To achieve healthy weight loss and function properly, our bodies must be well hydrated. In total, better than 70% of our cells, tissues, and organs are made up of water. Our most important organ, the brain, is made up of over 85% water. Water is, in fact, the regulator of all functions of the human body and is the core of any healthy weight loss program.
In his book The Laws of Life and Health, Alexander Bryce, MD makes the following statement: "There is no fluid known to chemists which can dissolve as many solid substances as water, which is indeed the best solvent in existence. If, therefore, sufficient quantities of it are supplied, the whole process of nutrition is stimulated because the paralyzing effect of the toxic waste products is removed by their solution and subsequent excretion by the kidneys, skin, bowel, or lungs. If, on the other hand, these toxic materials are allowed to accumulate in the body, all sorts of diseases will arise."
In other words, water is necessary in assisting the body in the dilution and elimination of waste products. Stated differently, in order to avoid disease, achieve healthy weight loss, and maintain optimal health, the body requires optimal hydration.
Water serves other purposes within the body aside from waste removal and disease control:
* Transports nutrients to all tissues of the body.
* Regulates body temperature.
* Necessary for all chemical reactions in the body.
* Maintains the body's acid-alkaline balance.
Despite our acknowledgement of the importance of water in a healthy weigh loss and lifestyle plan, very few Americans utilize this knowledge by applying it on a consistent basis. As a society we drink too much coffee and tea, too many sodas, too much alcohol, and too many sport drinks. These fluids are both high in caffeine and/or sugar. This combination raises blood sugar and insulin levels and creates a state of dehydration. And, as we stated earlier, chronic dehydration leads to disease.
So, to achieve the desirable healthy weight loss results you are seeking, you simply must drink more pure water and the right kind of pure water. We say pure because most of our available tap water isn't so great. Tap water contains antibiotics, pesticides, chlorine and other contaminants that our bodies can do without.
Best Pure Water Sources:
* Distilled: rated purest by National Science Foundation
* Miracle water: distilled water with added electrolytes
* Filtered: reverse osmosis is best
* Sparkling: should have no carbohydrates
* Decaffeinated teas and coffees
Although drinking water by itself is by far the best strategy, you can also obtain a considerable amount of water from eating high water content foods. Water rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and sprouts will supplement what you are drinking on a daily basis and will assist in your healthy weight loss plan.
A good indicator of how well hydrated you are is the color of your urine. Urine that is dark yellow or orange indicates that the kidneys are working very hard to rid the body of poisonous toxins. If your urine happens to be this color, it is an indication of dehydration. Urine that is clear at least once a day is an indication of optimal water consumption.
The Metamorphic Weight Loss Program Water Consumption Recommendations
* Body weight in pounds divided by 2 = Minimum number of ounces of water to be consumed each day.
* Drink enough water until your urine runs clear at least once a day.
Proper hydration of your body through the consumption of pure water every day is a fundamental requirement for healthy weight loss and overall better health.
Healthy Heart Weight Loss
What is the key to weight loss success? It is understanding your personality first. Evaluate yourself, discuss about yourself (with you) and then come to a judgment about yourself. In this process, you will realize for yourself many negative tendencies that relentlessly contributed to your extra kilograms.
It is very easy to appeal to the emotions of an obese person, and influence him with platitudes and offer panacea to chisel out a thin personality of him. A number of remedies are offered. The billion dollar weight loss industry has many surprises, promising the ultimate goal of life-- fast fat reduction! But to your sorrow, the fat loss result, you find is temporary and you are the original round and round football! Remember, you are just punishing yourself by artificial dietary patterns.
Fat people are in search of a magician! They want instant weight reduction. Advertisements published in the press and TV might drive them crazy. The mind is always bombarded with confusing ideas and schemes on the subject of weight reduction.
For healthy weight loss, there are only two result-giving tools: Your food and your exercise. If you don't want to exercise and if you cannot discontinue your cherished goals with regard to the consumption of cakes, junk food, chocolates, ice-creams & alcohol, you shall lose weight in your sweet dreams only.
Weight loss by competition-- seems very interesting, also very true! During your school and college days you must have had a study-buddy. He must have helped you and you must have helped him in maintaining the study-tempo, at least a fortnight before the commencement of the examination! Find a diet-buddy and the mutual competitive spirit to lose weight together, many times works well.
Have a time table for eating and more importantly, follow that time table. If you have noticed, even the birds and animals have their fixed time of eating! They don't have twenty-four hours open coffee shops and 24 hours emergency wards in the hospitals!
Eat slowly and steadily, enjoy the thing that you are eating and you are definite to reach your goal-- healthy weight loss!
Both Malton A. Schexneider & Kanishkm are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Malton A. Schexneider has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Lose Weight and Health. Malton Schexneider is a practicing physical therapist, nationally known speaker, former university professor, author, orthopedic specialist, & personal success coach to people seeking lifestyle transformation.For more on healthy weight loss programs go to. Malton A. Schexneider's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Malton A. Schexneider to your Favourites.
Kanishkm has sinced written about articles on various topics from Balanced Diet, Acupuncture Chiropractor and Medicine. To get detailed information on Weight Loss and more Weight Loss articles visit &. Kanishkm's top article generates over 1220000 views. Bookmark Kanishkm to your Favourites.
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