The first thing you need to do before you start off on the wedding planning process is to tell both sets of parents. Traditionally the bride's parents know before the groom's do, but nowadays the order doesn't really matter. Once you have told your parents, go ahead and tell you close friends and relatives. You will also need to consider how to announce your engagement. One way to announce your engagement is through your local newspaper. Alternatively, mail, call or write to your family and friends in order to share with them the good news.
The next important step that you will need to take while planning your wedding is setting the date. If your budget is likely to be a constraint, look at factors like the time of day, the day of the week and the time of year before you set the date as each of these factors can impact your overall budget. At the same time, if you are expecting a lot of guests from out of town, consider their convenience as well. Finally, check out the availability of the venues.
It is important to decide on the tone of your wedding during the early stages of the wedding planning process. Decide if you're having a formal wedding, a semi formal wedding or a casual wedding. Also decide if you want a religious wedding ceremony or a secular one. Also, think about whether you want to have a wedding theme and if yes, finalize on one. Once you know what you want your wedding to feel like, you will find that it becomes much easier to get the other elements of your wedding plan in place.
The next important step of wedding planning is deciding on your budget. Look at how much the two of you can contribute from your personal savings. Also take into account any contributions from your parents. Finally, think about whether you want to take on any debt. Unless you absolutely have to take on debt to finance your wedding, it's a good idea to keep debt to a minimum.
Once you have decided on these key aspects of a wedding plan, it is time to fill in the details. You will need to apply for your wedding license, scout out and finalize venues for the ceremony and reception, finalize your guest list, choose your officiant, finalize your wedding attendants and arrange for the vendors, including your caterer, the florist and the musicians or the DJ. You will also need to finalize your wedding outfits and those of your attendants. You will also need to decide on your wedding program and send out the invitations to all your guests. In the middle of all of this, there will also be numerous parties and other events to attend such as your bachelor and bachelorette parties and the wedding showers.
Through it all keep your sense of perspective and your sense of humor about you. Whenever you face the danger of feeling too overwhelmed, take a deep breath. The good news is that things usually work out at the end and there will come a time when you will look back at these hectic and often crazy days of wedding planning and preparation with a lot of affection. Meanwhile, enjoy these days as much as you can because they only come once.
Just Got To Be Me
RSS(Real Simple Syndication) is the BIG... Buzz around the Internet these days because of its Powerful ability to syndicate content Effortlessly and Instantly across the Internet to any website and/or subscriber who subscribed to that particular RSS Feed with a 100% GUARANTEED delivery.
What other technology online can guarantee you that?
Email? I don't think so.
RSS is it... Period!
And the crazy thing is, everybody who publishes content on their website on a regular basis is quickly adapting because of the many benefits RSS offers because lets face it, updating content manually on any given website is a very time consuming task, especially when you have to do it on a Day In and Day Out basis.
But, by having an RSS enabled website, not only do you get high quality content INSTANTLY delivered, you can now give your audience more content with less work on your part leaving you more time to focus on other important tasks you might have sitting on the back burner when you have time.
This is the main benefit RSS Syndication gives the website owner and/or valued subscriber.
Now that you have some idea of how RSS can simplify updating content on any given website, what does this have to do with Article Marketing and how does it benefit the content publisher who writes the articles?
Well... lets talk about it.
We all know that content is the life blood of the Internet and is why most people come online... right?
We also know that RSS syndicates content to whatever website that is RSS enabled and/or subscriber who uses an RSS aggregator.
The BIG question that's probably floating around in your head is... how do Article Publishers who write the articles benefit from RSS Syndication?
The answer is simple really.
Ever heard the phrase... "The Internet Is Nothing More Then A Numbers Game"?
If not, now you have and that is exactly what RSS Syndication will do for anybody who does or is just starting out can expect to benefit from by joining the Article Marketing game.
Let's talk about this a little more so it's clear in your mind.
Let's say you write your first article and your manage to locate, lets say... 20 Article Directories that offer FREE Article Submissions and offer RSS Feeds to website owners and to the general public to use.
And lets say that those 20 Article Directories collected all their RSS Feeds and submitted them to all the TOP RSS Directories on the web so that website owners and/or people with RSS Aggregators can locate those RSS Feeds so they can subscribe to them.
You with me so far?
Now, you go and submit your article to all 20 Article Directories and wait for their reply to see if your article got accepted.
You check your Inbox and find that all 20 article directories accepted your article into their database and would be syndicating it within the next 24 hours.
Notice I said the word "syndicating". That's because once your article is approved by that article directory and because these article directories use RSS technology to syndicate NEW content to whoever is subscribed, guess what happens to your article?
It gets syndicated to whoever is subscribed to that RSS Feed. So if you submitted to all 20 article directories under whatever category, and there were 200 subscribers per article directory subscribed to that RSS Feed, guess how many potential customers you will possibly come in contact with through your articles Resource Box?
Lets do the math... how's 4000 potential subscribers, which means you have a potential of receiving 4000 potential visitors to your website of choice... Absolutely FREE!
That's the power of RSS Syndication and is WHY article marketing is becoming one of the #1 ways to promote ANY website online.
I wrote this article just as a quick example of what RSS Technology can do for anyone using it on their websites and for those who use articles as part of their website promotion strategy so you can see how RSS will get your articles more exposure with NO extra work on your part.
I truly hope you see the benefits I outlined within this article and hope you take the neccessary steps to getting started with writing your own articles, if your not already, so you too can benefit from RSS Syndication like everyone else.
Both Shirley Tan & Cory Threlfall are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Cory Threlfall has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fishing, About Web Hosting and Internet Marketing. Cory Threlfall is the owner of a NEW article directory that offers FREE Article Submissions and RSS Syndication called "The Article Syndicate" and welcomes all Article Publishers to come and register for FREE so they can get FREE Publicity via e-Zines, Se. Cory Threlfall's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Cory Threlfall to your Favourites.
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