Let me ask you this: What do you really, really, really want? If you say, “Money”, what does that translate into for you? Control? Power? Security? Dignity? Freedom? How much money? If you say. “Health”, what does that exactly mean to you? How will you know when you're healthy? What has to happen in order for you to declare, “Now, I'm healthy!” What is “Success” to you? How would you measure it? I once consulted with a client who wanted to start a trans-Africa transport airline service. When I dug deep down, what he REALLY wanted was to fly an airplane! Much cheaper, methinks, than starting an airline, wouldn't you agree?
I like this question: “What is your NUMBER?” The “number” is the amount of money it will take you to do something. “Everyone has his price”, they say. And they're right. What will it take? And sometimes it will take a lot less than we might think. When you know someone's real Hot Button, you gain control beyond your wildest dreams. Instead of mouthing off about yourself, your product or service, ask intelligent questions. Find out what pain the other person is currently enduring. Find out what keeps him or her awake at night, worrying – their greatest fears.
I know a fellow who continually tries to recruit me into his business. But he's so arrogant and egotistical that he never takes the time to find out who I am or what I want. The more he runs off at the mouth the more I lose interest. Instead of enticing me, he bores me. I want to know everything about the people I choose to do business with because knowledge that can be applied is power. It sometimes takes a long time to discover the Hot Button, but when you do, it's worth the effort. When you think you've found the Hot Button, test it. Don't jump to the confusion that you're right. When you find the pain, turn the knife in the wound and then offer the solution, remedy and escape, in the form of a Joint Venture.
Understand your potential Joint Venture partner and get to know what their How Buttons are, and you will create a great Joint Venture. Watch them: what do they look at, what do they read, where do they go, what do they talk about the most, what do they spend time and money on, whom do they spend time with? Do personality assessments. If you know I'm a High D, INTJ, you know more about me than most. Take the time and spend the money, do your homework. It will pay off in spades.
Beat Home Drug Test What good are you going to be to your business if you are stressed out, on the edge of being burnt-out and miserable?Just imagine how refreshed you will feel when you return after a day off - you ma...