If you have to watch the exact same episode of your favorite television show every day for the rest of your life, you would probably be banging your head against the wall by the end of the week. You would change the channel, pick up a book, or do anything you could to avoid something you once enjoyed.
Yet, many people starting on a fitness program feel compelled to follow the same routine, day after day after day, and consequently fall off the exercise wagon due to sheer boredom.That is why, most people would want the services of a fitness trainer in order to provide them the different portions of the fitness program in a more livelier style.
Fitness trainers are actually those who are expert in analyzing and creating a fitness program that is right for you. They are the ones who will calculate your appropriateness to a certain program with regards to your fitness level,create the program according to your specific needs, and keep you stimulated and inspired by giving you activities that will not bore you.
But then again, as with other entities included in the fitness world, not all fitness trainers are created equal. They may vary from the different trainings that they have, the health education they have acquired, and the skills that they have learned.
Hence, it is important to consider some factors that will determine if a certain fitness trainer is right for you. Here is how:
1. Certification
Like any item or product, the quality is sometimes measured and determined through the certification that goes with it. Hence, before you choose your fitness trainer, it is important to verify if the trainer is duly certified by a highly regarded fitness association.It is also best to choose a trainer that has a CPR certification or first aid qualifications.
2. Education/Trainings
Be sure to choose a fitness trainer who had acquired an adequate training and education as far as health and physical fitness is concerned.
Even though it is not necessary, trainers who have acquired education connected with health or any other related field will definitely have an edge over the others.
3. Knows how to give the right attention
A good fitness trainer should know how to provide his or her client an undivided attention whenever their session is going on. In this way, the trainer will be able to focus more on the details that needs attention and immediate considerations.
4. Knows how to track development
It is best to choose a fitness trainer that knows how to track his or her client's progress as far as fitness is concerned.
In this way, the trainer will be able to generate new activities and trainings designated for a particular result of the client.
5. Good Personality
Since you will be dealing most with your fitness trainer, it is best if you will look for somebody with a pleasing personality, somebody whom you can be comfortable. It is best to hire the services of somebody whom you can easily get along with.
Boiled down, the services of a fitness center and the contributions it can give you while working out on those belly fats, are, indeed, one of the best help that you can get from a professional person who knows what he is doing.
Hence, it is best to choose the best person who can give you the best services that you need so that you will never get bored again.
How To Become Fitness Trainer
There are gyms and workout centers for men and women (and both together) springing up everywhere. A couple of years ago I was the only personal trainer in this rural area, but now there are several within a few miles and yet my small business has not felt any pinch and is still growing.
The reasons are many, but chief among them is the recognition that a fit lifestyle is much healthier and less prone to illness and disability than the sedentary, over-weight, sit-on-your-butt-all-day lifestyle that seems to be everywhere.
That and the fact that baby boomers are into or nearing retirement age and beginning to feel their mortality. Fit people simply live longer and happier lives.
If you are one of those, at any age, who works out regularly anyway, and enjoys helping people and can't understand why everyone isn't exercising, why not have a long think about becoming a fitness professional?
If you are reading this, perhaps you have already thought about a career change and simply want to be sure to do it the right way.
To that end I have put together a few pointers about getting your fitness trainer education and becoming a personal trainer and I have also published a list of Fitness Trainer Schools in the US, and online., on my website for reference purposes.
The decision to become a personal trainer must involve a decision to obtain the necessary education and certification and is an imperative step in being recognized as a competent practitioner in this discipline.
Reputable fitness trainer schools will help you become a personal trainer by providing the following training in their courses. Make sure that any school you are considering will deliver the following:
You'll learn the critical areas of Fitness Assessment, Program Design, Upper- and Lower-body Strength Training and Flexibility Training.
You'll learn how to effectively administer a health history screening, which simply means you will learn to assess a clients current physical condition through testing so you have all the information necessary to develop a safe and effective exercise program and more.
You will learn to become a fitness trainer for one-on-one or small group training. It's worth bearing in mind that small group training in the form of 'Boot Camps" can be highly effective at recruiting new, ongoing clients as well as producing a great income source. This is important whether you work at a club or on your own.
You will learn to empower, motivate, challenge and retain your clients.
The schools curriculum should be continually evaluated and updated to ensure that it includes the most current exercise science information to keep the graduates ahead of the competition.
You will have demonstrated your knowledge of exercise science, nutrition, fitness assessment, exercise programming, and training and instruction techniques.
You will be required to do real-life situational evaluations. Given a (hypothetical) clients problems, goals and limitations you will assess and design an appropriate program for exercise and be tested on your performance.
Generally, you must meet the following eligibility requirements to become a personal trainer.
* You must be at least 18 years of age.
* You must hold current adult CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) certification at the time of the exam. Candidates registering for online courses must have current CPR prior to registration.
It certainly helps if you understand fitness science and don't just memorize it. This is a case where you can really help people if you have a good understanding, or you could do harm if you don't. After all, being a fitness trainer is not just about memorizing program design, but understanding the fundamentals of exercise science so that fitness can be prescribed to many unique individuals.
Look for a program that includes alot of hands-on teaching. This will help you know you are doing things right and will increase your confidence.
The right personal trainer course will help with your belief in yourself, and will give you confidence in your ability, and trust in your knowledge.
Deciding on a career, or changing careers can be a little scary, but will be less-so if you do a little ground work first.
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