A joint venture takes place when two parties come together to take onone project. In a joint venture, both parties are equally invested inthe project in terms of money, time, and effort to build on theoriginal concept. While joint ventures are generally small projects,major corporations also use this method in order to diversify. A jointventure can ensure the success of smaller projects for those that arejust starting in the business world or for established corporations.Since the cost of starting new projects is generally high, a jointventure allows both parties to share the burden of the project, as wellas the resulting profits.
A joint venture is not to be taken lightly. For a businessperson toembark on a joint venture, he or she needs to be committed and willingto work cooperatively with the other party involved. For more detailvisit www.joint-venture-guide.com a person involved in a joint venturecan no longer make all of the decisions for the business alone. For itto be truly a ?joint venture,? there has to be 100% commitment fromboth sides. India is witnessing a revolution both in the context ofliberalization and globalization of the Indian economy and transactingbusiness through Joint ventures set up with foreign partners acrossvarious industry sectors. This article sets forth some important stepsfor forming a Joint Venture Company in India.
When determining whether or not to embark on a joint venture, it isimportant to ensure both parties are a match with the projected clientbase. In a joint venture, each party must compliment the other inbusiness. Sometimes, for more detail visit www.jointwebventures.com amisunderstanding or a lack of communication can destroy a jointventure. Therefore, it is necessary for both parties to be capable ofcommunicating what they are able to offer to the project and what theirexpectations are. Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association inconsultation with the joint venture partners, get them printed andsuitably stamped, and submitting the same with required documents likestatutory declaration u/s 33 of the Companies Act 1956 {Act} and Formno.18 u/s 146 of the Act regarding address of the registered office, toROC along with fees payable.
Since money is involved in a joint venture, it is necessary to have astrategic plan in place. In short, both parties must be committed tofocusing on the future of the partnership, rather than just theimmediate returns. Ultimately, short term and long term successes areboth important. In order to achieve this success, honesty, integrity,and communication within the joint venture are necessary.
A Joint Venture Of
What is a joint venture?
Although it is the key to increase your profit and your time off
(you sell while you are doing nothing), joint venture is the
biggest unused marketing technique.
It is a complete win-win situation, and it can be your most
powerful tool to succeed online.
The reason why people do not start joint venture is that they
are intimidated .
There are different ways to start a joint venture.
Find someone in your niche and try to establish a relationship
with him, it is much better than trying to do everything by
yourself, and you will see amazing results.
You can search for partners in different forums, there is a lot
of forums out there, just search for them in the major search
You can get other website send emails to their list, and place
links on their webpages, and pay them only when they make a
You must give a high commission to your joint venture partners;
50% or more.
You should not give them additional work to sell your products,
but you should do all the work for them. They will only have to
follow your instructions step by step, and the sales will go on.
Prepare for your partner the following:
The email promotions, the text links and banner ads, the
classifieds ads, a product review, the Pay-Per-Clicks campaigns,
The famous pop up windows, the product images...
When you do that, your partner will be more eager to sell your
products, because it becomes a no brainer, and no time is needed
to succeed.
A good joint venture will help you to have a fast track start,
even if you don' t have a list or a product, because other
people will sell the product to their list.
You should understand that other people in your niche are not
competitors, but actually they are your partners.
Remember: other people is the way to succeed in your business.
About the Author
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Both Ranjannov & Rajiv Kumar 12 are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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