The direct causes of coronary heart disease and heart attack are factors like these:
- Narrowing of blood vessels in the heart and the rest of the body by arteriosclerosis.
- High blood cholesterol level.
- High blood pressure.
- Over-weight.
- Diabetes.
- High level of the amino acid homocystein in the blood.
- High content of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and low content of high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood. Lipoprotein is a combination of protein and fatty substances bound together.
- Inflammation in the circulatory system.
- High age.
- Inherited tendencies for high cholesterol levels and heart disease.
- Men have somewhat greater chance of getting heart disease than women.
These factors are interrelated in complicated ways, and are causing or amplifying each other. For example, arteriosclerosis will cause higher blood pressure, and high blood pressure will cause even more arteriosclerosis. Many of these factors are ultimately caused or aggravated by these lifestyle factors:
-A too high consume of fat, cholesterol and sugar.
-Consuming the wrong fat types.
-Lack of fibre, vitamins, minerals and other diet deficiencies.
-Stress at work and in the daily life.
-Lack of exercise.
Lifestyle adjustments will therefore be the main methods of preventing heart failure.
A diet with the aim of preventing heart disease is generally the same as a diet to prevent cancer and other diseases. Here are the general diet advices
- Avoid or reduce the amount of food that are industrially processed, artificially made or heavily fried.
- Eat fish at least every second day. Also eat seafood and fouls.
- Do not eat very much red meat.
- Eat 5 fruits or vegetables each day. Each piece should be of the size of an apple or carrot. They should be raw or carefully boiled so that the nutrients are not washed out.
- Eat full corn bread, full corn cereals, peas, beans and potatoes.
- Eat just a moderate amount of fat.
- Consume cholesterol rich foods like egg, spawn or liver in just moderate amounts.
- Ideally most fat you eat, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. You also need some poly-unsaturated fat of the types omega-3, and omega 6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be moderate.
- In order to achieve right fat balance, much of the fat supply should come from a blending of sources like olive, olive oil, canola oil, nuts, nut oil, sunflower, sunflower oil, linseed oil (flax oil), fish and fish oil.
- Use only a moderate amount of soy oil and corn oil in the diet. Only using such oil types will give you too much poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type.
- Use just a very moderate amount of fat sources like butter, coconut oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat.
- Avoid altogether fat that has been chemically altered, giving so-called trans-fat. This type of fat is often found in margarine, cookies, snacks, fast food and other pre-made food.
- Consume just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.
- Consume just a moderate amount of tranquilizers and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.
- Use just a moderate amount of salt in the food. However, in warm weather and by hard physical work, you will need more salt.
Evidence suggests that it will be helpful to take some supplements of natural substances to prevent heart disease and help to ameliorate already manifest heart problems. These supplements are:
- Omega-3-fatty acids derived from fish and other marine sources, especially the fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and alfa-linolaeic acid. 1 gram a day of each of these substances may be taken as a supplement. Higher amounts should only be taken under medical supervision, since higher amount of these substances may cause bleeding tendencies, and may suppress the immune system.
- Supplement of vitamin C has been thought to help prevent heart disease, but newer findings cast doubt upon this.
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), folic acid / folate, vitamin b12 and riboflavin seem to prevent the building up of the substance homocystein in the blood and thereby help prevent heart disease, according to results from research projects.
The lifestyle measures listed in this article will also help you loose weight. If these measures are not enough, you should consider engaging in a more specific weight reduction program. You should choose a program that has a moderate fat content philosophy. Some weight reduction programs have a higher fat and low carbohydrate consume philosophy, and those are probably not the best ones to reduce the chance of getting heart disease.
You should do some exercise of at least half an hour at least every second day. Condition training as vigorous walking, jogging, cycling or swimming is best for reducing the heart attack probability. Muscular building exercises are also of value, especially exercises building leg muscles
If you smoke, stopping or reducing this habit radically will decrease the chance of getting heart problems.
If you suffer from diabetes type 1, a good control of the disease by insulin medication and by diet adjustments will help to prevent heart disease.
Many people over the age of 50, and an increasing number of young people suffer from diabetes type 2 because of bad lifestyle. This disease does not necessarily give dramatic symptoms, but the disease increases the chance of getting serious heart problems, and many have the disease without knowing it. This disease can be prevented by the same lifestyle measures depicted above. If you already have got the disease, a more rigorous control of carbohydrate intake is necessary. And sometimes also medication must be used. People over the age of 50 and younger people that do not feel well should find out if they suffer from this condition.
Low doses of acetyl salicylic acid or aspirin prevent heart disease by persons bearing a high risk for heart disease. However, this medication increases the risk of bleeding and should not be used without constant medical supervision. For persons with a low risk of heart disease, the dangers of aspirin will be greater than the benefits.
