Anemia is one of the most commonly evils suffered at present especially among younger people because a lot of factors such as bad habits, poor diet and little exercise influence directly to the emergence of this, hence this article we will focus directly on some good ways of how to avoid the appearance of anemia in our lives and give some good advice to alleviate this evil in case of suffering from it.
The anemia is described in depth as the deficiency in such important elements such as folic acid, vitamin B complex and especially iron, which is known and understood as not only is essential for the formation of some healthy bones but also for the good transport of oxygen through the red blood cells and / or hemoglobin, essential for energy and good both mental and physical development of human beings. Anemia occurs in most cases as already mentioned directly due to either eating disorders or organic, as several studies associating this evil to poor digestion and poor absorption of nutrients from our bodies.
When speaking of anemia, is basic to mention some of its major symptoms, as this can contribute directly to know that we have the same, within the most common symptoms that presents this as some bad stress:
• Tiredness permanent.
• Weakness.
• Dry skin and pale.
• Brittle nails.
• Irritability.
• Lack of concentration.
• Nausea.
• Mouth ulcers.
• Hair loss.
It should be noted that children and young people growing symptoms may include bone deformities, malnutrition, weakness and even damage to the nervous system and circulatory system.
On the other side and inside more in the methods of how to treat anemia, it is good to mention that there are two ways of getting the iron, which is true is presented as the best way to treat this disease, because the iron is divided into Two types of iron "heme" iron and "non-heme." The iron "heme" iron is obtained from foods of animal origin, especially meat, but it is good to add in this area that the best way to obtain this type of iron are fish and seafood, because of its membership within the Iron is a highly present. On the other hand, iron "no heme" is that which is obtained from foods of plant origin especially pulses and cereals, although it is a good way to get iron are not as good as iron "heme".
Another excellent way to prevent and / or treat the onset of anemia is by consuming supplements rich in iron, as they not only provide the body with the amounts required to counteract the anemia, but that in turn help to improve other systems weak by the presence of anemia, such as immune, physical and mental.
As the above shows that although anemia is one of the most common ills today can be addressed relatively easily, the only thing you should do is to lead a balanced life and especially in the field foodstuff.