I know that's a big statement but if you lost track of your life and your fitness goals somewhere along the way I want to share with you some valuable insight on how to get you centered again...
First thing I want you to do is get a pen and a pad of paper and ask yourself some questions. Where going to brainstorm here this will get the creative thoughts flowing through our bodies..
What are you doing right now toward my health and fitness and life goals? If your answer is you could be allot more productive. You need to figure out what's holding you back? Is it your circle of environment? Friends have a large influence on your daily actions and your choices. Or maybe it's your work: Fact is there is something holding you back and it could just be you.. After all we are what we eat and think. Breaking the cycle getting out of your comfort zone and growing? We are our own worst enemy, myself included if your comfortable in the place your at you need to change your thinking simulation a personal growth only happens when we as humans step outside the box.. Stop thinking about what you can't do and more on what you can do to change your current situation.
What are your long term health and Fitness life goals? If you have a goal in mind I applaud you! No really try and answer this: Define your long term goal make it as detailed as possible right down two what your wearing three years from now.
No really on a serous note if you define in more detail what is it you want out of your health and fitness and your life you will have a better chance at reaching your goals!
What are you willing to change to help you achieve your goals? Change it is so easy to say I am going to change and then you realize how much goes into that statement. If you want to change your body you have to change the way you eat also the way you live you have to challenge yourself and your body on a daily basis..
Setting a little change is best. Micro changes help you achieve real life goals not fantasy a dream is only a dream if it's not planned out. Plan realistically in daily, weekly and monthly achievements.
You have to self remind yourself daily of what you want and who you are! What I find works for me is at the end of every night I set out my realistic goals for tomorrow and in the morning I reinforce them by reading them over again.
Then I go along my day not letting life distract me from what I must accomplish that day. This way I stay focused most of all consistent with my day to day life.
Be true to yourself? Asking yourself who you are and what you stand for and what you are about goes along way it helps you realize that you live the memories that you want to live and everything you do has a choice connected to it. You can conquer any obstacle no matter how great you just have to believe you can with out a doubt.
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