The internet has changed the way we live in more ways then we thought possible. Not only is it one of the best forms of communication but it is also a treasure house of information. Another advantage of the internet is that it can be a creative way to spend your time by doing something constructive and digital scrapbooking is one such activity. All of us who remember our childhood days of colorful scrapbooks stuck with various photographs and knickknacks can feel a twinge of nostalgia when they decide to reacquaint themselves with this old hobby in a new manner, i.e. through the internet. All you need is the computer with internet connection and you are on your way to creating interesting online scrapbooks to preserve your memories forever.
Starting off with digital scrapbooking is not as daunting a sit sounds. All you will need to begin is some photographs that you want to use on your computer. The photographs can be clicked on a digital camera and stored in your computer or perhaps some photographs that you have in your online mailbox. Then you need to select one of the appropriate categories of software easily available in the World Wide Web. The scrapbooking softwares are designed to provide maximum comfort and support to any individual keen on learning and indulging in digital scrapbooking. You can select among the two different kinds of available software which may either be photo editing programs or layout programs. The softwares help you in deciding and finalizing the layout of the pages and the design for the theme that you have selected. The photographs to be used can also be accordingly adjusted, cropped or redefined to suit your requirements.
digital scrapbooking can be a fun activity, especially when you are selecting out the various styles, themes, layouts, designs, embellishments and creative concepts. Experimenting on a digital scrapbook can be great fun and it is also easy as it hardly takes any time to change a feature if you are unhappy with the results. Also, as the scrapbook is entirely created on your computer, while at work you could also surf the various scrapbooking sites for further guidance on creating a unique scrap book that your friends and family will admire.
The scrapbook that you thus create on your computer can easily be stored as per your convenience. It is a much better way of preserving your handiwork securely rather than trying to preserve a physical scrapbook that may get destroyed or lost accidentally or with the passage of time. However, in case you want to preserve both, a soft copy and a hard copy, digital scrapbooking provides you that option as well as you can easily get a printout of your digital scrap book. Once created, the work of art can be seen by people across the globe if you so desire. You can also mail a copy to friends and family and swell with pride once you get true appreciation for your creative work.
Easy And Fun Science Experiments
Some things in your life cannot be controlled. This can create extreme stress. On the other hand, there are factors that are completely in your control. Learning control in these areas can give you confidence in other areas of your life. Not controlling them can be life threatening.
It is a fact that stress creates excessive cortisol and adrenaline to be produced in our bodies. Even if you don't feel the "fight or flight" response, low level and constant stress will cause these hormones to be continually made and released into your body. Why are too much of these hormones a bad thing?
Too much cortisol will suppress your immune system leaving you more prone to infections and a flare up of allergies. An over-abundance of adrenaline can raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels and raise your risk for stroke and heart attack. In addition, these stress hormones can cause mood swings, anxiety and depression, adding to your stress levels.
Exercise is one of the best stress-busters available to you. It can help you control and even alleviate these types of stress related problems. If motivation to exercise is your problem, set your goals lower. You don't have to do a hardcore strenuous workout - just move your body.
Walking is proving to be one of the absolute best exercises for stress relief. It not only tones your entire body, it also stimulates your immune system, and elevates your mood. It has one of the lowest risks of side effects and you don't need an expensive prescription. But how does it help relieve the effects of stress?
While you are walking, you must pump your calf muscles. This is one of the only ways to move your lymphatic system, which carries toxins and waste out of your body. This includes waste that needs to be removed from your liver and gallbladder. (Perhaps this is why studies prove that daily walking decreases the risk of needing gallstones surgery.)
This is important since the excessive amounts of hormones are considered toxins by your body. Moving your lymphatic and circulatory system will help remove this excess waste, which will provide some stress relief.
When stressed, blood supply is directed to the vital organs like the heart and brain. The means less blood is given to the less vital organs including your digestive tract, skin and spleen. The result can be poor digestion, cold and clammy skin, skin eruptions and even constipation.
Walking can alleviate these problems by moving your entire circulatory system. As your blood flow increases, so does oxygen throughout your body. This increases blood supply, more nutrients and oxygen to all your organs, including the digestive tract and skin.
If walking isn't your thing, try something even more fun like rebounding. Rebounding is the term given to jumping on a trampoline designed for exercise. This exercises all the muscles in your body, increases lung capacity, normalizes blood pressure, increases lymphatic flow, and tones the glandular system (the system that produces hormones).
And don't let the obvious go by - jumping on a trampoline is plain old fun. This alone can help elevate your mood and provide some stress relief.
If you decide to try this exercise proceed with extreme caution. You can jar your joints and hurt your back if you use an everyday trampoline. The smaller rebounders made for daily exercise use specials materials and springs that are made to absorb the impact to protect your body.
A good quality rebounder can be found online for around $250. And don't let that discourage you - that investment can last you ten or more years, which is far cheaper than the price of a gym.
Take advantage of using exercise for your stress relief. Start small with just ten minutes of exercise every day. You will naturally start doing more as your body gets stronger, you gain more energy and start realizing how effective it is. Exercising on a daily basis can build your confidence and remind you that you are in control of your life. This will bring the realization that you have control other other factors, and can even save your life.
Both John Foster & Cindy Papp are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
John Foster has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking, Small Business and Ideas for Scrapbooking. John Foster has special interest in arts. He gives advice to anyone who wants to know about Scrapbooking,online art school,art school class for scrapbooking,DIY scrapbooking,. John Foster's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark John Foster to your Favourites.
Cindy Papp has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Fitness and Metabolism. Learn more stress relief techniques and how to take complete control of your. Cindy Papp's top article generates over 6120000 views. Bookmark Cindy Papp to your Favourites.
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