How To Induce Heart Attack
As I opened my mailbox, I did what most folks do when they get their mail?
I turned into a humanized version of a mail sorting machine. Within an instant, I have already identified junk-mail, a few bills and a stack that requires further investigation to determine if it's worth keeping or belongs in the trash can.
But today was no ordinary mail day. Today, I was given a mild heart-attack by what I found in my mailbox.
As I sorted through the week-old stack of mail, an envelope jumped out at me and instantly had my full attention. Not only did it have my full attention, but it had already created an emotional response within my body. My heart rate raised, blood vessels tightened and my breathing pattern increased.
I'm not exaggerating here, this is 100% true?
The envelope had a logo that is instantly recognizable to any grown adult in America. The envelope appeared to be from the I.R.S.
Since it wasn't tax season and I own a business, I instantly thought I was being audited. Now, I have absolutely nothing to hide, but the thought of the time and hassle an audit would take sent shivers up my spine.
Here's where this gets interesting ? do you remember in my previous messages when I discussed the first job of marketing? Interrupting or getting attention through the use of the brain's automatic search engine called the Reticular Activation System (RAS)?
Well, this story illustrates that process perfectly. See, if you remember, the RAS is constantly looking for items of priority around us. In other words, things we really want, things we really want to avoid, things that are dangerous, familiar or problematic.
The I.R.S. looking logo falls front and center into the ?Problematic? zone.
When this happens, it's impossible to ignore taking some sort of action.
Unfortunately for most businesses that spend their hard earned dollars on advertising and do a decent job on the ?attention? step, the next action is usually a pitch into the trash can or ignorance of the remainder of the message.
But before I continue on that subject, let me finish this story because it illustrates a very, very, very important point in sales and marketing.
As I opened the envelope with hope that I wasn't being audited by Uncle Sam, I quickly realized that I'd just fallen victim to a false alarm. The ad was from ? get this ? Parenting Magazine! Needless to say I was relieved, but ticked off at the same time.
See, the creative geniuses at Parenting Magazine thought they were being super-sneaky by making the envelope appear like it was coming from the I.R.S. But, like so many other advertisers, they neglected to consider what happens when the recipient figures out they've just been duped.
Do they think that evokes a positive emotion? One that makes me think: ?Boy, that sure was clever, just for their cleverness, I'm going to subscribe to their magazine!?? Do they really believe that their prospects are so dumb that they can be tricked? If you think about it, it's almost insulting their target market.
Sometimes I wonder?
Has that ever happened to you? I'll bet it has at one level or another. Most savvy marketers know that they must get attention for their ad to work. This is why you see talking frogs, cute kids, screaming people and other odd things so common in advertising. The advertiser wants your attention and most do a great job of getting that far.
But that's where it all falls apart. The instant a prospect figures you out, your chances of success are reduced faster than you can imagine.
Interruption only lasts for a few seconds, you now need to engage them into the remainder of the advertisement.
Very rarely can this be done when you use false alarms like Parenting Magazine did. The real secret is interrupting with a headline or opening statement that is RELEVANT to your product/service.
In your case, interrupt them based on problematic situations or desires surrounding self-storage.
To make this important point clear, allow me to use one more example so you understand. If you authored a book called ?How To Make $1 Million in 30 Days Or Less?, what are you going to write about? Cooking? Parenting? Cars?
I hope not?
Of course you'd write about the art of making money right?
What if you purchased a book about making money and when you opened it up, you read a bunch of cooking advice? You wouldn't read that book for long would you?
Advertising and Marketing are no different. Whether it be direct mail, radio, T.V., Billboards, Internet or print, you must interrupt based on relevant hot buttons in the RAS and then ENGAGE or gain INTEREST based on fulfilling on your interrupting promise.
So, the first 2 of 4 steps to the marketing code are: Attention/Interrupt, then Engage/Interest.
The next step is called Decide/Educate. This is what to do after you have their attention and they're engaged, ready to read or listen to your message.
Both Knut Holt & Derek Naylor are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Knut Holt has sinced written about articles on various topics from Disease & illness, Dieting and Affiliate Programs. Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. ----TO FIND natural help against common diseases, for example: Heart problems, over-weight, acne, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, anxiety, hemorrhoids, joint pain, allergies,. Knut Holt's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Knut Holt to your Favourites.
Derek Naylor has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Management, Brain and Heart Conditions. Derek M. Naylor is the President of Storage Marketing Solutions (SMS). SMS has created, and proven many turn-key marketing solutions for the self-storage industry. Additionally Derek has helped thousands of businesses increase their profits by helping the. Derek Naylor's top article generates over 6600 views. Bookmark Derek Naylor to your Favourites.
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