Everyone you talk to tells you that you need to adjust your soil's "ph balance" but you simply don't understand what they're talking about.So what is this "ph balance?
First of all, don't be ashamed of being "green thumb challenged". This isn't rocket science. You can grasp the concept enough to beautify your lawn or garden even if you never understand in intimate detail how it all works.You don't need to understand internal combustion engines to be able to put the key in your car's ignition and drive do you? This is no different.
First the basics - pH is the measure of one aspect of a soil's water make-up. Chemists have their terms for it - usually alkaline or acid. But let's call it sweet (alkaline) or sour (acidic). The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. Zero means your soil is very, very sour (acidic) - like pure lemon juice! This sourness (acidic) scale decreases as the numbers on the scale get larger. As the numbers on the scale increase from 0 to 14 or any increment in between (like 5.5), the sweetness (alkalineness) of the soil increases too.
Think of the scale like a glass of fresh squeezed lemon juice. As you add water the sourness (acidity) becomes weaker and weaker until it is neutral. Then as you add sugar, it becomes sweeter (alkaline) and sweeter.
At a 7 your soil is neutral. From 8 to 14 it then becomes increasingly sweeter/more alkaline. Simple right? Okay, now are you comfortable with food? Good.Then let's use food to describe the range of pH in soil.Some wonderfully simple food terms commonly associated with certain ranges in soil pH are:
* Extremely acid: less than 4.5; lemon=2.5; vinegar=3.0; stomach acid=2.0; soda=2-4
* Very strongly acid: 4.5-5.0; beer=4.5-5.0; tomatoes=4.5
* Very strongly alkaline: more than 9.1; milk of magnesia=10.5, ammonia=11.1; lime=12
Keep in mind that your plants, like your kids or yourself, prefer either sweet things or sour things.You may like sugar in your iced tea. Your kids may love those sour gummy candy treats. Ugh. Well, your plants are no different. Some plants, like blueberries and azaleas, love sour (acidic) stuff. Lilacs however like a sweeter (alkaline) soil. Most plants, like most people, prefer a neutral range of pH is somewhere in the 6.2 to 7.0 range, or the "milk, potatoes and fish" range on our food scale.
The only real thing you need to know is what kind of soil pH the plants you want to grow prefer.You can find that out by asking your local garden shop or by looking at the tags often placed on the plant with the name, growing zone and price of the plant.
Plant your bush, shrub, tree or flower in soil compatible with its tastes and make sure the soil maintains that pH and you'll look like a master gardener! But how do you test your soil's pH? You can buy a kit at any garden center or you do the basic home "taste test". Don't worry. This is chemistry so easy your kids can do it.
To determine if your soil is sweet (alkaline) or sour (acidic) simply get a tablespoon of soil you want to test. Next, add a few drops of vinegar to the soil.If it fizzes your soil's pH is greater than 7.5 - meaning it is sweet (alkaline). If it doesn't fizz, use another tablespoon of soil and make sure it is moist - but not wet. Now, add a pinch of baking soda to it. If it fizzes, your soil's pH is less than 5.0.If you get nothing from either test then your soil is in that wonderful neutral zone and just about anything you plant should be happy!
So why do gardeners and farmers talk about pH so much? Because if a soil's pH solution is too sour (acidic) plants won't be able to utilize the nutrients they need. If soil is too sour (acidic) plants will also tend to take up more toxic metals (from rainfall, the application of sewage sludge to fields in the case of farmers etc) out of the soil and eventually die of toxicity(poisoning).
Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and other chemicals are used on and around plants to fight off plant diseases and get rid of bugs won't work in soil that is too sour (acid) either.
Soil with a pH from 5.5 and up also allows plants to get access to nutrients that help them fight off bacteria as well as allow them to grow. And basically that's what soil pH is and why it's important to farmers and gardeners.See? That wasn't so hard now was it!
How To Use Food Processor
If you want to lose weight then stay away from dieting. More than likely, you will gain the weight back. Starving yourself creates stress that will make your system more acid. Then you end up craving fat, sugar and salt. By avoiding the foods that you want to eat, creates stress and makes you hate yourself. This makes losing weight harder. There is a definite link between depression and obesity.
Here is how it works. No one teaches the animal what to eat and what not to eat. Animals know what is good to eat by using their instinct. Humans also have the same instinct. All you have to do is eat whatever tastes good and that will be non-fattening and healthy for you. That is why a baby tastes everything. So again whatever tastes good, is good for you. This is why you will spit out spoiled milk. This instinct can help you lose weight.
I love eating Cabbage Crunch from the salad bar at Whole Foods. They are the largest natural foods supermarket chain in the country. Cabbage Crunch contains grated red and green cabbage, sliced almonds, poppy seeds, scallions (green onions), olive oil and apple cider vinegar. One of the healthiest foods for cancer and colon health is cabbage. The red cabbage is considered a black food. Like other black foods (black grapes, black beans and eggplant) it contains the antioxidant, anthocyandin, that is good for the cardiovascular system.
One time I got some. As soon as I put it in my mouth, I spit it out. It was spoiled. But I got my money back and they had someone go there to remove it. Salt can dull your sense of taste. Also salt causes you to eat more thereby making it harder to lose weight.
Butter can be kept unrefrigerated for days without going bad. Without ever tasting it, you know it is bad from the rancid (bad) smell. You will smell that it is rancid, meaning having a bad smell or taste. But do not be a person who believes. Be someone who knows. Leave some butter out for days and smell it everyday. Did you ever smell what it smells like being behind a garbage truck? The horrible smell is giving you the message to not eat it.
Fasting experts and Mark Twain say that you can get over the flu or a cold in the quickest way by fasting. This is why you lose your appetite. If someone's sinuses are very congested, maybe he could eat a rancid meal and not know there is anything wrong with it.
But wait! Mankind has developed a way to create rat poison. This food tastes good to the rat, like healthy food, but it kills the rat. So man has done that to you. Note that any food unaltered by man (uncooked) that tastes good, is good for you. So if you are stranded in the woods, that is how you would know what to eat. Just taste everything raw and you will spit out the toxic plants since they will taste terrible.
There are poisonous mushrooms called toadstool mushrooms. If you put some raw ones in your mouth, you will spit them out since they taste horrible. But cook them and add salt and you can eat enough of them to kill you. Carnivorous animals love the taste of blood and raw meat since that is what they are supposed to eat.
So man has created fake fruit. It tastes like fruit that exists in nature, but it is addictive, fattening and terrible for health. It is called sweets. So it is natural to like real sweets called fruit, like a baby does. But they have fooled your sense of taste, just like the rat was fooled. But their goal is not to cause your death. They just want you to become obese so you will buy more of their foods.
This is called good business. You can re-acquire your taste in food and re-learn how to eat. Then you can eat all the great tasting foods you want and be thin, healthy and fit for life. Copyright 2008 by Chuck Bluestein
Chuck Bluestein has sinced written about articles on various topics from Common Cold, Fitness and Yoga Practice. The author (Chuck Bluestein) is a master faster, nutritionist and herbalist. His website has infomation on finding happiness, fasting, losing weight,. Chuck Bluestein's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Chuck Bluestein to your Favourites.
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