Lawn ornaments have become a must-have for the decorating elves in your neighborhood. Families everywhere are installing huge lawn ornaments, many consisting of animated light patterns. They sheer number of choices for shapes, sizes, and designs should tell you that these are very popular with festive homeowners. I am a huge fan of the old-style bubble lights (you know?..the ones with colored water and bubbles inside), and they have returned with a vengeance.
Many people seem to be gravitating back to using real trees, instead of using plastic pre-fab ones. Who can blame them? They smell great, and they make Christmas feel that much more real. My family has always used a real tree. It has become a family tradition to go out and cut the tree ourselves. We usually wait until mid-December. We all get bundled up in our snow gear, get our sleighs out, along with a thermos of hot apple cider, and make our way into the bush. The kids love it, the dog loves it, and it makes for an excellent family adventure!
It seems that Christmas flowers have also changed with the times. Although the classic red poinsettia will likely be with us for the rest of time, many florists are offering their customers alternatives. As has been the case with flowers in general for some time, florists are now adding dyes to traditional holiday flowers and bouquets. My personal favorite happens to be a bright violet poinsettia. My daughter prefers cobalt blue. What is yours?
Whether you are a staunch Christmas traditionalist or you are keen on changing along with the current decorating trends, Christmas decorations have never before been so varied and left consumers with so many choices. So get out there and shop, shop, shop! Tis the season, after all!
Nightmare Before Christmas Decoration
For whatever reason, the person who is perpetrating fraud by making a bogus claim of being injured or disabled can often be "found out" at Christmas time. Often during the holidays a person falsely claiming to be totally disabled can be found carrying packages or a child, hanging decorations, or generally doing things that are inconsistent with his or her claim.
Investigative firms like David Morse & Associates ( provide surveillance on suspicious Workers Comp claims. If the person is proved not to be disabled, usually by filming them engaging in physically demanding activities, his claim is disallowed and often he is prosecuted. Here is an example.
Repetitive Christmas Decoration Hanging Syndrome
by Jim Smith, Deputy Director of Investigations
"A female employee went out on a Workers Compensation claim due to the repetitive motion injury "carpal tunnel syndrome" in both wrists. She and her doctor indicated that she had a fairly severe case of carpal tunnel and could not use either arm or wrist for lifting, twisting or typing.
"Surveillance was approved, and initially we did not see any evidence contrary to the claimant's allegations. But rumors persisted in the workplace that the claimant was not as injured as she claimed.
"As the holiday season was approaching I suggested that we conduct surveillance near Christmas, thinking we might find the claimant involved in holiday activities inconsistent with her claimed injuries.
"We set up surveillance on a weekend early in December. We were quite amazed to see and film the claimant, over both weekend days, putting up outdoor Christmas lights and decorations outside the house. This included climbing a ladder and even getting up on the roof, untangling Christmas lights, lifting lights and decorations over her head, and using a staple gun to place the lights on the outside of the house. She did all this with no hesitation or obvious signs of discomfort or disability.
"We later learned that the claimant was separated from her husband and was the person responsible for all the 'chores' around the house. In this case, that included climbing up on the roof and preparing the house with all the signs of Christmas cheer.
"Once the film of this festive weekend was shown to the claimant's attorney, the holiday season became a lot less cheery for him and his client."
Another victory for truth, justice and lower insurance premiums.
Both Bhupinder Singh Gill & Tom Reitze are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Bhupinder Singh Gill has sinced written about articles on various topics from How to Sell on Ebay, Hair Care and Affiliate Programs. Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Christmas, celebrations, recipes and gifts , do please browse for more information at our websites.. Bhupinder Singh Gill's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Bhupinder Singh Gill to your Favourites.
Tom Reitze has sinced written about articles on various topics from Finances, Insurance and Finances. Tom Reitze is President of David Morse & Associates ( , an independent investigations and claims adjusting company with 41 offices in 15 states.. Tom Reitze's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Tom Reitze to your Favourites.
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