Not all of us have the ability to start a business from scratch and make it successful in a short period of time. For many of us, however, we are attempting to do just that by starting Internet businesses in our spare time and hoping that the time that we spend on them pays off in some way or another. It can be difficult to be a little fish in a big pond whenever it comes to your Internet marketing but if you play your cards right, you can use some of the bigger fish in order to take over a larger part of the pond. This is done through joint venture marketing.
Joint ventures are as old as businesses themselves. As a matter of fact, they have been used as a way to increase the success of businesses and to form a symbiotic relationship between businessmen for centuries. The Internet, however, has taken joint venture marketing to a new level and is constantly improving on what it can do for each partner in the venture. If you have something to bring to the table, even if it is something small, as long as it is of value, you can begin setting up your own joint ventures in a relatively short period of time.
The beauty of forming a joint venture, especially if you are new to your particular niche, is that you can build your business on the success of somebody else's existing success. If you are able to give them something in return, then you would also be able to help them to build their business in one way or another as well. Successful marketers already realize the potential that exists whenever they are offered a joint venture. If you know how to put one on the table, you can walk away from the table a winner almost every time.
In order to approach somebody with a joint venture proposal you are going to have to make sure that you have everything in order at that time. Most Internet marketers are very busy and they simply don't want to take the time to review a bunch of proposals that are thrown together hastily or that do not really outline what is in the proposal that benefits them. Don't simply outline what you hope to gain from the joint venture, let them know exactly what it is that you can do for their business and if you are convincing enough, you will end up with a new partner, one that can take your business to a whole new level.
As long as there are businesses that exist within the same niche, there is always the potential to form a joint venture in some form or another. Even though it may not be expressly spelled out as being a joint venture proposal, simply by forming a relationship of mutual benefit, you are forming a JV and can reap the rewards, usually within a short period of time.
Example Of Joint Venture
that takes place, that's why many ebusiness folks are
seeking out joint ventures. What IS a joint venture
(JV for short) you ask? Basically it's when you agree
to form a partnership and jointly promote someone.
Here are some benefits you can realize from forming
joint venture.
1. EXPOSURE: You can instantly "double" the exposure of
your products and services by tapping into each other's
built-in audiences, business relationships, and mail
2. MENTORING: As partners, you'll form a powerful
relationship and learn from one another. As you create
plans together, each partner's specialties and
knowledge will complement the others.
3. FORM A DYNAMIC DUO: Being associated with other
highly successful business people enhances your image
and reputation. Look at the fantastic relationships
that Jim Daniels, Rick Beneteau and other successful
marketers have built. They are examples of people who
truly are putting the power of partnerships to work!
Are two heads better than one? Well YES and no... You
see, relationships can be sweet or they can quickly
turn sour. Like a good marriage, a joint venture
relationship needs to be built on a
solid foundation of trust and friendship. Partnerships
need nurturing, loyalty, and faithfulness from both
parties. It's not a one way street. Partner's need to
genuinely care about and trust each other.
1. BE HONEST AND SINCERE: It all starts with the
proposal. If you don't write a strong proposal, the
future of your JV will quickly be decided with a
"click". An impersonal, hard sell letter will turn
your prospect off. Instead, write a personalized
proposal including what you both could bring to the
project and what you both can expect of a joint venture
familiar with their business, their web site, and
ezine. This way can tell your partner what you like
about their business and how you foresee them working
together. You may even consider making a phone call to
say hello and "meet" each other first. The few joint
venture letters I actually consider are from folks who
take time to know me and my business, and speak
honestly about WHY and HOW we could work together.
3. WHAT's IN IT FOR ME? Explain up front how working
together would be mutually beneficial to both of you.
If a joint venture proposal screams "ME, ME, ME" then
why would you consider it? Instead, take time to think
about how YOU could help your potential partner.
Clearly state the potential benefits to your partner.
Will they gain instant access to 40,000 extra
subscribers? Will you endorse your partner's products?
How can you grow your partner's business?
4. RESPECT YOUR PARTNER: What you do reflects on the
reputation of your partner. Conduct yourself with
integrity and professionalism. If I am promoting "Joe
Schmo's" product, I expect Joe to treat my customers
with respect and offer outstanding customer service. If
Joe doesn't answer his emails, offers bad customer
support, or his product doesn't "work" - then that
Both Guido Nussbaum & Rohan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Rohan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Plan, Joint Venture and How to Sell on Ebay. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:- ""> Rohan's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Rohan to your Favourites.
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