Lawns were seen as a luxury expense for only the wealthy who could afford grounds keepers to maintain the fine bladed plants using scythes. Lawns do not have to be, and have not always been of grass. Lawns that have been weakened by plant pathogens or insect pests are also likely to become weedy because there is more open space for a weed to establish.
Lawns provide open views and a wear-tolerant soft surface for active recreation and they are relatively inexpensive to install. Our lawns have become a major player in our eco-system, after all lawns cover about 50 million acres in America (2003 estimate). Aerification of home lawns corrects soil problems but generally is not a routine practice. If mowers are moved from weedy lawns to other lawns, be sure to wash off the blades to avoid transport of weed seeds and propagules. Special care should be taken when applying herbicides on newly seeded lawns because of the sensitivity of seedling plants.
The lawns in the United States consume around 270 billion gallons of water a week enough to water 81 million acres of organic vegetables, all summer long. Many of the nation's leading gardening communicators and landscape consultants are available to help make America's homes, lawns and gardens a safer place for your families and the planet.
Some lawns, if grown in difficult conditions for grasses, become dominated by whatever weeds can survive there; these include clovers in dry conditions, and moss in damp shady conditions. Annual grasses such as crabgrass, foxtail, and annual bluegrass can be effectively controlled in established lawns with preemergent herbicides such as benefin, bensulide, dithiopyr, oryzalin, pendimethalin, and prodiamine.
This allows you to find your state and location so that you can better determine what grasses will survive and grow best in your lawn location. Several species and/or cultivars of zoysia grasses are available in Georgia. Cool-season grasses grow best in the spring and fall and less actively in the summer. During dry weather lawn grasses may start to suffer, especially once the top 10cm (4in) of soil dries out.
Because most grasses grow poorly in winter, mosses are able to invade and often dominate lawns in only a few months. Weeds not only detract from the aesthetic quality of an otherwise well-maintained turf grass, they are extremely worthy competitors with lawn grasses for the basic factors of growth space, light, water, and nutrients.
Weeds thrive where grass once flourished and topsoil blows away with the slightest breeze. Three general categories of weeds may be found in lawns: broad leaves, grasses, and sedges. Before resorting to herbicides, try managing weeds by improving the general condition of the lawn and doing some occasional hand weeding. If spring seeding is necessary, do it as early as possible to take advantage of cool weather and absence of weeds.
The shaded environment near the soil surface in a high-mown lawn helps deter weed seed germination. Discussions are underway to reconcile the growing trend towards more diverse lawns and natural plantings with the need to control noxious weeds.
Making The Modern Garden
Data scraping is the process of automatically sorting through information contained on the internet inside html, pdf or other documents and collecting relevent information to into databases and spreadsheets for later retrieval. On most websites, the text is easily and accessibly written in the source code but an increasing number of buisnesses are using Adobe PDF format (Portable Document Format: A format which can be viewed by the free Adobe Acrobat software on almost any operating system). The advantage of PDF format is that the document looks exactly the same no matter which computer you view it from making it ideal for buisness forms, specification sheets, etc.; the disadvantage is that the text is converted into an image from which you often cannot easily copy and paste. PDF Scraping is the process of data scraping information contained in pdf files. To PDF scrape a PDF document, you must employ a more diverse set of tools.
There are two main types of PDF files: those built from a text file and those built from an image(likely scanned in). Adobe's own software is capable of PDF scraping from text-based PDF files but special tools are needed for PDF scraping text from image-based PDF files. The primary tool for PDF scraping is the OCR program. OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, programs scan a document for small pictures that they can separate into letters. These pictures are then compared to actual letters and if matches are found, the letters are copied into a file. OCR programs can perform PDF scraping of image-based PDF files quite accurately but they are not perfect.
Once the OCR program or Adobe program has finished PDF scraping a document, you can search through the data to find the parts you are most interested in. This information can then be stored into your favorite database or spreadsheet program. Some PDF scraping programs can sort the data into databases and/or spreadsheets automatically making your job that much easier.
Quite often you will not find a PDF scraping program that will obtain exactly the data you want without customization. Surprisingly a search on google only turned up one business, (the amusingly named that will create a customized PDF scraping utility for your project. A handful of off the shelf utilities claim to be customizable, but seem to require a bit of programming knowledge and time commitment to use effectively. Obtaining the data yourself with one of these tools may be possible but will likely prove quite tedious and time consuming. It may be advisable to contract a company that specializes in PDF scraping to do it for you quickly and professionally.
Let's explore some real world examples of the uses of PDF scraping technology. A group at Cornell University wanted to improve a database of technical documents in PDF format by taking the old PDF file where the links and references were just images of text and changing the links and references into working clickable links thus making the database easy to navigate and cross-reference. They employed a PDF scraping utility to deconstruct the PDF files and figure out where the links were. They then could create a simple script to re-create the PDF files with working links replacing the old text image.
A computer hardware vendor wanted to display specifications data for his hardware on his website. He hired a company to perform PDF scraping of the hardware documentation on the manufacturers' website and save the PDF scraped data into a database he could use to update his webpage automatically.
PDF Scraping is just collecting information that is available on the public internet. PDF Scraping does not violate copyright laws.
PDF Scraping is a great new technology that can significantly reduce your workload if it involves retrieving information from PDF files. Applications exist that can help you with smaller, easier PDF Scraping projects but companies exist that will create custom applications for larger or more intricate PDF Scraping jobs.
Both Gordon Warre & Joe Broderick are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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