Owning a ferret is a lot of work, but can be very rewarding, too. For those who are looking for a pet that can keep them busily occupied and amused, this may be the perfect animal for the task.
Ferrets are small animals, and you will be easily able to lift and carry one anytime. No back injuries will occur from lifting your pet. However, don't let their small size fool you into thinking they are dull. On the contrary, ferrets are inquisitive, and love exploring.
They need attention not so much in the manner of caring for them, but rather in providing fun things to do. If you don't see to this need, your pet will find something to do for fun that you may not like. Hint, hint!
When you decide to get one of these cute little creatures as a pet and companion, you should take the time to learn about their needs. You will need to purchase a few things to get yourself started -- including a proper cage, proper ferret food and vitamins, and toys.
A visit to the veterinarian should be undertaken in the first couple of weeks, and then yearly afterwards, similar to other pets. As will all pets, you will need to spend money and time on your new ferret, so make that commitment before you bring one home. Your job is to provide a safe and fun home for your new companion.
Perhaps the best way to determine whether you are a good match for the personality of a ferret is to visit and play with one at an animal shelter. Doing so will give you a sense of how they like to interact and play with humans.
As well, time spent visiting and playing with a ferret at a shelter can help you to find the one that is best suited for your needs and your capabilities. A baby ferret, known as a kit, is a lot of work, and needs to be trained.
Thus a kit might not be the best choice if you are new to the world of ferrets. Why not start with an adult, and spend a few years learning about their habits and likes and dislikes before you venture into caring for a young animal. You'll be more ready then, to work with a kit, and watch it grow into your life and home for many years.
If you want a pet that is small and playful, a ferret might be right for you!
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