As a kid, were you the type to collect newspaper clippings, drawings, photographs as a kid and sticking them to an old worn out textbook, only to loose it on one of the school benches? If so, there is a perfect way to relive those childhood memories. It is a very popular activity which counts millions of hobbyist around the world: scrapbooking.
Scrapbooking is the art to collect and arrange in a single place items that are important to you, items to which good memories are associated. These items can be various: they can be newspaper clippings, tickets, photographs, flowers or whatever really, there are no set rules. Scrapbooking is a very personal art. It is a fantastic way to protect your memories.
Even if as a kid you didn't partake in scrapbooking, it is ok as new people are constantly discovering this most excellent hobby and are forming a thriving online community of enthusiasts.
Today scrapbooking is big. It is also big business. Gone are the amateur textbooks and DIY improvisations, there is a host of supplies catering to every budding or professional scrapbooker needs. You will find literally everything from scissors to binders, albums and everything in between. These will also come in all styles, cute and flowery for the girls or plain and sleek for those looking for a more conservative look.
Everything has evolved, from the glue to the pins, everything. There are now specialized glues that won't spill and leave a mess behind. You can also find special scrapbooking tapes if you want to forego the glue route. These glues and tapes are so well suited to scrapbooking that you are not limited to sticking papers but can also stick various things like flowers or plastic and even metal materials. Consequently, scrapbooking has become much more versatile and memory albums can now protect a wider range of memories, so to speak.
Scrapbooking is used today in a variety of ways and not just for memory keeping. It can be used as gifts, recipe books and more. The only limit to its use is your imagination.
We hope that your interest has been spiked and that you will consider joining the great community and family of scrapbooking. May you have wonderful memories to keep.
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