You may name your project as a final name of the product or you may just give it a code name that means something to you.
2. Understand what part of the three step process you are in:
Acquisition, presentation or promotion.
Here is a simple question to ask yourself to check if you are on track with your time budget, "What is this activity designed to do?" or perhaps, "What is the outcome of this activity?"
This will help you to identify if you are spending time in the wrong area at the wrong time.
3. Set up check lists to make sure everything is covered. Focus on completion.
4. Promotion: Clearly define your action steps.
5. Track the results or your promotional campaign in terms of traffic, click through rates, subscribers and purchasers. Include costs of conducting your campaign and compare that to your sales to determine your return on investment. It is only by tracking the results of the promotion that you will know how to effectively change the presentation for further testing.
A spreadsheet is an invaluable tool as a template for specifying your promotional campaign and also for tracking results, costs and return on investment. Adding in columns for each day of the week allows you to allocate your time so that all your promotions are covered in a time effective manner. This becomes your business gauge by which you assess the effectiveness of your promotional campaign.
Earning an income on the internet is a process that in broad terms involves three stages:
1. Getting your product (acquisition)
2. Developing your product presentation
3. Promoting the product
In this article, "product" means any tangible product, digital products (ebooks and software) and services such as membership sites, web design and development, hosting, "print on demand" for ebooks, fulfillment for orders and so on.
By necessity you will spend time in each of these stages. Each stage will involve a learning phase and an action phase. It's important to identify clearly what stage of development you are currently working on and to focus on completing that stage.
1. Getting your product (acquisition).
Choose between your own product and an affiliate product.
This will involve identifying a demand using for example surveys or the popularity of search terms.
Key Point: Once you have your product you can stop spending time looking at other product possibilities for the time being.
2. Developing your product presentation.
Once you have chosen your product you will need to develop a presentation.
This will include your website primarily and can also include autoresponder sequences and a newsletter.
Key Points: Once your website and presentation process is completed you can move on to the promotion. You can always improve the presentation but once your presentation is "presentable" you should move on to promotion. Don't get caught up trying to make things perfect. Good, yes; perfect, no. The reality is things can always be changes. It does not matter if you have the best product in your niche and the best presentation if nobody knows about it. Give your presentation your best shot and then start promoting.
3. Promoting the product.
No matter now good your product and presentation are, you must get your presentation in front of your intended audience or nothing happens.
"We have to become better at promoting what we do than doing what we do."
This is where it is also important to be clear about what stage you are in. Remember, time is limited, so if you have already chosen your product and developed your presentation it is not productive to keep looking for products or spending a great deal of time "tweaking" your presentation.
Time can always be spent tweaking sales copy, images, layout, web presentation, upgrading or trying new software, investigating new product opportunities (before the current one is complete), improving design skills, keeping up with the changing web "standards"... The list can seem endless.
Key Point: Time is better spent developing a clear promotional strategy and putting it into action. Only when you are seeing results from your promotional activities should you consider altering your presentation (such as modifying headlines and sales copy) to assess how that affects conversion of prospects to customers.
A spreadsheet is an invaluable tool as a template for specifying your promotional campaign and also for tracking results, costs and return on investment. Adding in columns for each day of the week allows you to allocate your time so that all your promotions are covered in a time effective manner. This becomes your business gauge by which you assess the effectiveness of your promotional campaign.
Understanding the three stages of the business process and the stage you are in, using checklists and tracking your results using business gauges are the proven ways to maximize your time, your effectiveness and your profits
Time After Time Mp3
After divorce, we often hear people tell us, "Time heals all wounds," or "Just give it some time," or "You'll feel better in the morning?" Used like this, time is seen as some type of healing source. But is it, really? Will the passage of time really "heal all our wounds?" Will it actually bring happiness to our life after divorce? Or is there more to it than that?
1. An Example of How Time Alone Does Not Heal the Pain of Divorce
Faye, my sister-in-law, was a teacher and school administrator. When I met her, she had already been divorced for five years. She had gotten the house, the kids, the car - and the humiliation of having her ex, also a school administrator in the same school system, leave her for one of Faye's teaching colleagues. For the next fifteen years, Faye only mentioned her ex and his wife in derogatory or cynical terms. She threw herself into her work. She tried to begin new relationships - all to no avail. She died an early death from cancer without ever getting past the personal hurt and public mortification the divorce caused.
2. Another Example of How Time Alone Does Not Heal the Pain of Divorce
The daughter of a divorced man, Robert, approached me to help her dad recover from his divorce. He and his wife argued over renting out the basement in their house. He opposed renting it. She rented it anyway to a single mother with an infant. One day the renter's ex came to the house and murdered his former wife and child. Robert could not take it and divorced her. He took the divorce hard. He isolated himself from his friends and family and started drinking heavily. How long he had been divorced? 13 years!
3. Time Alone Will Not Heal the Pain of Your Divorce
If time is supposed to heal all wounds, shouldn't 13 to 20 years surely be enough! They weren't. Time alone heals nothing. Andy Warhol, of all people, got it right when he observed, "They say that time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself." It is not time per s? that facilitates recovery from divorce, but what we do with that time, as Laura's story below illustrates.
4. A Success Story - How Time Can Be Used to Make Divorce Recovery Successful
Laura had been divorced four years. The pain was as fresh as if it had happened yesterday. She was so distressed she literally could not even say the name of her ex out loud. She had been told, "Give it some time and the pain will subside." She did, but it didn't. She was at her wit's end. She said, "I'll do anything" to get rid of the pain. For five weeks she worked with me on the tasks of making a smooth divorce recovery - dealing with her reactions, finding her personal resources, removing her barriers to change, etc. Afterwards, she not only was able to talk about her ex, but even was able to meet with her twice to recover some of her belongings she had been unable to retrieve. She used the time to make the change herself. She was on her way to a successful life after divorce.
5. What's the Point?
Time by itself heals nothing. Spending our time looking for what can be done that we can personally control is far more productive than sitting in the shadows waiting for time to "make things right." Our job is to use our time to deal with the emotion-based as well as the rational demands of making a smooth recovery from divorce.
Both Jim Mack & Jerald Young are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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