Birthdays are always special. It reveals the significance of our existence on this planet. Humans are the beautiful creation of God. So Birthdays are materialized by loved ones through celebrating them mischievously. Birthday without birthday cake is like honey without sweetness. Cakes are the exclusively baked, decorated, and intentionally added more glamorous flavors when it is meant for birthdays. Icing with different sweeteners, cherries, cashew, berries, cinnamon, apricot, pitas, nuts, chocolates and cream spread all over portray a lip smacking and mouth watering look. Birthday cakes are always been paid special attention of love and care.
While tracing the origin of Birthday Cakes many interesting facts come in front. The word 'Cake' is said to have coined as early as 13th century and it is said to have derived from 'kaka'- an Old Norse word. Some historians think that the custom of the birthday cake was observed in ancient Greece. Ancient Greeks began baking cakes using honey. Ancient Romans celebrated three different types of birthdays as well as different types of cakes. They primarily called them bread. Some in England used to call Birthday cakes as Pastries. Another tradition of Birthday cakes can be traced in the Middle Age Germany. There we find sweetened bread dough was made in the shape of the baby Jesus in swaddling clothes. In England birthday cakes are baked with symbolic objects inside. In Medieval Days objects such as coins and thimbles were mixed inside the batter. It was believed that the person who got the coin would be wealthy, while the unluckily finder of the thimble would never marry. Whereas today, small figures, fake coins, small candies are more in practice. Now a days even cup cakes are on the top list. Why it is round in shape in the very begging was a question. Scholars associate religious beliefs and technical compulsions for the same. Greeks offered round shape cake to the Goddess of Moon- Artemis as it signified moon. They started the tradition of placing candles on the cakes for glowing the cake like the moon.
There are various types of Birthday Cakes in terms of flavor and content. Birthday Cakes for kids are very special, because they are the people who worry the most about their cake's yummy taste. Most of the times young children like Chocolate and sweet strawberry flavor. Teen agers like whatever new in the city like Blueberry Pecan Streusel and Chocolate Espresso Cakes, Tiramisu Classico and Deep dark gingerbread. Grown ups like to indulge their tongue for Cheese flavors, Hot Chocolate Mousse Torte, wine flavored ones. Fruitcakes and Ginger cakes has a long cultural line too. Decorating birthday cakes with ribbons, flowers and edible ingredients add color to the presentation.
Writing the name of the birthday person right on the top of the cake in designed way and beautiful style is also a traditional way of wishing. Now a days, candles and ribbons and stars and flowers are styled in modern fashion. Europeans are called the precursors of modern birthday cakes. The icing of glossy ice like covering is no longer the hype. In stead of that now the jelly icing and colored cream icing is ruling the bakery industry. Actually whatever is the manner in producing a cake, no matter if it is a home made one or a professionally baked one, its all about baking it with the icing of the smoothest sugar and egg whites with lots of love, care, affection and tenderness for the person whose birthday party is taking place as along with the future eaters of the cake. So at the end of the birthday party it is the baker who is responsible the most for the delicious piece of cake for which everybody is eagerly awaited and relished then.
My First Birthday Cake
There are hundreds of different type of designs, and even more possibilities for pre-made cakes that you can choose from.
There is just something special about having a cake made just for us on that special occasion, and that usually only happens once a year.
The only other time when cakes might be more important than the birthday cakes is when you are planning your wedding and you want to have the most spectacular and grand cake of your life.
Just because we often think the wedding cake is the most important, that does not mean you have to settle for any less for your birthday if you don't want to.
Though most birthday cakes are small and flat, you can get something much like a wedding cake when you have a special number coming up, or you know you are going to have a large gathering.
You can have any type of cake for your birthday. You do not have to settle for chocolate or white if you don't really want to, as there are many types of cake that go well for any occasion. If you love vanilla, go ahead and have one that is made with just that.
If you want a jelly filling, you can certainly have that too. Though the decoration on the outside is usually the first thing that people will see and hopefully be impressed, the cake inside is what counts. Get what you want on your special day and do not settle for anything less.
When you want the very best for your birthday cakes, you should skip the grocery store and head out straight to your local bakery shop. If you can't find what you want there, you can always look online for someone who can do the baking and deliver, or who may have the supplies that you need to make your own birthday cakes for that special event.
You may have never tried to make a great cake before in your life, but I guarantee you will love doing it. You may even find that you are very good at the baking, and you want to keep making them for others in your family too.
It doesn't matter where you get your cake, or who bakes it, as long as it reflects who you are and what your special day means to you.
Both Kate Rogers & Mona Dock S. are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Kate Rogers has sinced written about articles on various topics from Family, Kids and Teens and Birthday Gifts. Kate Rogers writes on Birthday Celebrations round the globe . She is an active blogger at Gifts For Birthday blog and contributes occasionally to. Kate Rogers's top article generates over 6600 views. Bookmark Kate Rogers to your Favourites.
Mona Dock S. has sinced written about articles on various topics from After Divorce, Family and Gift Ideas. Great Gift Idea. Be creative and learn to enjoy the gift preparation process at. Mona Dock S.'s top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Mona Dock S. to your Favourites.
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