While the tastes of customers change every other minute, one thing remains the same - their desire for new information. Everyone wants to learn how to do something better, something different, or something new with or in their lives. And while you might feel like your products or services can fulfill this thirst, sometimes the written word just somehow seems more impressive. This is the main reason why eBooks are becoming such a valuable tool for online sellers and their customers. Here's how you can tap into this new avenue of revenue while connecting with the needs of your site visitors.
Starting with a Taste of the Information
One thing that can drive new site visitors to your website is a free eBook. By offing a relevant eBook as a freebie with a purchase or just because they stopped by, you can entice them to find out more about what you have to offer. The trick is that your information needs to be relevant to their needs (i.e. if you're selling weight loss products, the book could be on exercise advice) and it needs to be good information that they can actually utilize. When you simply give someone something that's basically worthless, why should they come back to your site? This free taste of your eBook selections doesn't have to be more than five pages in order to get people interested.
How to Create the eBook Section for Your Site
The first thing you need to do is create some eBooks that are relevant to your website offerings. Try to brainstorm on about five topics at first and then begin writing. If you're not confident in your writing skills, you can always turn to freelance writers to help you with this task. Just be sure that you are clear as to what you want the books to look like and that they are not plagiarized from other works found on the internet. There are plenty of plagiarism check sites you can use to check the work you receive from a writer.
The book should have a clear table of contents and intention. It should also be well-researched and well-written in order to show the reader that you are knowledgeable about the content. If you use a freelance writer, you might want to hire them as ghostwriters so that you can put your name on the book to further validate your website.
Include these eBooks as links on your website just as you would with your traditional products. But instead of having these delivered to your customers, the customers should be directed to a download page once their payment is accepted. From there, the customer can download the book and then print it or save it to their hard drive for their personal use.
Advantages of eBook Selling
The good news about eBook sales is that it doesn't really take a lot to get this service started, but it can reap a lot of revenue. The initial writing of the books can take some investment if you're not writing them yourself, but once you have them up on your site, there's little you need to do. The entire process is self-serve for your customers. And since you can sell hundreds of these books without having to pay shipping and printing costs, it's a high profit margin item.
If you simply want to dip your toes in the waters of eBook sales, there's never been a better time. By offering your customers free eBooks as well as books that are for sale, you will be giving them another valuable resource for their lives. Try switching up the books that are available every month to keep people coming back for more.
Sales Business Development Manager
1. Research known and proven marketing models such as the A.I.D.A., the P's and Q's. By understanding proven marketing models, you can incorporate this valuable information within your submitted articles.
2. Become familiar with marketing terms such as demographics to psychographics. Since this is a marketing action, knowing specific terms associated with marketing can only add to your success.
3. Know your target audience. When you write with your target audience in mind, this keeps you focused.
4. Become a recognized subject matter expertise. Select three to seven key topic areas where you can become the number one author for that site for those areas.
5. Become a great writer by writing great articles. Quality content is what has exploded the Internet and is quickly separating great writers from average to good writers.
6. Write for the medium of the Internet. for visit detials:-www.ezines-marketing-magic.com.Each marketing medium is different. Billboard content is different from newspaper, radio or television content. Utilize the strengths within this incredible medium call the Internet.
7. Align Internet article marketing to your strategic plan. Before beginning any article marketing efforts, revisit your strategic plan to ensure alignment between this action and your other marketing actions.
8. Optimize your website to leverage your article writing. Remember, getting traffic to your site is one of the desired end results. Make sure your site is search engine friendly as your articles are circulated through the Internet.
9. Monitor and measure your results. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Many coaches fail to adopt this attitude and behavior of measuring for results.
10. Remember to include a personal story. There is an old adage "That no one likes to be sold, but everyone loves to buy." If you share your personal stories and experiences, you become more believable and "buyable."
Internet article marketing has worked for me as a business coach and executive coach because my results are up including clients, increase sales and website traffic. Hopefully, this proven strategy will work for you as well. And after all, marketing whether it is Internet, Radio, Television or Print is all about results.
Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S. is a business coach and executive coach with offices in Indianapolis and near Chicago. She writes, speaks and coaches people in businesses to quickly double or triple results through the creation of an executable strategic plan along with the necessary leadership skills "to pull it off."
One quick question,if you could secure one new client or breakthrough that one roadbloack holding you back from success, what would that mean to you? Then, take a risk and give me, Leanne, a call at 219.759.5601 to experience incredible results.
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