'Skin rashes" is a general term that describes a group of spots, an area of inflammation, or changes in the color or texture of the skin. Most of the time a rash that has been present for a couple of days will go away on its own. Warning signs that should send you to the doctor sooner rather than later are pain, rapid swelling causing shortness of breath, bleeding blisters in the mouth or eyes, skin that is rapidly turning dusky or black, and large amounts of skin peeling in sheets. As you can see, using rash rule #1 of frustration will get you to the right place.
The most common rashes and their causes:
Contact Rashes - are common rashes often caused by dyes and chemicals in clothing, rubber, latex and elastic, cosmetics, soaps, detergents and plants like Poison Oak, Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac?
Dandruff or Seborrheic Dermatitus - are common rashes associated with age, stress, fatigue, weather extremes, oily skin, infrequent shampooing and alcohol-based lotions.
Other common rashes include Eczema (often associated with allergies or asthma), Psoriasis, Impetigo, Shingles and rashes caused by a host of childhood diseases like chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever.
Herbal Medicine for Skin Rashes
Apis : Apis is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of person affected with skin rashes where an allergic response from the body to an allergen was the cause of the rash, resulting in a condition like hives, this treatment must also be followed where the rash is pinkish in color and is accompanied by a swelling in the affected area usually appearing with burning and or stinging pain and discomfort. Further more the application of external cold compresses can alleviate the swelling and the discomfort in the affected regions of the body. The appearance of any of these symptoms in the body of the affected person requires the utilization of Apis as a homeopathic remedy.
Ledum: Ledum is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of individuals afflicted with a skin rash, where the rash is given to swelling and puffiness along with itchy sensations. The application of cold compresses may soothe the discomfort felt from the swollen and itchy areas. The appearance of any of these symptoms in the affected person requires the immediate use of Ledum as a homeopathic remedy.
Homeopathy Ape: Graphites, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox. And Sulfur may be helpful. Herbal Medicine Marigold tea, calendula ointment, or aloe Vera gel is all helpful. Aromatherapy Add 12 drops of fennel, geranium, or sandalwood to 2fl oz/60ml of carrier oil.
Goldenseal: To make an astringent wash, pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons powdered root. Let cool. Apply four times a day. After each application, sprinkle a little powdered root on the rash.
Witch hazel: Make a no distilled extract by soaking 1/2 cup leaves in 1 cup water for 24 hours. Add 2 tablespoons alcohol as a preservative. Or use a standardized commercial extract. Apply up to four times a day.
Utica: is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of a skin rash afflicting a person having all the symptoms of a nettle rash in appearance as well as in the sensations, the skin is covered by blotches, accompanied with an intense stinging and burning sensation.
Skin Rashes During Pregnancy
Summer is a time to relax, enjoy yourself, maybe get a tan and forget about your everyday troubles. However, whilst it may be one of the happiest times, summer can also bring a lot of grief to your skin. People with oily skin will find that their condition becomes worse, there is the ever present risk of developing skin cancer, and the skin can also become overly dry. However, something many people do not think about, are the many rashes which the skin can develop over the summer months.
Summer rashes can be frustrating, itchy, and sometimes hard to get rid of. So what causes them and what should we be doing prevent them from occurring in the first place?
Summer Skin Rashes
When summer finally arrives people start to take part in summer activities and unfortunately these activities increase the risk of skin rashes occurring. There are many reasons why these rashes appear, some can be caused by too much heat, whilst others can occur through exposure to insects and certain plants. Whatever the rash is caused by, it can become extremely irritating and itchy if left untreated. Some common summer skin rashes include:
Heat Rash
This is by far the most common skin rash which occurs during the summer months. It is more common in people with fair skin and you can identify it by small red blisters or large spots, appearing on the areas which have had the most sun exposure. This type of rash can be extremely itchy and it often occurs either immediately or a few hours after being exposed to the sun. The only way to really prevent this rash is to wear a high sun protection factor sunscreen at all times whilst out in the sun..
Photosensitivity Caused by Drugs
It is possible for some medications to make a person more sensitive to sun exposure. This condition is known as drug induced Photosensitivity and a rash most commonly appears with the condition. Some drugs which may cause this include the birth control pill, anti inflammatory drugs and blood pressure medicine.
Photoallergic Dermatitis
A rash appears with this condition as the sun reacts to certain chemicals which are on the skin. Cosmetics, perfumes and soap can all cause this kind of rash and even some sunscreens can contribute. Obviously if you do notice this you should stop using whichever chemical is causing the problem, if you can actually identify it that is!
Prickly Heat
This is another common rash which is caused by the sweat which the sun produces. Otherwise known as Malaria, it occurs when the sweat ducts become blocked or there is too much perspiration. They tend to break open and this allows the sweat to leak just under the skin which is what causes the rash to occur.
Rashes Caused by Plants
In summer some plants really come into bloom, and often if you come into contact with some of them, you will gain a nice little rash! Some common plants which cause these kinds of rashes include daffodils, stinging nettles, Japanese Boxwood and Ivy. So always stay away from wild plants as much as possible.
Insect Bites
Insect bites are quite common in summer as more insects are drawn to the heat. The bite can cause a nasty, itchy little rash so it is always best to protect yourself with insect repellent throughout the summer.
The best way to treat any rash is to try and not scratch it. However tempting it may be and however itchy the rash is, scratching it can cause the rash to become infected. If you do end up with an infection you may need to go to the doctors who will prescribe you antibiotics to clear it up. Generally rashes clear up on their own, though if it does persist and you start to develop a fever, it is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Both Peter sams & Louise Forrest are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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