your skin getting healthy in very small period of time.
Basically reducing stress level is actually restoring a hormonal balance in your body and that will help reduce production of sebum. So to sum it up this factor should be address apart from using medication to manipulate the excessive sebum production. This way of fighting acne can help in eliminating the problem effectively.
Does Stress Cause Acne
The simple fact is acne only ever happens when
(a) Your pores block
(b) Oil builds up
Chocolate categorically does not 'cause' this to happen. An imbalanced diet might make acne more likely but it isn't the 'cause' (great news if you are chocolate lover).
There is no exact cause of acne. Your skin can happily go about its business shedding skin cells and producing sebum oil for years then suddenly your pores become blocked and acne appears.
There are however many situations in which your pores will have a higher tendency to block.
While trying to find the most likely reason your pores are blocking, it is very important to note that excess oil on your skin is not a 'cause' of acne. Your face could be swimming in oil and no acne would occur if your pores were clear of blockages.
Suggested causes of blockages in pores are;
- Hormones
- Diet
- Genetics
- Vitamin deficiency
- Steroid use
- Stress
- Cosmetics
And so on... most of these suggestions result in one or both of the following,
1. A sudden increase in oil production
2. A decrease in the speed of your skin cycle
The most common cause of blocked pores is a sudden increase in oil production. When your sebum glands suddenly produce more oil than normally, your pores cannot release is fast enough onto your skin and will block, trapping oil and creating acne.
Should you be in a period of your life (e.g. teens, pregnancy, and severe stress) where your hormones are not balanced, you may suffer from sudden increases in oil and thus acne. Similarly, if your diet is not balanced, you will also suffer from this.
A decrease in the speed of your skin cycle is the most common cause of adult acne. This might be caused by work stress, diet change or even menopause.
What ends up occurring in this case is the skin is not used to how slowly the new cells are being pushed to the surface so it holds on to the dead cells for too long. These then end up blocking the pores.
We don't know why some pores block and others don't however we do know that once you have had acne in a particular skin area, the walls of the pores will be weaker and more prone to folding in on themselves and narrowing the exit for the oil. A small blockage that would get easily swept away by the oil in another pore might then block that particular pore.
Some types of exfoliation can help avoid a blockage in your pores from dead skin build up and we will discuss those later. The point to note now is that the surface of your skin is not flat.
Using a regular exfoliant with little beads in it from the chemist is not going to remove dead skin cells from inside the crevasses of your skin. It is most definitely not going to remove any dead skin cells that have gotten inside your pores. If you can feel the grains of the exfoliant, they are too big to get inside your pores.
Regardless of the cause of blocked pores, once the pores are blocked, the result is the same... acne.
Both S.f. Imtiaz143 S.f. Imtiaz143 & Rebecca Kepple are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Rebecca Kepple has sinced written about articles on various topics from Acne Treatment, Wellness and Acne Treatment. Rebecca Kepple specializes in helping acne sufferers get great, blemish-free, clear skin in eight weeks or less. To get instant access to her free insider secrets report 'The Top Ten Secrets on How To Get Blemish-Free Skin' visit:. Rebecca Kepple's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Rebecca Kepple to your Favourites.
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