Santorini has a great history and tradition. Santorini isthe most famous and popular magical Island in all over the world with beautifulbeaches, villages, spectacular landscape, unforgettable sunset and plenty ofmuseums to visit and see. There are plenty of museums in the island that speaksloudly about the rich history and tradition of Santorini. How ever one can geta wide idea about what was Santorini and what made the SantoriniIslandwe see today.
One can find aplenty of museum in Santorini such as; The Archaeological Museum, The MegaronGyzi, The Museum of Prehistoric Thira, The Folklore Museum, The Naval Museum, WineMuseum and many more.
The ArchaeologicalMuseum
The ArchaeologicalMuseum is based inSantorini's capital Fira just opposite of the cable car station. There is agreat collection Hellenistic and Roman sculpture ranging from Archaic to Romanperiod. How ever this Archaeological museum consists of vases and clayfigurines which are the very precious finds range from Geometric to classicalperiod.
This ArchaeologicalMuseum gives a wide idea about thelong history of the SantoriniIsland and represents various things found bydifferent excavations in island of Santorini.
The Megaron Gyzi
The Megaron Gyzi museum is located in Fira behind the Catholiccathedral. Fira is also known as Thira, The capital city of Santorini. The museum Megaron Gyzi exhibits afine collection of engravings dating from 16th century to 19thcentury. This museum is a cultural center and the prime aim of this museum isfor spiritual development and advancement in whole Cyclades.
During the up season or tourist period the Megaron Gyziorganizes various exhibitions such as: photo exhibition, painting exhibition,stage plays, musical events, film shows and many more to let the tourists knowabout the rich culture of the whole CycladicIsland.
The FolkloreMuseum
The FolkloreMuseum which was built in1861 in the capital of Santorini, housed in a conventional cave house. Thismuseum exhibits Traditional winery, barrels, wine press, linens and antiqueutensils. However one can get evidence of various volcanic excavations in the CycladicIsland. Here you can find the artgallery, historical archives and glimpse of past life of people on the SantoriniIsland.
The Museum ofPrehistoric Thira:
This museum is situated at capital city of Santorini, Fira. Many things admire thismuseum such as masterpieces of art fro the prehistoric time, history of Thira,geology of Thira, and hey day of the city at Akrotiri.
The wine museum exhibits the life and history of wine datingfrom 1660 to 1970. However the wine museum is an amazing natural cave which 300meters long and situated 6 meters below the ground level.
TheNaval Maritime Museum:
The Naval museum is located in the famous and traditional village of Oiaon the northwest coast of SantoriniIsland. This museumconsists of huge and rich collection of maritime items by retracing the Santorini'snaval history. This maritime museum gives a wide idea about the prosperity ofOia was in pick in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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