Here are some ways to make money online for free. Try them all out. It's also helpful if you already have your own blog so as to further maximimze your earnings online.
Get Paid To Write
Host-my-post - Participating in Host My Post article distribution simply means that you post relevant articles on your site while keeping full control over your site's look, feel and content.
Weblogs, Inc. - Apply to blog for one of their ninety plus blogs or submit your own topic idea. They will pay you per post that you write and you must meet their minimum post requirements.
PayPerPost - as much as $500 or more a month writing articles and reviews of their sponsors on your blog.
Blogsvertise - Their advertisers pay you to mention and talk about their websites, products and services in your own blog.
Review Me - After your blog has been accepted in their network, they will pay you $20 to $200 per post that you write.
Smorty - Earn $6 to $100 dollars per post you write on your blog. Amount paid for each post depends on the overall popularity and page rank of your blog.
SponsoredReviews - Write reviews for their advertisers? products and services on your own blog. They charge a 35% transaction fee for their services.
LoudLaunch - Blog about the advertisers campaign releases that meet your interests. They pay once a month.
Blogitive - Get paid weekly via PayPal for posting stories that interest you.
BloggerWave - Select the advertiser opportunities that best suit your blog and write reviews on their products and services.
InBlogAds - Write about websites, products, services and companies on your blog and get paid for it.
BlogToProfit - Make $250 dollars or more by writing new posts on your blog.
Creative Weblogging - Write 7 to 10 posts per week for their network and they will pay you $225 per month.
WordFirm - Make money publishing books as a freelance writer from home.
451 Press - Write for a blog within their network and receive forty percent of all generated revenue.
Digital Journal - Network of bloggers that get paid to report on newsworthy articles through their blogs.
BlogBurner - Sign up for a free blog and get paid for writing new posts. Your commissions are generated through Adsense clicks.
Squidoo - Earn money by writing your new blog, or choose to donate your earnings to charity.
The continuation of the list can be found on my blog Make Money Online.
Make Invitations Online For Free
One thing you will quickly understand when it comes to making money on the Internet is you must have traffic coming to a website. Once that traffic gets there you must convert some of that into sales. Many people start online looking for ways to make money online for free! It makes sense then that they are also looking for ways to get traffic without spending money.
In this article we want to talk about great free traffic building tools that will allow you to make money online for free.
1. Probably the most effective way to get traffic to a website for free is article marketing. You can write articles and submit them to article directories and your only investment is the time it takes you to do it.
At the end of every article you are allowed to post a resource box, which is basically a classified ad describing a little bit about yourself. In that resource box you want to post a link to your website so people can go and learn more about what you have to offer.
Writing articles does not have to be difficult, and you can submit them to the top directories for free. Over a period of time this can begin to develop a very constant stream of traffic, and is one of the best tools for doing it on the Internet today.
2. Blogging is perhaps the hottest way to get traffic and make money today. You can set up a blog for at, and then began to post comments and articles in it.
One step you must take with every blog post is to bookmark it to various social directories. These directories serve as a way for people to read your article, as well as search engine bait where you can rank high for various keywords in the article itself.
Mastering this technique can earn you free traffic for many years to come. You make money by including links to products that you sell in your blog articles, as well as monetizing your blog with banners and other forms of advertising.
This is two effective great free traffic building tools available to you today. The Internet makes it possible for anyone to make money online for free if they get enough targeted traffic to their website. Although this is a lot of hard work initially, it can pay off for you in the future with a tremendous amount of free targeted traffic.
Both Ellaine Murillo & David Ogden are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
David Ogden has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Based Business, Affiliate Programs and Work From Home. David Ogden is an established online marketer who specializes in practical website resources and advice that have helped many people like you start their very own home based business. He can help you launch your very own money making website today, ready. David Ogden's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark David Ogden to your Favourites.
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