The purpose in writing an e-Book can be varied, depending on your personal or business goals, but whether you choose to give your e-Book away as a free marketing tool, or sell it as a profit-producing product; you want to get as many copies onto the computer desktops of your readers as possible. That's why it's important that your e-Book have an edge.
What kind of edge?
Well, for one thing, you can write about a topic that isn't commonly available. Let's say your e-Book is about producing e-Books. There are a ton of e-Books available on this topic, yet many seem to simply rehash the same information.
On the other hand, there aren't an abundance of e-Books available about using desktop publishing techniques to make your e-Book stand out from the masses, yet it's a topic that can help even novice e-Book producers create more attractive and well designed e-Books. Selecting an important, but scarcely covered topic -- or aspect of a more common topic -- will definitely give your e-Book an edge.
Another crucial edge to massive e-Book sales is to "attach" an original e-Book cover to your e-Book. Granted, you can't physically attach a cover, but you can virtually attach one. And since the online world in which we live every day is virtual, it stands to reason that e-Books have virtual covers, as well.
Consider the world of physical books. Few people would buy a book without a cover. I wouldn't, and I buy a LOT of books -- just ask my husband! Why should e-Book customers be different?
If your customer can afford to buy only one e-Book and they are given the option of selecting your e-Book with a beautiful graphic image that makes the e-Book seem like a real, physical product... or your competitor's e-Book that doesn't include a cover graphic and which seems like only one more link to one more site... which do you think they would choose? Which would YOU choose?
Would you rather click on a link that says?
--> Download Your E-Book Here!
Or one with a colorful, graphic image that depicts the topic of your e-Book and gives it an "image" [in your mind] of its own?
The choice is simple. And the choice will be simple for your customers and prospects, too.
An e-Book cover is a tremendous edge that you can give your e-Book for very little, if any, cost. E-Book covers are affordable even for those of us who haven't reached our six-figure income mark yet.
One site that offers creative e-Book covers that most anyone can afford is Rebecca White, the designer, has created a number of very creative e-Book covers. Rebecca's work shows talent and her prices are very reasonable. On the 'Net, image is everything. Rebecca can help you create yours.
If you're a do-it-yourselfer, however, there is a little piece of software available that can help you create your own e-Book cover. It's called, appropriately enough, E-Book Cover Creator, and it's very easy to use. Visit for more information.
Whichever way works best for you, the image of your e-Book can make or break its success and reception online. That's why it's crucial that you not entrust something over which you have slaved and into which you have invested hours of valuable time to a simple text link. Attach it to an image that will take it beyond the realm of virtual into the world of visual and watch your downloads skyrocket.
E Commerce Marketing Strategy
The purpose in writing an e-Book can be varied, depending on your personal or business goals, but whether you choose to give your e-Book away as a free marketing tool, or sell it as a profit-producing product; you want to get as many copies onto the computer desktops of your readers as possible. That's why it's important that your e-Book have an edge.
What kind of edge?
Well, for one thing, you can write about a topic that isn't commonly available. Let's say your e-Book is about producing e-Books. There are a ton of e-Books available on this topic, yet many seem to simply rehash the same information you can visit On the other hand, there aren't an abundance of e-Books available about using desktop publishing techniques to make your e-Book stand out from the masses, yet it's a topic that can help even novice e-Book producers create more attractive and well designed e-Books. Selecting an important, but scarcely covered topic -- or aspect of a more common topic -- will definitely give your e-Book an edge.
Another crucial edge to massive e-Book sales is to "attach" an original e-Book cover to your e-Book. Granted, you can't physically attach a cover, but you can virtually attach one. And since the online world in which we live every day is virtual, it stands to reason that e-Books have virtual covers, as well.
Consider the world of physical books. Few people would buy a book without a cover. I wouldn't, and I buy a LOT of books -- just ask my husband! Why should e-Book customers be different?
If your customer can afford to buy only one e-Book and they are given the option of selecting your e-Book with a beautiful graphic image that makes the e-Book seem like a real, physical product... or your competitor's e-Book that doesn't include a cover graphic and which seems like only one more link to one more site... which do you think they would choose? Which would YOU choose?
Would you rather click on a link that says?
Download Your E-Book Here!
Or one with a colorful, graphic image that depicts the topic of your e-Book and gives it an "image" [in your mind] of its own,
the choice is simple. And the choice will be simple for your customers and prospects, too.
An e-Book cover is a tremendous edge that you can give your e-Book for very little, if any, cost. E-Book covers are affordable even for those of us who haven't reached our six-figure income mark yet or go to
One site that offers creative e-Book covers that most anyone can afford is Rebecca White, the designer, has created a number of very creative e-Book covers. Rebecca's work shows talent and her prices are very reasonable. On the 'Net, image is everything. Rebecca can help you create yours.
If you're a do-it-yourselfer, however, there is a little piece of software available that can help you create your own e-Book cover. It's called, appropriately enough, E-Book Cover Creator, and it's very easy to use. Visit for more information.
Whichever way works best for you, the image of your e-Book can make or break its success and reception online. That's why it's crucial that you not entrust something over which you have slaved and into which you have invested hours of valuable time to a simple text link. Attach it to an image that will take it beyond the realm of virtual into the world of visual and watch your downloads skyrocket.
Both Singh Sukhjeetaugust & Pardeep are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.