Information-based marketing is one of the oldest techniques in getting visitors to websites. It is also one of the most effective ways to get more exposure, both to search engines and real people. This is why nowadays more and more marketers involve article to promote their products on the internet.
The process of distributing articles is also getting easier. There are already many tools that people can use, from web based services to desktop based software.
But before submitting your articles there are several points you should notice for a better chance of approval:
- Use keyword and keyword phrases in the title and body of your article. You may have noticed that when searching something on the search engines, articles with those keywords will be displayed, including the ones which are located in article directories. Use tools in the internet that could help you in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly sought out. There are even free tools you can use for this purpose like nichebot and Overture keyword selector.
- Don't forget about keyword density which is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on your article. Just be sure not to overdo them Keyword density should not be too high or too low. Add some alternatives for that keyword.
- Your article should be written well with correct spelling. Some tools like Word Processor can do it for you. Although still not perfect you can also conduct grammar checking using Word Processor.
- Count the length of your article. How many words and characters it has. For many directories articles that contain 400 words should be enough.
- Make sure there is no another article that has exact same title with yours. You can use search engines like Google to check it. Just put your title in search engine's searching box and watch the result.
- There is another important thing to remember. Don't ever forget to include a link to your site in resource box with a brief description of your site. It is also your chance to place anchor texts.
Not all article directories have exact same guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting. Some of them may not allow you to submit articles in unlimited numbers (e.g. one article per week). Some even don't allow you to put html code on resource box. It is true that submitting articles to article directories is a surefire way to drive hot traffic to your web site but make sure you follow their rules.