When furnishing your child's room with a bedroom set, you've probably considered several different items and thought about the advantages and disadvantages of each. For example, you realize that your two children must share a room but are concerned with how much floor space the bedding will take up. You've thought about kids bunk beds as well as daybeds that come with trundle beds, each of which can be space savers. However, you can think of several disadvantages that are inherent to each, counteracting the positive aspects.
Children bunk beds are great for saving space and creating excitement. Children have long enjoyed the idea of sleeping on the top bunk, as it feels like climbing a tower and being able to look down on everyone else. However, there are always issues with bunk beds, since many of them are not as sturdy as one would hope, causing concern for the children's safety. Also, there is always the argument over who will sleep in the top bunk to consider, causing fights and jealousy between children. The solution is to have them switch back and forth, every time the sheets are washed. In addition, with careful research, you can guarantee all parts and pieces are sturdy and will hold up under the toughest of circumstances, being safe for your children.
Daybeds are also a space saver because you can purchase a trundle day bed that allows you to put the second bed away beneath the daybed when not in use, opening up the room for greater floor space. Fashion Bed Group daybeds also provide seating like a couch during the day that can be used for watching television, playing video games, or even doing homework. However, there may be the same jealousy regarding who sleeps on the daybed and who sleeps on the trundle. The situation can again be resolved by having your children switch back and forth when the sheets get changed.
Choosing either bunks or daybeds with trundles is a great way to save space so that your children who are sharing a room don't feel cramped and can actually enjoy doing other things, like playing video games or enjoying time with friends. With quality manufacturers, you can rest assured that the affordable kid's beds you purchase, regardless of style, will be sturdy and trustworthy, built with the highest quality materials and never causing question to your children's safety.
Pros And Cons Technology
Before you begin your quest to become a virtual assistant, you need to know what you're getting into. As they say, “Don't quit your day job.” Many VA's will tell you that setting foot outside of the office was the best thing they ever could have done, while other don't have the temperament for it, telling you how they couldn't wait for each of their projects to be over because they simply could not stand the stress of their assignments.
In order to be a successful virtual assistant you really have to weigh all of the pros and cons against each other and be sure that this is something you are ready, and willing, to do.
Pros of Becoming a Virtual Assistant
The moment you decide to become a virtual assistant, everyone you talk to will probably tell you how cool it is to be your own boss. You are in control of your work and nobody else (except for your clients) can tell you what to do. If you don't want to work on Fridays – you don't have to. You can off that you want as long as you finish your projects by the deadline. As your own boss, you have a lot more freedom. Plan your own schedules, choose the projects that you find enjoyable, charge any rate you please, and be almost totally self sufficient. You can even work in your bathrobe on the days you don't have to leave the house. By working solo you can also spend a lot more time with your family and friends. Finally, with virtual assisting you have a near limitless income potential. Because you work for yourself, you get to keep all of what you earn. Not a penny goes to anyone else (aside from the government in the form of taxes).
Cons of Being a Virtual Assistant
As with anything in the world, there are drawbacks to becoming a virtual assistant – such as financial uncertainty, forced self-sufficiency (you have to take care of all of your money management, you have to work on project after project if you want to have enough money, and you have to provide for your own health care.) These three factors can add up to create a feeling of terrifying risk for many people that stops them dead in their tracks, especially if they have a family to support.
There is also heavy competition in the world of virtual assisting. The internet has been both a blessing and a curse to virtual assistants from around the world. On one hand it has opened the doors to make the world of virtual assisting much more accessible to anyone who has ever thought about setting out on their own and becoming their own boss.
On the other hand though, the internet makes it very easy for virtual assistants to get in touch with potential clients and possibly steal jobs right out from under you. Because of the heavy competition as a result of the internet, you may have to start out with very low pay for each project you do as a novice virtual assistant. However, as you continue to build up a client list and network online, you will be able to make more money in the long run.
Becoming your own, independent business professional is a personal decision that involves everyone your finances effect, and it is important to ask them to be a part of the process. It's recommended that you not jump in head-first but simply ask for support, suggestions, and feedback from the ones it affects. When you make the commitment, stick with it, and go! It's never too early to start your business, and you'll be glad when you have!
Both Ben Weissman & Melissa Brewer are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ben Weissman has sinced written about articles on various topics from Family, Home Management and Family. Ben Weissman writes articles about usingPlatform Beds,. Ben Weissman's top article generates over 246000 views. Bookmark Ben Weissman to your Favourites.
Melissa Brewer has sinced written about articles on various topics from Advertising Guide, Telemarketing and Work From Home. Melissa Brewer is the author of the Little White Ebook of Virtual Assistant Jobs, available atLittleWhiteEbook.com. She has worked as a freelance writer for the past 9 y. Melissa Brewer's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Melissa Brewer to your Favourites.
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