However, one drawback to article marketing is that it is a lot of work and very time consuming. That is if you write those articles individually and then submit to article directories individually. That makes using article marketing, as effective as it is, one big chore that many Internet marketers never get around to, or if they do, soon abandon. Trying to save a few dollars by doing everything manually is not a very efficient way to manage your time.
Fortunately there are a few article writing and article submission services around that are not that expensive and that make the writing and distribution of articles a snap. You can easily write several good informative articles a day and have them distributed to hundreds, even thousands, of websites using these services.
However, all of your article distribution and article writing work will have little value if you overlook one important thing. The titles to your articles are the most important part of your article. A good title must quickly bring attention to your article and make the reader want to read more.
You might have written a great interesting article but use a lousy title and the odds are that the article will never be read. Your title needs to be factual yet a real attention getter. The right attention grabbing titles can put your article marketing results in orbit.
There is another aspect to a good title that many Internet article marketers completely screw up. The title should have your main key words worked into it and if you want the article to bring you any traffic they must be key words that people actually search for.
As an example of how so many article marketers miss the boat on these points consider this example. Recently I received an email from a guy proudly pointing out that he had achieved a number one spot on Google search by writing an article.
He was so pound of the fact that his article entitled something like "How I used article marketing to obtain a number one Google ranking in only three days." Well, that is just dandy but since he was talking about an exact match search how many people do you think will be searching for that exact 16 word phase.
Yeah, you are right. Probably only the guys loving mother and loyal girlfriend and then only once each. The moral to this story. You must have an attention getting title to attract readers and in that catchy title you must use key words that people actually search for. Long tail keywords are fine for niche marketing but check out how many people search for the key word phase daily before firing off an article using a "no search results" keyword phase as your title.
Using the right key words and writing attention getting titles will make a world of difference in your article marketing results. Fortunately, there are inexpensive and free tools that will help you to accomplish this task in an effective manner. There is one outstanding tool that I use everyday to help choose domain names, keywords, and titles that will draw in traffic.
How To Use Power
“Ignorance-on-fire" is what I call those people who for whatever reason (need for the opportunity; change in occupation; desire to travel, win a new car, or to get some other reward; respect for you; hoping to generate new results; or because that person is a true believer in the product) are on fire with profound enthusiasm and have what is called a “Big Why" that overcomes all rejection, obstacles, and resistance.
A Big Why is an unstoppable need!
If you have a BIG WHY, you can overcome anything!
The husband of a lady that I know well left her and her kids. He left her with $248 and two children who had cystic fibrosis.
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited chronic disease affecting the lungs and digestive system. In most cases it means that the person may need at least one lung replaced, which costs a minimum of $200,000.
She had a Big Why. She had didn’t have any insurance that covered lung replacement.
She had no education, qualifications, rich relatives, foundation connections, or support system that would or could serve her.
She decided to have courage—which means strength of heart—and bravely set out to do what she had never done before and learn, master, and quickly manifest lots of money in network marketing, because her children’s lives depended on it.
She did what I will call “do-the-do" and mastered earning vast, fast cash to pay the enormous costs of her children’s treatment.
Amazingly, she made a fortune and paid for the operation.
She not only paid for the operation, she mastered herself—the greatest challenge of all—and is now busy raising $100 million for research, because researchers say with those funds, they can find a cure for cystic fibrosis.
She discovered a niche market in her problem. She enrolled other parents who had children with cystic fibrosis.
Both Anju Sharma & Mark V. Hansen are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Anju Sharma has sinced written about articles on various topics from The Internet, E Books and The Internet. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:- Anju Sharma's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Anju Sharma to your Favourites.
Mark V. Hansen has sinced written about articles on various topics from Body Language, Gifts for loved ones and Information Technology. Mark Victor Hansen, best known as the co-creator of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ empire (which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling non-fiction book series ever), is millions of people become their very best. Visit Mark’. Mark V. Hansen's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Mark V. Hansen to your Favourites.
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