It is simply the practice of writing articles and publishing them online via your choice of the thousands of article directories available. These article submission directories range from niche specific to broad based. Here are the top 10 benefits of article marketing.
#1 Provide valuable knowledge. The articles you submit and publish help people solve their problems, learn more, and find the answers to their questions. It doesn't matter what type of business you own, you have knowledge people are looking for.
#2 Build credibility. When you share your knowledge with people, you help to establish yourself as an expert. The more knowledge and information you provide, the more credibility you have.
#3 Increase brand awareness. Article directories have a broad reach. You submit your article to them, they publish it online AND your article is available for reprint on blogs and websites around the world. Not to worry, the businesses that use your article keep your contact information, links, and bio 100% intact. Write a good article and it could be published in 500 different website. Each one of these websites has their own target market and group of visitors who will, once they read your article, be aware of you and your business.
#4 Increase exposure. Advertising and marketing rule of thumb says it takes 3 to 7 exposures for brand recognition. That means if someone sees something related to your business, an article, your logo, an online ad, a few times, then you'll be part of their conscious. Think about how many McDonald's commercials you saw as a child. Whether you like the place or not, it's likely the first thing you think of when someone says fast food. Article marketing helps you reach your customers and potential customers several times.
#5 Drive traffic to your website. Each article you write will have a bio box. Your bio will include a link to your website. If you include a little teaser at the end of your article then your reader's will click through to your website to learn more about your business and what you have to offer.
#6 Promote your products or services. Your article can help to promote your products or services. While you will want to make sure the article provides value, no one wants to read a sales pitch, you can throw in a few "suggestions" to promote your business.
#7 Increase SEO with links. The more people that publish your article, the more links you'll have back to your website. Search engines look for quality links to your website when determining your ranking.
#8 Earn new customers. Article marketing will give you new customers. Whether your business is brand spanking new or you've been in business for decades, you will gain new customers from article marketing. It's almost guaranteed. Searching for a solution, they'll hop online to do some research, they'll find your article, you'll impress them with your knowledge, they'll click to your website and bam! New customer.
#9 It is one of the easiest forms of marketing you can do. If you already have content written, article marketing is literally a cut and paste operation.
#10. It is free. 99% of the article directories are free. A few offer upgrade services that offer a few features you may be interested in. Even if you choose to pay for these features your ROI is going to be very high.
Article marketing is a win win opportunity. You win by increasing your exposure with a free marketing tool and your customers win because they benefit from your knowledge.
The Top 10 Guns
Have you ever considered working from home? I'd be surprised if your answer was no. Many of us desire to work from home but get discouraged when they hear of how their best friend's cousin's brother-in-law failed. Let's face it, that guy was an idiot. If you really want to work from home, don't allow anything to stop you. This article will show the top 25 benefits of working from home. I'm not naive enough to believe that it's everyone's dream, but if it's yours, you can't afford not to take some action today.
1) Productivity
Many home workers report that they are more focused and productive than they were before they began working from home.
2) Clothing- optional
There's is no dress code unless clients are coming to your home. You can lounge around in whatever makes you comfortable. As long as your mind is sharp, it doesn't matter what you're wearing.
3) No Commute
With gas up to $4 a gallon, not having to drive to work really saves money. A couple of my friends work an hour away from home. Working from home means that you can start a college investment fund for your children with the extra cash you save.
4) Be A Full Time Parent
Depending on what type of work at home opportunity you have, you may be able to take care of a nursing infant while working. Being available as a parent is a desire that many parents have. Working from home makes you more accessible.
5) Flexible Hours
With most work from home opportunities, no one dictates what hours you work. If you want to work at 3 a.m. like I'm doing now, you have that as an option.
6) Work From Anywhere
Most home working opportunities only require an internet connection. So if you're at home, or on vacation in Italy, you'll still be able to work.
7) Unlimited Income
Most work at home opportunities are offered on a commission only basis. Once you learn how to make money online, your income is unlimited.
8) Increased Health
Most people working a regular job say that they don't exercise because they simply don't have enough time. When you work from home, you set your schedule. If you want to work out between 9a.m. and 10a.m., there's no one there telling you why that's unacceptable. Eating healthier has also been reported from those who work at home.
9) Do What You Love
For me this is my number one benefit. When I began working from home, I can't say I loved what I did. However, with all the free time I had I was able to give more focus to what I love, which is writing.
10) Start Risk Free Before Quitting The Job
Many work at home opportunities allow you to get started without a lot of time and money. Some of the more advanced opportunities require a $5,000 investment, however, most do not. My mentors Donald Trump and Mark Victor Hanson always talk about doing what you enjoy. Seek businesses you can start that greatly interest you. One of the things I enjoy is helping people earn money from home. I'm working with a business system that I believe is the best one I've ever seen. The Program is called 4 Minute Money. This system is simple to use, has a very low investment, and most importantly works.
There are many great benefits to working from home. Above I have listed ten, but there are tons of benefits. Many people make excuses about why they can't do this or that. Don't do that. I want you to be the one who takes these benefits to heart and get started building a home business today. Nothing in this life is easy. Effort is required from you. But if you get started today and succeed, you'll change your life and your family's life forever. Good luck into the future.
Both Mindy Benkert & Demond Jackson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Mindy Benkert has sinced written about articles on various topics from Personal Finance, Marketing and Home Based Business. Mindy Benkert is a successful internet marketer and mom. Mindy wants to teach you How to Promote Your Business to SUCCESS! Oh, did I mention, she will do i. Mindy Benkert's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Mindy Benkert to your Favourites.
Demond Jackson has sinced written about articles on various topics from College Student Loan, Automated Forex and Marriage. Demond Jackson is an entrepreneur who looks for ways to help people earn money from home. His newest find is the 4 Minute Money System He's written a personal review of the. Demond Jackson's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Demond Jackson to your Favourites.
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