There are many reasons that someone might find themselves seeking out a Virginia driver improvement class. The most common is the court mandate, in which a judge orders traffic school because of a moving violation of some sort. Taking a Virginia driver improvement class can allow them to dismiss a ticket, reduce a fine, or lower points on a license.
In Virginia, there are some traffic schools that are permitted to offer their courses over the Internet. NDSS Virginia driver improvement is one of these courses. The class is delivered via an online account rather than by downloading course software or going into a traditional classroom for a lecture. Course material is provided in the form of web pages, accessible only through this user account, and other elements such as 3-D animations, videos, and slide shows are included as part of the material.
When a user is looking for an online class to improve their defensive driving skills, they should consider the benefits of a web-based course. Not only does it permit the instructors to add to and enhance the course when new laws go into effect or conventional driver safety wisdom changes over time, it also permits students to access their spot in the course from any computer with Internet access. This becomes a great convenience when a student has a job at an office, and wants to work on the course during their lunch break and then pick up again at home on the family computer.
It also comes in handy for students who are interested in taking driver safety through an online medium, but don't have a computer of their own to use. They can go to a university's computer lab, if they are a student, or to a public library to use a shared computer. Courses that require installation of software do not permit either the mobility or the capability to use a public computer that a web-based course allows.
The benefit to online courses in general over classroom-taught driver safety programs is the ability to adapt the timing and duration of each class session to the student's schedule. Some people work better late at night, and some are early risers who will hit their stride mid-morning. Sometimes a schedule only permits a student to log on during weekend days. There could be a court deadline looming that requires a student to go through the entire course in one session.
Whatever the reason for taking defensive driving, the best bet for a student is to try to find a course online. And the best online courses have a web interface. Of these, is NDSS the ideal choice for your online driver education? The only way to know for sure is to research all the options out there and make that choice for yourself.
Online Defensive Driving School
You'd certainly be forgiven for thinking so. But this is precisely what UK driving school owner Gary Rowlands reports after less than 6 weeks of using the Intelligent Online Diary.
Like many driving schools, Approved Driving School gets bookings from 3 routes:
? Directly to the School over the telephone.
? At the end of each lesson the instructors will always seek to book the next lesson with their pupils.
? The instructors and their partners or spouses also tend to take bookings too.
As you might imagine, diary coordination was a nightmare. No matter where the master diary was kept, whether in the office or with the instructors there were always either gaps, which mean lost money, or double bookings, which cause problems and can lose good customers.
Online Diary - Coordination Made Easy
The Intelligent Diary is an online diary, accessed through web browsers and through a Pocket PC smart phone.
Nothing new in that you might say.
But, unlike existing PDA online diaries, the Intelligent Diary is instantly updated through the integrated mobile telephone. No matter where or when you check your diary, it is 100% up to date.
And it doesn't matter how many people make bookings for you.
Each instructor carries their Pocket PC with them. When they take follow-on lesson bookings they enter it directly into the online diary through the Pocket PC. The driving school can access every instructor's diary through the office PC or through their own Pocket PC. All bookings made are instantly updated on the online diary the bookings seen by the instructors or by the school staff are always up to date. Partners and spouses can be given access too.
Get Your Life Back Under Control
?I used to spend all my time on the telephone trying to confirm bookings with the instructors. Trouble was, they keep their phones switched off during lessons and we couldn't always catch them between lessons. This is a competitive business. We used to lose about 50% of new customers because we couldn't confirm lesson times straight away? says Gary Rowland. ?Now I can see all the instructor's diaries, place a booking for a lesson and confirm it right away?.
The benefits for Gary were immediate and obvious. Bookings have increased by 50% or more. Maybe just as importantly, now Gary is no longer constantly fighting fires he has more time to work on his business. He is already thinking of expanding across London and beyond.
?Every driving school has this problem?, Gary says, ?We've got it taped.?
Gary knows that the online diary sets him apart from his competitors. As an additional benefit, he is finding more instructors want to work with him at Approved Driving School. The word of more bookings and less hassle seems to be spreading quickly.
Make Double Bookings a Thing of the Past
It is not only Gary that has benefited though. His instructors are making more money than ever before. And double bookings are practically non-existent.
?Double bookings used to be my nightmare?, says Richard Nelson. ?Gary would make educated guesses on our availability to try and make sure we got as much business as possible. Sometimes it would go wrong and we would get double booked. Sorting out double bookings was a real pain. With Intelligent Diary this hardly ever happens now. It has made my life a whole lot better I can tell you?.
Does Your Business Need the Intelligent Diary?
This is a real case study. Gary even stunned us with his 50% increase in bookings. But Gary is more than happy to stand by his figures. What's more, he is now an Intelligent Diary reference customer and is more than happy to take calls from anyone genuinely interested in buying the Intelligent Diary.
So, could you benefit from the Intelligent Diary?
If you or your team spend significant time out of the office for whatever reason and have multiple people making appointments for you, the answer is almost certainly yes.
Both Olivia James & Keith Longmire are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Olivia James has sinced written about articles on various topics from Education. . Olivia James's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Olivia James to your Favourites.
Keith Longmire has sinced written about articles on various topics from Nokia Phones, Internet Marketing and Boating. Keith Longmire is a self-confessed technophile and a director of Intelligent Diary. His philosophy is, "If it doesn't deliver cost-effective business benefits, it's worse than useless". Take a look at. Keith Longmire's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Keith Longmire to your Favourites.
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