Joint Venture Marketing can take many forms -- and if done properly, can significantly enhance your business. Don't let the name fool you, you have already been a consumer of a number of joint venture marketing promotions. Have you ever purchased a pizza during the Final Four, and received a free basketball? That is a result of a joint venture. There are countless other examples, but you get the general idea.
Another form of joint venture marketing that has gained popularity on the internet is the dawn of virtual marketplaces. Many niche sites offer this type of marketplace, and they allow the members to pool resources to generate traffic, and of course, sales. One of the most powerful benefits to this type of venue is the appeal of their ability to pool advertising dollars to obtain a promotional presence that members might not have been able to acquire individually. In addition, these venues are often able to procure significant discounts and special offers for members from common suppliers, which creates a stronger buying presence for the group as a whole. Members gain visibility in the marketplace and in the search engines, and they enjoy the benefit of increased traffic to their individual businesses.
An extreme and exceptional example of this is a little company called Microsoft. The head of this small company had some software called MS-DOS and no customers. He reached a deal with a company called IBM who made computers and was already a known and respected company in the computer industry. They also had a large number of customers. The deal was for every computer sold, it would have MS-DOS already installed with the agreement that this little company called Microsoft would give lifetime upgrades for its software. Well, the rest is history and it made the head of that small time company a billionaire by the time he was 31 years old.
Another benefit would be the mutual use of experts in other areas of expertise and or technology. By using the above example for this point, the computer company has a great writer and the software company's programmers are not good at explaining how this software works or what it can do. The computer company's writer can then be used for a tutorial on how to use the software along with the tutorial on how to operate the computer. This then will make using the computer and software much easier for the customer.
From a consumer perspective, it is a winning situation as well. Collaborative marketplaces create a "one-stop-shopping" experience, providing consumers with the ability to browse several merchants during one browsing session. The ability to quickly obtain comparative pricing among similar merchants create a strong value among customers, and create a natural environment of competition. This forces participating vendors to strive for a higher quality product, at a competitive price.
Sample Joint Venture Contract
So you want to start a joint venture project. Have you considered all the angles first before you approach a potential prospect? While there is much benefit to be had with joint venturing, it is also wise to have a checklist to go over when evaluating your options. Here is a quick checklist to make sure you're on the right track to success:
1. Why do you want to do a joint venture? Do you have goals? If not, write down a few goals for your joint venture project.
2. Do you have a partner in mind? If no, do you have a plan to find an appropriate partner?
3. Is your potential partner a compliment to your strengths?
4. Have you researched your potential partner thoroughly?
5. Have you prepared your proposal and covered the details?
6. Do you have a plan of how you're going to approach your potential partner? Email? Phone call? FedEx?
7. Do you have the right attitude? A positive attitude is a must for a successful joint venture.
8. Are you prepared if your desired partner is not interested?
9. Are you prepared to negotiate?
10. Do you have a legal agreement? Do you need one?
11. Is this joint venture the best use of your time and resources, or do you have a better alternative?
12. Are you spending your own time, money and resources, or are you using other peoples' time, money and resources? A good joint venture partnership should at least have equal amounts of effort between partners. If you're creating a product using your own time and resources, then the other person should be spending as much time and resources promoting the product.
13. Is this deal as good as you thought it would be? Is the other party doing what he or she said they would?
14. Is this win/win and does every party benefit, or is someone being taken advantage of?
15. Is your partner ethical, honest and professional?
16. Do you have a promotional plan in place?
17. Do you have someone to handle every task, and are the responsibilities and profits being shared fairly?
18. Do you have checks and balances in place to track sales and profits?
19. Do you have a plan for your profits?
20. Are you making the most of your joint venture partnership, or are there opportunities you're overlooking?
If you can answer every question with a yes, then you've succeeded in a successful joint venture partnership. If there are a few no answers, take a step back and evaluate your plan.
Both Ginfo1 & Robert Williams are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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