This is precisely the reason why new technologies are being adopted by almost all industries in order to disseminate valuable information to the public. One good example of using technology to inform and educate the general public is using a stop smoking PowerPoint presentation.
The advantages of using a modern presentation instead of merely conducting lectures and traditional seminars about smoking cessation is that a PowerPoint presentation utilizes both the power of the word and the power of visuals - a highly effective combination for people who have hectic schedules and those who cannot fully take in mere spoken words.
If you're planning on presenting a stop smoking PowerPoint presentation to a targeted audience, you should take pains in planning it and using the best visuals to make it more engaging. Below are a few simple tips to follow when putting together a stop smoking PowerPoint presentation:
Make it simple but engaging
It's very likely that if you're to teach a group of people about the hazards of smoking, you'll need to present a lot of researched facts. However, you also have to squeeze your stop smoking PowerPoint presentation into just a few minutes in order to keep your audience from getting bored.
Thus, you should find a way to summarize your data and include only the most attention-grabbing facts.
Use visuals that complement rather than distract
Nothing could be more irritating than presentations replete with nonsensical ClipArt. To have an effective stop smoking PowerPoint presentation, make use of visuals that are relevant to the topic at hand. ClipArt does nothing by way of making your audience remember the facts that you are presenting.
The better thing to do is to make use of beautifully constructed charts and graphs that would support your numerical data. Doing so would enhance your script and would make a mark in the minds of your audience.
You can also try looking for copyright-free photos that could affect the emotions of your audience in a manner that you desire. For instance, if you want to shock or jolt them into action, using photos of damaged organs could be a great idea, and these could conveniently be incorporated into your stop smoking PowerPoint presentation.
Practice before presenting
To ensure the success of your lecture, devote some time to giving the slideshow a dry run. Make sure that when doing so, you will be using the same equipment that you will have at hand during the actual presentation.
It's tough working on borrowed equipment because technological tools depend on the settings that the users establish. If you fail to test the equipment, your entire stop smoking PowerPoint presentation might just go to waste.
Create slides with templates that complement rather than distract. Moreover, they should be relevant to your topic. Otherwise, it would be better to use a plain background for your slides.
Use text sparingly and never overwhelm the audience with too much text. If you want them to read loads of information, then you might as well give them handouts and brochures to read at home.
Make the slideshow easy on the eyes and insert graphics and photos where appropriate. A perfectly laid out stop smoking PowerPoint presentation will definitely help your audience remember what you want them to.
Powerpoint Presentation How To
PowerPoint Presentations are a way of attracting audience towards your views and arguments. It is one of the most helping factors behind success of every meeting. There are various uses of power point presentations, some of them are integrated. The most popular uses of power point presentations are in modern days learning, corporate training sessions, business and marketing meetings, and sales gatherings.
Learning Solutions
Power point presentation combines audio and visual both aspects, making it easier to understand for audience. Even the normal teaching or training becomes interactive by just using presentations in lectures. These days school, colleges and institutions are providing tailor made presentations to students for different topics in syllabus of study. That makes learning easier and interactive for students.
Corporate Training Session
Power point is an essential ingredient of every corporate training session. Top executives and manager (marketing and sales) use this powerful tool to train their junior's or associates to give them better, interactive and more effective training. It's always beneficial and less time consuming for corporate trainers, if they use these tools in their sessions, it generates more results.
Marketing Strategy
Powerful tools and options present in Microsoft power point, makes it easier for people in marketing, advertising, and sales to make presentations for motivation of their subordinates. Inclusion of different types of charts, images, clip-arts, other graphical structures, makes a presentation eye catchy. Animation and sound effects add extra emphasis on these presentations making them look more interactive.
Guidelines for an effective presentation session:
?Your presentation should be to the point and focusing over actual purpose.
?There should be a professional look deciding your organizations identity.
?You need to practice properly before delivering a presentation in any seminars.
?There should be less text, and maximum possible graphics in presentations.
?Take care of your time, users positive responses, and their ease, don't make people bored with longer duration presentations.
?There should be uniform colors and font appearance throughout the presentation to avoid in-convenience.
If you follow all the above said principles, then you are sure going to make your website responses better in quality and more in volume.
Both Wade Robins & My Prizo are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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